Can anyone see this?

Yay congratulations!!! Is your name really right mummy to 10?! Wow!!
Yay congratulations!!! Is your name really right mummy to 10?! Wow!!
Yes :) I have ten lol. My eldest is 24 now and youngest is nearly 4. I turned 41 a couple of weeks ago, so I’m shocked this has happened now. Been trying for this one for over 2 years. Gave up hope. Thank you
Oh I love seeing the tests keep taking em lol. Wow how amazing to have such a big family!!
Didn’t do an fmu one today.

Bought some Asda tests and did this one after about an hour hold this afternoon. I think it looks good. 13 dpo.

Started with tingling boobs today.

Oh I love seeing the tests keep taking em lol. Wow how amazing to have such a big family!!
It’s hard work, but fun, especially at Christmas.

I am until at least I miss AF. Might have to stop soon tho as I will end up obsessing over progression knowing me x
Wow!! Congrats!! We are born in the same year! I turn 41 next month and I've been trying for my 6th for about 2 years as well. My 5th was a late miscarriage in Dec 2022. I'm so so hoping to be blessed with one last rainbow baby to complete our family! Your pregnancy news is giving me hope!! Did you do anything different this cycle???
Wow!! Congrats!! We are born in the same year! I turn 41 next month and I've been trying for my 6th for about 2 years as well. My 5th was a late miscarriage in Dec 2022. I'm so so hoping to be blessed with one last rainbow baby to complete our family! Your pregnancy news is giving me hope!! Did you do anything different this cycle???
Thank you. Didn’t think this was going to happen. I’d given up hope tbh. Erm….. I drank occasionally, ate what I fancied lol, didn’t take any vitamins etc (gave up on them ages ago). I just went with when my body was telling me I was going to ovulate and we dtd 2/3 times around then like we normally do. Can’t say anything I did or didn’t do helped.

I hope it happens for you very soon. I know just how disheartening it is every month. Fingers crossed for u xx
Thank you. Didn’t think this was going to happen. I’d given up hope tbh. Erm….. I drank occasionally, ate what I fancied lol, didn’t take any vitamins etc (gave up on them ages ago). I just went with when my body was telling me I was going to ovulate and we dtd 2/3 times around then like we normally do. Can’t say anything I did or didn’t do helped.

I hope it happens for you very soon. I know just how disheartening it is every month. Fingers crossed for u xx
Thanks Holly82
Sounds like you had a very relaxing TTCing. haha. I took about a year to conceive my last baby which ended up in a miscarriage. But the past year was spent mainly WTT because of some thyroid issues which has been sorted out. I managed to TTC for 2 cycles, but the first one was a chemical. I'm still hoping for a Christmas BFP!
Congratulations! Yep they're the boots ones I think are good. They're definitely not quite as sensitive and the dye isn't as dark, but they're cheaper and still pretty good! And that's a very obvious bfp for you!!!
Just wanted to stop by and say congratulations! That's so exciting!
Thanks Holly82
Sounds like you had a very relaxing TTCing. haha. I took about a year to conceive my last baby which ended up in a miscarriage. But the past year was spent mainly WTT because of some thyroid issues which has been sorted out. I managed to TTC for 2 cycles, but the first one was a chemical. I'm still hoping for a Christmas BFP!
Lol yes it was.

I hope it happens for you I really do xx
Thank you everyone. We are on cloud 9 at the moment.

Just thought I’d share this test. It’s one of those week detection ones but not the digital type. I’ve never used one before, so I thought I’d try.

It looks like I was right about ovulation been exactly 2 weeks ago today. I had a short cycle of 27 days like last month, so would have been due today.

Quite handly to know :)




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