I'm on injectables, Clomid CD2-6 & Puregon(Follistim) 75iu on CD6,8,10,12,14.Quaver - Perhaps injectables would treat you better? Clomid just doesn't really work for some people, honey.
I don't know the reason, other than that it worked last cycle with 2 follies...Oh... I didn't realize you were doing the injectables as well. Is there a reason they're still starting with the Clomid? I just did Follistim 50IU from CD3-10 maybe? Nothing else with it.
Gulp, that sounds terrible, don't think I'd like that. I'd be very busy with work, grumpy and irrational is not goodIt makes me incredibly grumpy and irrational and it messes with my blood sugar terribly so that if I don't eat often, I get really bad shakes. It also makes me bloat like crazy.
Hey Girls!
Fingers crossed, Mars! I really hope this IUI works for ya.
How's everyone else? Any updates?
I'm finally getting the ball rolling on my next cycle. AF showed up today (bleh) and I went ahead and had my screening u/s today since my CD3 falls on a Sunday. Everything looks good. The cyst on my left ovary is still there, but my FS still says it's nothing to worry about. So, now I'm on to injectables! Eek. He's starting me off on 75 IUs of Menopur on CD4-7. CD8 I go in for an u/s to see how well I'm responding and, hopefully from there if I get a mature follie, I'll trigger on CD12 and have my IUI on CD14! I really hope I respond well since I NEVER responded to Clomid. We shall see.
Ahh, I did it! One shot of Menopur down, three shots to go. it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, though tell my hands that, they were shaking the whole time, haha. Just had to share. Whew.
Hey Ladies!
I had an u/s today (CD8) to see how well I'm responding to Menopur. I have two follies on my right ovary - one is 11mm and the other is 12mm. That's more than I've ever had so I'm pretty excited. My estrogen level is 47, so they're upping my dose to 1.5 vials of Menopur for the next few days, then I'll go back in for another u/s and blood work.