MrsMaiden - I'm sorry that they're abandoning this cycle for you... my follies were really unresponsive as well (too me 23 days to O), but my uterine lining was ok I believe. Maybe they need to try you on a different kind of FHS medication, there's so many out there, so maybe it's just a case of finding out which one works for you. I'm glad DH will be able to make it home though - what a nightmare!
NYBison - I didn't feel any particular symptoms at 6dpo, but at 7dpo, I felt what I thought was gas cramps, and they came and went...but 8dpo, I felt nothing again. At 9dpo, I thought I would test, just in case the gas cramps was actually implantation (oh, and nipples started to get sore at 9dpo), and I got a faint faint line... I wouldn't test that early though, I didn't realise that you could still get a false positve from the trigger shot, so I worried for a couple of days whether it was a real BFP or not. I think most people say you can test 14 days post-trigger shot to be 100% sure there is no false positive. Don't worry about not having any symptoms, tons of girls don't feel a thing!! As long as you don't feel AF coming along, that's a good thing! Did you get any symptoms from the trigger shot?