Can anyone shed some light on IUI odds?

oh well didn't get a peak this morn on my cbfm, so glad we dtd last night cos hopefully it'll be tomorrow now - sick of waiting i just wanna get on with it!!
MrsJPC - I am taking 400mg Progesterone pessaries twice a day. And they are ick, seriously ick! (although if they work, I really don't care!)

Britt11 - good luck with your 2nd IUI - do you have any idea when it might be yet?

Sammy - I won't be testing until later next week. Do you test soon? Good luck!

I haven't tested since the first day to see whether the trigger is out of my system or not, thinking it will be a good incentive not to test too early as I need to be sure it's all gone.

mrssunshine - glad that it all worked out OK and fingers crossed that tomorrow is the day for you!

I had the most awful night last night. Went out for a family meal and saw my 21 year old nieces little 16 week bump for the first time, this is her second child. I then had to watch her go out for three cigarette breaks in 3 hours!! Then my family, who don't know that we are ttc, spent the whole night jibing at me and dh asking when we were going to have kids, the clock is ticking, blah blah blah. Actually had to go to the loo in the middle of the evening so that no one saw me go into complete meltdown! Went home totally miserable and this has stayed with me today. I feel horrible, so down and tearful and worst of all am feeling totally negative about this cycle thinking that this just isn't going to work for us. *cries* I cannot wait for next week and this can all just be decided one way or the other!
Mars - Maybe you should nicely but directly tell your family the truth. I'm learning more and more that bringing things into the light is so liberating. Sometimes well intentioned people do stupid things, and they need a little correction. Think about mustering up the courage to address it next time.

Hope everyone's doing well - seems like we're all waiting in one stage or another. I'm waiting to ovulate, will start testing with OPKs today, but likely won't peak until late next week.

I'm glad there are a bunch of us on here - there's bound to be at least bfp (hopefully there will be many!) :)
Oh Mars you poor thing. Lola is right though maybe it is time to let some of your family know. It is so hard though. No one really understands the ongoing feeling of all this unless they have been through it. I promise it will take some of the load off. At least it may prevent the dreaded 'when you gonna have a family then'

Last night I spoke to my 8 month pregnant sister-in-law. I explained that I was now waiting to see if the procedure had worked. She replyed, oh the waiting is the worst. It took her 4 months to fall naturally!

As for the smoking niece, avoid! She is no good for your health right now. Just think when it is your time (and it will be at some point!!) your baby will be one of the most wanted and loved in the world!

Stay positive!!!

Good luck, Britt! I went in the day after my positive too.
Hoping it works out for you!

Mars, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It hardly seems fair that you're dealing with this. I'm hoping this is your turn so it can all ease up on you. You are working on making a baby right at this moment. Who cares what they say. They obviously don't know whats really going on. You are for sure in my thoughts. Hope today goes a little easier on you.
MrsJPC - I am taking 400mg Progesterone pessaries twice a day. And they are ick, seriously ick! (although if they work, I really don't care!)

Britt11 - good luck with your 2nd IUI - do you have any idea when it might be yet?

Sammy - I won't be testing until later next week. Do you test soon? Good luck!

I haven't tested since the first day to see whether the trigger is out of my system or not, thinking it will be a good incentive not to test too early as I need to be sure it's all gone.

mrssunshine - glad that it all worked out OK and fingers crossed that tomorrow is the day for you!

I had the most awful night last night. Went out for a family meal and saw my 21 year old nieces little 16 week bump for the first time, this is her second child. I then had to watch her go out for three cigarette breaks in 3 hours!! Then my family, who don't know that we are ttc, spent the whole night jibing at me and dh asking when we were going to have kids, the clock is ticking, blah blah blah. Actually had to go to the loo in the middle of the evening so that no one saw me go into complete meltdown! Went home totally miserable and this has stayed with me today. I feel horrible, so down and tearful and worst of all am feeling totally negative about this cycle thinking that this just isn't going to work for us. *cries* I cannot wait for next week and this can all just be decided one way or the other!

Hello ladies,
thanks so much for the warm welcome.
Marsmaiden- I feel for you hon, omg that must have been so horrible, especially when they are on your case asking you when. My family knows we are ttc and they are behind us 100% (they even know we are on to IUI and possibly IVF if that doesnt work_. My mom would ask me every other day "so any news yet????" I had to tell her to stop asking and we would tell them when we have news, but since then has been great.

I am CD6 and I usually O on CD14 (sometimes CD13) so I think my IUI will be next Friday :happydance: Hopefully we get the timing right and some bd afterwards (last month we did not)

Gillie- I see your 7dpo :happydance: do you have a testing date? G.L. hon

Lola- I hope we have lots of BFPs soon as well, good luck with the opks! :thumbup:

Thank you all ladies, you are all so lovely, I came home from work today and had a proper wail and felt so much better for it. I am still feeling pretty highly strung but am putting it down to the hormones (hey at least when TTC we always have something to blame our bad moods on!!)

I am really loathe to tell my family about our ttc journey, tbh they are really just not that supportive in my life generally and I could just do without all the questions. My sister in law who has recently given birth and who I am close to knows and my best friend and that is about all I can handle right now. Oh and you lot of course! I'd be lost if I couldn't come on here and vent about all those innermost things that only those LTTTC really understand.

oodles of babydust to everyone!!
Mars - As long as you have some people then that is good.

Thank god it is Friday, this has been the longest week of my life and I still have another 11 days to go!!

Not helped that I keep experiencing AF like feelings and think she will catch me long before I can test.

This is hitting me hard today. Oh well least we have the football.....

x x x
Hi ladies

Hope you're ok mars - that sounds like an awful night out! I'm going out for my cousins 21st tomorrow night and i'm just hoping so much that they don't start asking me about babies cos i might just cry! my parents know, but its more my aunties and stuff that i think will be asking

well i've been for my 1st iui this morning and tbh hurt a lot more than i'd expected - i have a tight cervix and its a bit biconcave (least i think thats what she said), it took her quite a while to get things in the right place, she had to take it out once and start again!! not nice!! they were all really nice though - when we came out the room there was about 5 of them stood round they all wished us good luck, so thought that was quite nice of them. Gave me a preg test and said don't test for 2 wks!!! i hope i can hold out that long.

hope everyone else is doing ok

Britt, I test on the 17th but I'm so ready right now! I think I may cave and test on Sunday or Tuesday. I don't want to be caught off guard when they call with results Thursday.

MrsJPC, I keep getting that as well. So depressing! I'm really hoping it doesn't come for anyone here!
Hi ladies

Hope you're ok mars - that sounds like an awful night out! I'm going out for my cousins 21st tomorrow night and i'm just hoping so much that they don't start asking me about babies cos i might just cry! my parents know, but its more my aunties and stuff that i think will be asking

well i've been for my 1st iui this morning and tbh hurt a lot more than i'd expected - i have a tight cervix and its a bit biconcave (least i think thats what she said), it took her quite a while to get things in the right place, she had to take it out once and start again!! not nice!! they were all really nice though - when we came out the room there was about 5 of them stood round they all wished us good luck, so thought that was quite nice of them. Gave me a preg test and said don't test for 2 wks!!! i hope i can hold out that long.

hope everyone else is doing ok


MrsSunshine- the exact same thing happend to me last month with IUI, it was sooo painful. The nurse did the procedure and couldnt get in and then couldnt get further, so had to put it in a different tube :dohh: the whole thing took about 20 mins and was painful. I had an HSG the week before and it was peanuts compared to that. She told me my cervix was tight and curved as well, so I am going to take painkillers before I go in this month :)

Oh exciting Gillie, g.l. with the testing hon!!

MrsSunshine- the exact same thing happend to me last month with IUI, it was sooo painful. The nurse did the procedure and couldnt get in and then couldnt get further, so had to put it in a different tube :dohh: the whole thing took about 20 mins and was painful. I had an HSG the week before and it was peanuts compared to that. She told me my cervix was tight and curved as well, so I am going to take painkillers before I go in this month :)

i'm glad i'm not the only one (don't mean that in an awful way), everyone else seems to have been fine with their IUI. I was thinking the same about painkillers next month!!

Morning all

I cannot believe it is Monday already!

Good luck this week to all you testers.

8 days to go for me, am now scared the dreaded witch will turn up any day!

x x x
MrsJPC - I am taking 400mg Progesterone pessaries twice a day. And they are ick, seriously ick! (although if they work, I really don't care!)

Britt11 - good luck with your 2nd IUI - do you have any idea when it might be yet?

Sammy - I won't be testing until later next week. Do you test soon? Good luck!

I haven't tested since the first day to see whether the trigger is out of my system or not, thinking it will be a good incentive not to test too early as I need to be sure it's all gone.

mrssunshine - glad that it all worked out OK and fingers crossed that tomorrow is the day for you!

I had the most awful night last night. Went out for a family meal and saw my 21 year old nieces little 16 week bump for the first time, this is her second child. I then had to watch her go out for three cigarette breaks in 3 hours!! Then my family, who don't know that we are ttc, spent the whole night jibing at me and dh asking when we were going to have kids, the clock is ticking, blah blah blah. Actually had to go to the loo in the middle of the evening so that no one saw me go into complete meltdown! Went home totally miserable and this has stayed with me today. I feel horrible, so down and tearful and worst of all am feeling totally negative about this cycle thinking that this just isn't going to work for us. *cries* I cannot wait for next week and this can all just be decided one way or the other!

Hi hun, sorry ive not been about much but we only had the new laptop on Saturday and we have been busy! Well yesterday I was 9dpo and i thought i was 10dpo so I tested with a CB Digi and it came up not pregnant but this might be too soon for a digi as they are not very sensitive. Last time i was pregnant it came up by 10dpo though for me. I am sitting here waiting for the post man to come with my tests. I did test with an OPK yesterday (did this with my last pregnancy as well and it detected pregnancy) and it came up with a line but I cant take that seriously really as i need a HPT to be sure.

Anyone else testing today/soon? :hugs:
mrs sunshine - sorry that you found your IUI painful, that's a bit of a bummer. If its any consolation, my HSG was scream inducing painful so was very pleasantly surprised when I didn't have any trouble with the IUI. I was told to go in with a very full bladder which I did and she found my cervix very easily so maybe that helped?

Sammy - I think I am going to try and hold off testing until Friday. I am 9dpo in theory (10dpiui) but just don't think I can handle the stress of testing right now!

I have so many symptoms but none that I can't put down to the progesterone support. I've been tired, emotional, crampy and my boobs are really sore but they are all listed as side effects of the pessaries! I guess in a way it helps stop me obsessing a bit as there's no point trying to analyse every twinge! This tww is just killing me though, I don't think time could go any slower if it tried. Really trying not to get my hopes up, my follies were so small at the last scan and my lining wasn't great and my skin is clearing up which for me is normal for the week before AF (yeah I know it should be the other way round, I think it's just another example of how my body likes to mess with me!).

Is it Friday yet??

Gille - have you tested yet?
I feel like AF is just around the corner so I'm not going to test yet - I just couldn't face seeing yet another -ve result!!! I know it's not over til it's over - send me some PMA and good vibes please girlies.
I have so many symptoms but none that I can't put down to the progesterone support. I've been tired, emotional, crampy and my boobs are really sore but they are all listed as side effects of the pessaries! I guess in a way it helps stop me obsessing a bit as there's no point trying to analyse every twinge! This tww is just killing me though, I don't think time could go any slower if it tried. Really trying not to get my hopes up, my follies were so small at the last scan and my lining wasn't great and my skin is clearing up which for me is normal for the week before AF (yeah I know it should be the other way round, I think it's just another example of how my body likes to mess with me!).

Is it Friday yet??

Gille - have you tested yet?

I've been testing since 7/8dpo! I couldn't keep myself away from it. Thursday I felt like I had taken Ovidrel all over again (exhausted, nauseated) so that did me in. I thought it was the progesterone but I tested anyway. I'm thinking about calling my doc and going in sooner for my beta. I'm really nervous right now.
oh my, so exciting for all the girls in the 2ww- good luck with testingn for all of you :thumbup: hope we see a ton of bfps on this thread.
and yes, I think 9 dpo for a digi is really early, hopefully you get a positive on a lower sensitivity test soon.

I think I will probably be heading in for IUI this Friday. I was thinking of doing the IUI 2 days in a row, anyone done this before or have any thoughts on this?

mrs sunshine - sorry that you found your IUI painful, that's a bit of a bummer. If its any consolation, my HSG was scream inducing painful so was very pleasantly surprised when I didn't have any trouble with the IUI. I was told to go in with a very full bladder which I did and she found my cervix very easily so maybe that helped?

Sammy - I think I am going to try and hold off testing until Friday. I am 9dpo in theory (10dpiui) but just don't think I can handle the stress of testing right now!

I have so many symptoms but none that I can't put down to the progesterone support. I've been tired, emotional, crampy and my boobs are really sore but they are all listed as side effects of the pessaries! I guess in a way it helps stop me obsessing a bit as there's no point trying to analyse every twinge! This tww is just killing me though, I don't think time could go any slower if it tried. Really trying not to get my hopes up, my follies were so small at the last scan and my lining wasn't great and my skin is clearing up which for me is normal for the week before AF (yeah I know it should be the other way round, I think it's just another example of how my body likes to mess with me!).

Is it Friday yet??

Gille - have you tested yet?

I know what you mean... i had all the symptoms with the FET (not sore boobs that though) and it was BFN.

I had sore boobs before the ET because of the meds so I could never class that as a sure symptom of pregnancy!!!

I don't hold out much hope to be honest for this cycle.. I dont know i just have that feeling. My bloody tests have not arrived. They better arrive tomorrow or i'm going to have to go into town and buy one but they are expensive here and I dont want to use the only CB Digi that I have cos they are not so sensitive. I will need to hand my prescription in tomorrow for the next set of meds for this month's IVF otherwise they won't be here in time for CD 1.
I got too nervous and called my doctor for a beta. I should know something later today!

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