Can anyone tell me what this might be about?


Active Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if I can tap into this board's collective expertise.

I'm 37 and DH and I have been ttc #2 for about 9 months now, informally at first, then keeping track of dates, and for the last two cycles temping, charting, opks...

I've always been quite regular (28 days), but in the last 6 months I've had two cycles that were more then 38 days although most are still the normal 28. I'm on day 16 got a positive opk yesterday (day 15) and today so we've gotten busy... but here's the thing, earlier this evening I had quite a bit of blood on the tissue when I wiped, since then the tissue has been pink.

I also have noticed for the last week that my bbs have been sore, like they almost always are leading up to af, and my temperature has been consistently higher then it was pre-ov last month although way more up and down. I've never had bleeding this time of month before and I'm feeling a bit devastated that this month might be a waste. Does anyone have any insights into what might be going on? Should I be freaking out? Making a doctor's appointment? Any advice appreciated - I'd attach the fertility friend chart, but I'm not sure how yet.
With regards to the bleeding - if been getting down to it the last couple of days, it could just be that your cervix shed a little blood due to friction? I've had that a couple of times in the past, it's normal and can happen from time to time.

Good luck TTC#2!
So I've now had 4 days with a positive OPK each day, but still no temp. change, and I'm still bleeding a little every time I wipe. Is it possible to have positive opks but not ovulate? Silly question but after you ovulate do the opks go back to negative or do they stay positive?

I'm really not sure what's going on. I just have a bad gut feeling about it so I made an appointment with my gyno, but cant get in until April 19.

I guess we'll just keep trying this month and see what happens.
Opks can continue to show positive due to surges of the Lh, and its good that you made an appointment...Have you taken an hpt at all within the past day or two? The spotting could be implantation spotting! And some women will get positive opks and positive hpts--maybe you should test! FX'ed for you hun!
I hadn't really thought about doing an HPT as I think that's pretty unlikely. My last af was pretty heavy and right on time, and there hasn't been any bd-ing since then and the first positive opk 5 days ago.

It's probably worth ruling out though, I'll try that tomorrow.

I feel like I've been PMSing for weeks - bloated, sore bb's, grumpy and then with the little bit of bleeding, I thought maybe I was in for an early AF but that doesn't seem to be the case either.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm thinking we should keep bd'ing this month though until I see some sort of change in temp, but am so confused by the positive OPK's.
I hope its ok that I'm posting this here, but it seems like the natural space for it. I took your advice and did an HPT this morning just to put my mind at ease and it came back positive!

I'm waffling between elated and terrified that things aren't right. I had a really heavy period mid march plus four days of spotting this week. Why all the bleeding? Also, I've been so sure that I wasn't and that it wouldn't happen this month because of the bleeding, I haven't been at all careful - I had x rays at the dentist last week, I went out with a friend for drinks last night, and I fell off the counter last weekend after trying to get up to wash the windows. All things that I've been so careful about for the last year, but I was so sure that it wasn't possible! Aaagggghhh - freaking out over here!

Anyway I'll move my angst to a different forum (Is there a freaking out because I think I've done it all wrong forum?), but I wanted to let you know that your advice was well taken, correct and hugely impact-full! The 'thanks' button doesn't seem like enough. If there was a 'OMG your so smart, I know I don't know you but I just want to hug you and thank you for opening my eyes to this possibility over and over. You're amazing and words can't express how grateful I am' I would push that button! At least now I can move forward and deal with whatever I need to deal with if things aren't ok with this one.
Congrats naturenut! Try to relax....if ur bleeding was implantation then you're very early days & probably the x-rays and drinks were before implantation, even if you're further on think of the thousands of ladies who fall pregnant accidentally and do these things without knowing they are pregnant and go on to have perfectly healthy babies.

I was reading through the comments and I was thinking you should try an hpt too I'm glad someone suggested it. All the best to you xxx
I was going to say 'test' and then I read down - CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS hun :)
So I made a quick trip to the family doctor today, and he said it could be that what I thought was a period was really an early miscarriage and that the symptoms and positive hpt are a result of lingering hormones. He did a blood test to see if anything is really cooking and if there is we'll do another in two days to see if the hcg is increasing or diminishing and that will tell us if I WAS pregnant or AM pregnant.

I know I should be worrying about that, but even if it was a miscarriage I'm glad to know that I at least got to that place, it's a step forward from the big fat nothing that has happened this far.

Thanks ladies, for the support, advice and walking through this drama with me! Hopefully, I'll be able to make a proper announcement in the right board in a few days.
So small update, first blood test came back positive, took the second test today and we'll see if hcg is increasing or decreasing. I should have results by Wed. Still having light bleeding which has been going on for over a week now. I'm so anxious to have some answers, I can't think about anything else. If I am pregnant all this bleeding can't be good, I don't want to get too excited.
So, just heard from the doctor. Second test was still confusing, showed some increase in HCG but not the doubling that it should.

The doctor wants to do another blood test to continue to track what's happening and book and u/s to see if anything is there. He said he's not really sure what is happening, but it could be a previous miscarriage that my body is still trying to clean out, or that I'm pregnant but it's probably not viable. He's already talking about a d and c.

I can't help but hope that he's wrong. Although I've been bleeding for a week now there haven't been any clots and it seems that bleeding isnt that uncommon, would I be naive to look for a second opinion? He seems really convinced that I have or am about to miscarry, maybe that's the case but it would be nice to have something more positive. I'm not sure what else I would want beside an u/s though.

Feeling so lost, any advice?
I have had bleeding in both my pregnancies (one was miscarriage, one was my now 16yr old DD). I would ask your doctor for another US sooner, especially if blood tests are still rising. When I was bleeding second time I was 8 weeks pregnant and there was a very small heartbeat, one tiny pixel flashing on the screen. Stress how much you need to know, he doesn't seem to understand this is torture for you xxx
This is beyond my experience now, but Im rooting for you. Thanks for the updates, keep them coming. Sending you hugs and luck hun xx
Just a aunt was PG with fraternal twins (early like 5-6 weeks) She knew she was PG just didn't know with twins. She bled off and on for a couple days...went to dr for an u/s and turned out that she lost one but not the other. She carried Maddie to full term. (She is 15 now!)
Just a aunt was PG with fraternal twins (early like 5-6 weeks) She knew she was PG just didn't know with twins. She bled off and on for a couple days...went to dr for an u/s and turned out that she lost one but not the other. She carried Maddie to full term. (She is 15 now!)

This also happened with my sister-in-law, she was told it's more common than people realise x
Oh, hun...I'm just now catching up--usually when I check my User CP--it will tell me which threads I have posted to and if there is any new postings...I'm so sorry sweetie...I so hope the bleeding is easing up and that your numbers come back good...Show them doctors wrong! Big :hugs: hun and I'll will def be lurking to see how your coming along....:dust:
So this roller-coaster just doesn't stop. Went for a third blood test, but haven't seen the results yet, also got in for an ultrasound on Thurs evening and the u/s tech said everything looks completely normal for 5.5 weeks. We could see the sac and a fetal pole and my uterus is growing. The sac was up high in the uterus, apparently if there is an impending miscarriage the sac slips down lower. All very encouraging!

However 5.5 weeks just doesn't add up, I was sure that I was more like 6.5, even if I was off with my ov dates, we weren't bd'ing 3.5 weeks ago - so I'm worried that something is slowing down the development.

Also, I'm still bleeding, if anything it's getting heavier, despite the fact that I'm really being careful and getting a lot of rest.

I called to see if I could get into see my gyno, as my family doctor doesn't seem to have any idea what's going on and I thought my gyno would be more willing to do a vaginal exam that might tell me if there is some sort of infection or cyst or something, but I couldn't get through and finally left a message but everyone is now gone for the long weekend.

Although my mind was put a bit at ease by the ultrasound, the bleeding is worrying me to distraction! The good news is the tech booked me for another one in two weeks, so we'll get to see the little bean again if it hangs on, but this bleeding is emotionally and physically exhausting!

Thanks for all the support and encouragement ladies, I really do appreciate your willingness to listen (read)!
Hi nature nut! First I want to say I really hope everything goes well and I know how you feel. My son is 10 years old now. When I first found out I was preg with him, I kept having my period like normal. Doctors said they didn't know why and couldn't tell me anything. At about 5-6 weeks I was bleeding and cramping so bad I went to the ER. That was the worst experience ever because of how rude and heartless the nurse in triage was to me. I mean like really bad! Actually handed me a plastic bag, told me to go in the bathroom, check to see if I had a miscarriage, and if I did to put it in the bag and bring out to her! It was horrible! Well I carried him just fine to term! When I went in to see my midwife, she checked my cervix and I suddenly started bleeding again, well she freaked out! Later I found that she unknowingly popped my blood vessels checking me. I can't be sure why you are bleeding, but one thought is it could be just blood vessels from your growing bump inside! Which is nothing to worry about! I still haven't heard of anything like my case from anyone, but it did happen to me! Think positive! Everything else you have said is sounding good! I'll be praying for you and your baby! Try to relax as much as possible so you don't get stressed out. GL and hope to hear a positive update!
Implantation can take 7-14 days, so your dates would be different for scan if it was late implantation. When I was pregnant with my daughter I knew the exact date I BD (only once in that month that's why I knew) so I was 100% sure of all my dates but the scan still put me a week less than what I was. Hang in there. If you're 7/8 weeks at next scan you may becable to see the heartbeat & that will put your mind at ease. Many women bleed, I've heard it's a combination of increased blood supply & temporary cervical erosion. I read it on a medical website recently, that as many as 40% of women have some type of bleed while pregnant and go on to have healthy baby.

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