Charger22 - controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) is what they call it when they monitor through blood tests and ultrasounds how you are responding to the meds they have you on. The normal protocol that Halifax uses for IUI is clomid from days 2-6 (normally 100 mg daily), on day 6 you are at the clinic for an ultrasound and bloodwork and if everything is ok they start you on whatever dose of bravelle injections they figure you need. From your day 9, you could possibly be there everyday for bloodwork and ultrasounds until they catch your LH surge. Have you had all other tests done to determine your reasons for infertility (such as lap & dye tests)? I am pretty sure they will not do IUI unless they know for sure that your tubes are clear. Generally the fertility specialits around here will suggest to try IUI after clomid, but I found that once I had my first appointment at the clinic they pushed the IVF route more because of the success they have with it. I just now have to get my husband on board with the huge expense of IVF, as we are unexplained and he is of the belief that it will eventually happen for us on our own, which it may, but I am not willing to wait much longer as I am now 35 and we have been trying for 2 1/2 years since I had a miscarriage with my one and only pregnancy.