Hope you don't mind me posting on this thread. We had our first IUI done on 31/3/10 with HCG trigger shot on 29/3/10. Since taking the trigger shot have had preg symptoms which don't seem to be dissapearing. Was told to take a HPT in 2 weeks after the IUI - does the trigger shot really stay in your system for 14 days? I was reading forums where some women had taken a HPT and it had dissapeared within 48 hours or so??? I'm keeping everything crossed anyway that we will be successful
Good luck to you too JAR. I have no idea about the trigger shot staying in your system. Seems like it wouldn't though since it is just a simulated LH surge.
Had my follow up consult today. If I can get two documentations of lab works over to my clinic, then all is AGO with IUI treatment this coming up cycle. I will get my fingers cross.
Funny how the Nurse Asst said "Lab work rarly ever goes misfiled..." and I thought to myself "Yup, because rarely always happens to me, and not with the lottery." lol
Best of luck with your scan NYBison! Clomid is a very effective medication, so I'm sure it's gonna get you some good eggies!
JAR - I tested 11dpIUI, and I did worry whether the trigger shot was still in my system. I felt preg symptoms from the trigger, then for 1 day, the symptoms seemed to go away, and then was back the day after. I think the day it went away was the day the trigger short left by body which was around 7dpIUI. They do say 14 days on the safe side, so that you don't get a false positive, but I think for most people you're ok tested after 10 days...
Thanks guys. So, my CD 7 ultrasound concluded that I did have eggs that began to mature. However, they are very small. I have to go back in on Tuesday, for another ultrasound. If the eggs are no grwoing the way their suppose to im going to start the injectables.
Plus, I have to go back in again on Saturday for another ultrasound. I am so happy, my doc is so on top of things.
Fo those of you that positives on your first IUI, what were your follicule sizes on the day you triggered or if you know CD 7 or 14?
Hey NYBison - it took me 23 days to O on clomid, which is why I was only on it for 2 cycles before I went onto injectables. But even on the injectables, it took me 20 days before they did the trigger - my follies took sooooooooooo long to respond! But by the 20 days, they were about 18mm. At CD14, they were still only 8mm!
I went back to the Drs yesterday and the eggs were still small, so he put me on 75iu of Follistim, I have to take it CD 11- 14 and I go back to him on Saturday CD 15 to see how much they have grown. How did you do on the injectables? It appears that I might be having the iui late too.
Hey NYBison - with the injectibles, I still didn't O until really late (around CD20), and they were a bugger because they left bruises all underneath my belly button, but I felt so much better on it then clomid - I found that clomid dried up my cm, and made me feel reall bloated, whereas on the injectibles, I didn't have any side effects, and once you get use to doing the injections, it really isn't bad (and I hate needles!). I hope your foillies wake up soon - I know that it can be frustrating! But it will happen! x
Hello ladies, I am taking the liberty to barge in this post as it seems truly inspiring for those going in for their first IUI.
I had my first IUI on March 14 and got a BFP thereafter. However I am still so addicted to success stories that I keep lurking on such posts.
I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant today but still extremely anxious and keepng everythg crossed n hoping all goes fine.
nybison1978 and CaseyBaby718 I wish u all d best for ur IUIs. N Joli, wishing u a happy n healthy full term.
Thanks guys. So, I went to my CD 14 ultrasound today and YAHOO, we have one foli at 15mm, we will be coutinuing the follistim 75iu, today, tomorrow and monday along with ganirelix, in hopes that another egg matures, I go back to the dr on Monday CD 16, I will trigger on CD 16 and we will have the IUI on CD 18 which is this Wednesday if all goes well, i cant wait.
NYbison- Congrats on your mature Folli!! Also make sure DH takes vitamins with Selenium in them, and make sure he is nice and energized for his appt. They say that when a man is invigorated so is his sperm.
FX'd for your BFP!
Thanks guys, I am so excited (still) I just came from my CD 16 ultasound and the lil lady (foli) is 24mm now. YAHOOOOOOOOO!
I have to continue the follistim and ganirelix tonight as soon as a get home then I take the ovidrel at 12pm. We are going to have the IUI on Wednesday. I cant wait for the 2ww.
We are going to Disney in May and its also my birthday. This will be the best B-day present ever. And also Mothers Day gift.
Hey ladies. I was on here briefly before but just wanted to let you all know that my May consultation for IUI has been bumped up to this thursday. Someone cancelled and so the DR called me. I am currently on CD 15 and just hoping that we do it by ourselves this month. I guess she wants to get me prepared for the IUI next month and all it entails. Wishing everyone luck.
So, pending my period starting, my IUI will begin this month. I'm going to call the clinic tomorrow and just make sure everything is a-go. DR said at our last appt that if I could get all my "t's crossed and i's dotted" we could start this coming cycle. Well everything is crossed and dotted. YEY
NYBison - that's awesome news!!! IUI tomorrow!!! woop woop!!! I'm so excited for you! I know this sounds silly, but after your IUI, and for the next few days, imagine the spermys finding the eggy and then your little beanie implanting. This was the advice the doctor gave me, and I swear I even felt my eggy making its way down the tube. I remember writing it to girls on another thread thinking I must be imagining things...but I wasn't!
Mrskcbrown - best of luck this month, but in the meantime, very exciting that your IUI is all lined up!
Casey - when is AF due? Hopefully you'll be starting really soon!!
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