Righto, CD11 and just got back from IUI #2! Clinic looked at all my pee tests and said "ovulating: so in I went, no scan either which is unusual (I hope there are not 10 follies!). It hurt this time, sharp pain and cramp - apparently this is normal because the cervix clamps down on the catather as it goes in. The nurse today thinks the last time didn't get in at all because I had no pain and no feeling of it, so at least the pain is positive!
I confess that I am anxious having the IUI so early, but I have to trust in the clinic, and I love my people there, so I am trying to be zen about it. I will keep using OPKs for a week and if I get a digi + or a super positive I can either rely on timed BD or ask for a second IUI.
Hubby's swimmers were awesome time time too - 51 million and 98% motility!!! He is uunnnnbrearable right now...
Thanks to you all for all your support these last few days (and weeks). I am rooting for you all now.