hey ladies!! not sure how many of you lovely people still check in here but wanted to update you with my news!!
I havent posted in a while as I was trying to take a break from the obsessing and it seems to have worked! I finally got my first ever BFP on Christmas Day after our 4th IUI, best xmas present ever!!! I am terrified to even say it out loud as I am so scared I'll jinx it, I'm still not even 4 weeks yet!!
I had had lots of problems with my lining not getting thick enough in the past so was given extra estrogen this cycle which I think was what made the difference, my lining was 8.7mm on cd9 and we had the iui on cd11. First BFP was at 10dpiui and the line has been getting steadily darker since! I am 14dpiui tomorrow, I havent phoned the hospital yet as my official test day isnt til Friday but I am fit to burst!! I am so so scared, almost as scared as I was that I would never get pregnant, after all this time it almost feels too good to be true but to just know that it is possible is amazing and I will take every day of being pregnant I can get, hopefully all the way to September!!
Hope everyone is doing well!
hey ladies!! not sure how many of you lovely people still check in here but wanted to update you with my news!!
I havent posted in a while as I was trying to take a break from the obsessing and it seems to have worked! I finally got my first ever BFP on Christmas Day after our 4th IUI, best xmas present ever!!! I am terrified to even say it out loud as I am so scared I'll jinx it, I'm still not even 4 weeks yet!!
I had had lots of problems with my lining not getting thick enough in the past so was given extra estrogen this cycle which I think was what made the difference, my lining was 8.7mm on cd9 and we had the iui on cd11. First BFP was at 10dpiui and the line has been getting steadily darker since! I am 14dpiui tomorrow, I havent phoned the hospital yet as my official test day isnt til Friday but I am fit to burst!! I am so so scared, almost as scared as I was that I would never get pregnant, after all this time it almost feels too good to be true but to just know that it is possible is amazing and I will take every day of being pregnant I can get, hopefully all the way to September!!
Hope everyone is doing well!
greeneyes - very few early symptoms to be honest. I have had cramping since 6dpiui but I had that on my failed cycles also. The ony slightly different things are that my skin normally clears up just before af but this time it has stayed really bad and my nipples started getting really tingly about 11dpiui, also I am hugely bloated which would normally have eased off by now. Best of luck for your cycle.
labmommy - I was on buserilin and puregon for this cycle, same as for all my others but this time I started taking estrogen tablets as well on cd8. I believe thats what made the difference for me.
Hey this is new to me! My husband and I have been trying for almost 3 years, and we got pregnant in 09 and i had a miscarriage Dec. 09. After that we have been trying none stop since and nothing has happened. I have been checking temps, and ovalution kits. My doctor is sending me to Dr. Barnett (Dallas,Tx) we have our appt on Tuesday 3/1. Does any have an suggestions on questions to ask the doctor, or tell me how your 1st appt went? We are trying to do IUI in March do you think that is to soon? My period will be here March 12. Let me know thanks!