Can I join you ladies?

The carribbeans. Trying to lose maybe 15 to 20 before that but ideally get down to 155 like I was before so short term to get from 190 down to 175 and then work my way from there.

Wow the Carribbeans, that sounds wonderful:thumbup: Wish it was me going on that cruise :haha:

Good luck with losing that weight:happydance: I know how hard it can be. A few years ago I lost 10 kg and it wasn't easy:winkwink: Started going to my local fitness center but it was a bit boring because I was going alone since DH was on a 2 month business trip in Singapore at the time. I should really lose around 5 kg more but will wait until I've had a baby since I'll need to lose weight after that anyway:winkwink: I can recommend Zumba, it's rather fun:thumbup: I needed to learn it from the DVDs though as the woman at the fitness center was horrible at teaching it and 3/4 of the class couldn't figure out what was going on:dohh:
Sorry ladies that I just disappeared. We got bad news that we weren't able to start treatments this cycle and I just went into a really bad depression that took a bit to get out of. I kept coming on to post but then would feel like crud and sign off. Really sorry.
Sorry ladies that I just disappeared. We got bad news that we weren't able to start treatments this cycle and I just went into a really bad depression that took a bit to get out of. I kept coming on to post but then would feel like crud and sign off. Really sorry.

HCas I was wondering what happened to you! So sorry you were feeling depressed about not being able to start treatments:hugs: But glad you're back and hopefully are feeling better now:flower:
Yes much ^^ We found out the gender of the baby we're adopting and got to go shopping for her. And my RE called to let me know that as soon as next cycle starts he'll work with me on costs for us to start treatments.

How have you been doing? :hugs:
Yes much ^^ We found out the gender of the baby we're adopting and got to go shopping for her. And my RE called to let me know that as soon as next cycle starts he'll work with me on costs for us to start treatments.

How have you been doing? :hugs:

Wow how wonderful, a girl:happydance: Must be fun to go shopping now that you know the gender:thumbup: Sounds good that your RE is willing to work with you on cost.

I'm doing pretty well. Of course excited to finally be starting IUI:happydance: I took my last Puregon injection tonight (nr. 7 injection)and go in for my 2nd U/S to determine if there are too many eggs (more than 3 and the IUI is cancelled) and if there are 3 or less what sizes the follicles are plus the thickness of my endometrial lining. Based on these calculations they determine whether I'm ready to trigger or if I need to take Puregon a bit longer and eventually if it should be at the same dose or if they should change it. So a bit nervous about the results. I'll of course update when I get home from my appointment tomorrow afternoon:happydance:
So just got back from the clinic and there are 2 eggs in my left ovary (no wonder that side bothered me most):happydance: I didn't ask her the sizes as she wasn't very friendly and I'm a bit shy but she said I'm ready to have my IUI on Monday and need to inject myself late Saturday night with Ovitrelle and the IUI will be Monday morning at 11:30 AM:thumbup:

The only bummer is I think some of my shots must of gone wrong because she said I had a good amount left in the ampule:wacko: I just don't get what could've gone wrong because I followed the instructions to the letter:shrug: So I need to give myself Puregon 50 IU tonight.
At least you get to jump in on Monday. I have my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully in a few weeks you'll be giving us the good news and I'll get to start following you on the pregnancy forums ^^

And yep it's a lot of fun shopping now that we know the gender. Though Roger is getting flustered because he wanted to get something with her name on it but we named her a one of a kind name Ave-Marie. So now he's trying to figure out how to make something with her name on it XD
At least you get to jump in on Monday. I have my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully in a few weeks you'll be giving us the good news and I'll get to start following you on the pregnancy forums ^^

And yep it's a lot of fun shopping now that we know the gender. Though Roger is getting flustered because he wanted to get something with her name on it but we named her a one of a kind name Ave-Marie. So now he's trying to figure out how to make something with her name on it XD

Thanks, I'm still having my FXed for you as well:hugs: We'll see, I'm not having too high hopes in case it's a BFN and we need 1-2 more tries or even IVF:wacko:

Maybe if you know someone who can use a sewing machine or good at embroidery they could embroider her name on clothes and the like. I don't know for other things though, that's a bit tough. I'll have to think about that one:wacko:
Haha well I sew and already planed on that but he is really wanting to do something big. He's weird that way. I think in the end he's going to carve the letters out for wall decor.

No matter what I have high hopes that we'll be bump buddies, even if we're a month or two apart!
Haha well I sew and already planed on that but he is really wanting to do something big. He's weird that way. I think in the end he's going to carve the letters out for wall decor.

No matter what I have high hopes that we'll be bump buddies, even if we're a month or two apart!

Wow good to know:thumbup: I'm horrible at stuff like that (embroidery, sewing, quilting) but my crazy mother is really good at stuff like that. If he's good at carving it might not be a bad idea:thumbup:

We'll probably not have that problem as any names we're tossing around are fairly common ones so should be no problem:winkwink: Otherwise my MIL is really handy with sewing so we have her as a back-up plan.

Here's hoping, it would be so fun if we could :dust: Although we'd have to create our own group somewhere because of our age difference:winkwink:
True. We could make a group called "Finally our time" XD
lol We have almost everything at this point. A swing, playpen, tons of clothes (including a really cute pink onesie with momma, papa, and baby giraffe that says "loved on it"). I'm also crocheting her a purple blanket and a diaper cover with a tutu, headband, and shoes for her newborn photos.

We still need the crib, changing table and rocking chair as well as more pink stuff but we're hoping to be doing that in the beginning of March because Roger surprised me with a renewal of vows date on Feb. 28th so we won't have much extra money til then lol
lol We have almost everything at this point. A swing, playpen, tons of clothes (including a really cute pink onesie with momma, papa, and baby giraffe that says "loved on it"). I'm also crocheting her a purple blanket and a diaper cover with a tutu, headband, and shoes for her newborn photos.

We still need the crib, changing table and rocking chair as well as more pink stuff but we're hoping to be doing that in the beginning of March because Roger surprised me with a renewal of vows date on Feb. 28th so we won't have much extra money til then lol

Wow yeah sounds like your almost all covered:flower: Wish I could crochet. I can only do extremely basic knitting but can barely remember how to since it was years ago and my mother's hard core teaching methods killed any urges I had in that direction since it was complete perfection or she pulled everything up and I needed to redo it:dohh: Anyway hoping to see some pics in a few months time of your handywork and some of the bought clothes:winkwink:

Lucky you:happydance:When I mention to DH about doing something like that for e.g. our 12½ year anniversary (first "big one" in Denmark) he thinks I'm a bit nuts:nope: Don't think it's common here so it's a bit of a foreign concept to him. Are you going to be doing yours somewhere special?
I love crocheting blankets and hats though the diaper cover and shoes are a new thing XD I make tons of blankets though and donate them so that's always fun. I might have to make you one too once you get that BFP ^^

No where special. This is really more for the family. He knows my family is made we didn't have a traditional wedding which causes a lot of fights at family gatherings. So he decided to renew our vows at the two years mark (maybe because of Ave-Marie) and have a traditional wedding ceremony and reception. In only a short period we have the dress, photographer, venue (a local cafe in our historic district), band, and the clothes for the boys. All he asked me to do was make the dresses for the girls since that's what I wanted to do the first time around before we decided to just do a spiritual union with just us there.
I love crocheting blankets and hats though the diaper cover and shoes are a new thing XD I make tons of blankets though and donate them so that's always fun. I might have to make you one too once you get that BFP ^^

No where special. This is really more for the family. He knows my family is made we didn't have a traditional wedding which causes a lot of fights at family gatherings. So he decided to renew our vows at the two years mark (maybe because of Ave-Marie) and have a traditional wedding ceremony and reception. In only a short period we have the dress, photographer, venue (a local cafe in our historic district), band, and the clothes for the boys. All he asked me to do was make the dresses for the girls since that's what I wanted to do the first time around before we decided to just do a spiritual union with just us there.

Awww that would be so nice of you:hugs:

Wow why would your family fight over you decided to do a spiritual union:wacko: Family should respect how you and your hubby decided to get married:nope: I actually wanted to get married while we were in Singapore during one of DHs business trips (an extended trip of 3-4 months where he proposed on a weekend trip to Kuala Lumpur) and maybe also have a ceremony at home for our families but DH decide it best to get married at home and drop the exotic, fun wedding idea I had :blush: But here's hoping you have a lovely ceremony and reception:happydance: Will you be having a color theme? We had a white/purple theme for ours:flower: What does your dress look like?
We're gonna do a ancient greek theme with sky blue and silver. My dress is actually my step mum's first dress that wound up not fitting her. Its all chiffon and an empire waist gown with a one shoulder style. Since Roger hasn't actually seen it yet I can't take it out, but as soon as I can I'll get a picture up.

They fight over it because we're a christian family, but I'm Hellenic (belief in the greek gods) and Roger doesn't really have a religion though he believes there is something greater. They all think that we're going to hell for our choices and not going traditional is making it worse for us. They also have big opinions on how we should raise our kids. When we should baptize them (which we're not until they are older and can decide for themselves) , and how often we go to church. Which I only go once a year on Mother's Day because my grandmother (the only one that isn't a brat about it) interprets for the deaf and it's our gift to her each year.

I was the first in the family to have a different faith so everyone kinda believes its my fault that my younger cousin stopped going to church and that my sister is an unwed mother (yep according to them my sinner ways caused my sister to be an unwed mother). At this point they are just doing everything possible to force me back into the family faith.
We're gonna do a ancient greek theme with sky blue and silver. My dress is actually my step mum's first dress that wound up not fitting her. Its all chiffon and an empire waist gown with a one shoulder style. Since Roger hasn't actually seen it yet I can't take it out, but as soon as I can I'll get a picture up.

They fight over it because we're a christian family, but I'm Hellenic (belief in the greek gods) and Roger doesn't really have a religion though he believes there is something greater. They all think that we're going to hell for our choices and not going traditional is making it worse for us. They also have big opinions on how we should raise our kids. When we should baptize them (which we're not until they are older and can decide for themselves) , and how often we go to church. Which I only go once a year on Mother's Day because my grandmother (the only one that isn't a brat about it) interprets for the deaf and it's our gift to her each year.

I was the first in the family to have a different faith so everyone kinda believes its my fault that my younger cousin stopped going to church and that my sister is an unwed mother (yep according to them my sinner ways caused my sister to be an unwed mother). At this point they are just doing everything possible to force me back into the family faith.

Wow that sounds beautiful:thumbup: Looking forward to seeing pics:happydance:

Wow very interesting. I didn't know that people could be Hellenic, pardon me if I sound offending, it's not my intention, just curious. I've always been a bit interested in the Greek (and Egyptian) gods and goddesses. How did you get into that religion? I'm Protestant myself although it's not like I'm all that into it if you get my meaning. Don't go to church or anything. My DH is a bit like yours, he's an agnostic.

Family should so not mix into how you want to raise your kids:nope: And how is your choice to change your religion the cause of any of your cousin's or sister's life choices:dohh: That's just crazy:nope: I'm so sorry that they're being impossible:nope: Parents shouldn't force a religion on their child, ours will be exposed to both and decide later on what's the best fit, even if it's something totally different like Hinduism or Heathenism/Germanic neopaganism or Hellenic or whatever they feel is right for them.

I know something about difficult parents (my mother is pretty domineering and highly opinionated). You might need to take a stand at one point and set boundaries and make them respect them. It's hard but otherwise they may keep on mixing into things:nope:
I've been luck with parents. My mom and dad really don't care about religion. There are other things that they have their opinions on but nothing too bad. Just imagine all of your extended family sticking their noses into your life. Because that's what its like.

As for how I got into my belief its a long story. To make it short I fell out of religion for awhile until I stumbled upon it and it just kinda stuck with me. It's really hard to explain.
Ok so it's not your parents but the rest of the family that's mixing in? Wow I'm lucky on that account. Most of the rest of my family shows little to no interest in me (not counting DH's family).

All of my siblings have different fathers (so we're 6 kids from the same mother but with 6 different fathers). One of my brothers died in the early 90s due to AIDS. Another one no one has any contact with as the father might be mentally ill (if my mentally ill mother is to be believed) so I've never met him. I have no contact with my eldest brother, especially since he "stood me up" on my wedding day by never giving me a clear answer if him and his wife and 2 kids were coming - then never even bothering to at least send me a card to congratulate me:dohh::growlmad: My other brother is arrogant and a pain and thinks he knows everything and constantly is calling me childish and insists on being right. My sister I don't know very well as I fist achieved contact with her a few years ago but she seems alright and shows more interest then most. I also have sporadic contact with one of my cousins but my other cousin I have zero contact with (all older than me in their 50s). My aunt I have almost no contact with as she's as batty as my mother (they're sisters). So I have the opposite problem which isn't good either:nope:

Maybe you could try putting boundaries in place with the nosy members of your family? It's hard but will probably be well worth it if you don't want them to start mixing in on how you raise your children:dohh:

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