Hi, just thought I'd reply as it's nice to be able to offer help! I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis a couple of months ago, after going privately following my mc in June.
I had been TTC for 2 years with no luck, been on Clomid for 6 months unsuccessfully and was due to have IVF. During the fertility investigations I had had the HSG (where they check your tubes), blood tests, and an ultrasound but had never been checked for endometriosis as I did not have particularly heavy periods.
However, now that I know that I had it, I have found out that some people have it with no symptoms at all, some people have really bad periods, it totally varies. I never had heavy periods but after I came off the pill there was a clear pattern of quite bad pains on the second day each month. Also, (TMI alert) on that same second day I always had constipation and a really really painful bowel movement. This was every month. But the bad pain was always just for that one day.
Looking back, I also had pains in my legs, at the top near my hips, but I never realised that was connected. My digestive system had never been exactly great, varying from diarrhoea to constipation, and painful. This is apparently all connected as well.
It was only diagnosed after my mc, when I went to a private consultant to find out what was going on with me. I had been bleeding heavily for 18 days and having pains so she did an internal examination and said she could feel 'nodules' on the outside of my uterus. She immediately suspected endometriosis and booked me in for a laparoscopy. It was done under general anaesthetic, and while she was 'in there' she found that one of my ovaries was stuck to the fallopian tube and the tube was quite twisted and mangled. There were lots of adhesions, which she burned off. She also did the best she could with my ovary and tube. I was out of hospital that evening and recovery was painless and quick.
I think that is more or less all I have to tell you! I find it incredible that it was not checked in 2 years, and the NHS was prepared to pay for IVF without having ruled it out, but I think that doctors only associate it with painful, heavy periods. But thank god it has been found now and sorted out.
Please ask me if there's anything else you want to know. x