Can I join you ladies?

They don't contact me ever. So the only times I have to deal with them is during family gatherings (usually christmas eve and thanksgiving) or things like baby showers and weddings. I use to go to my aunt's every summer for a week and thought we were close, but turns out she only did that in hopes I would say my mom was doing drugs so she could hold it over her head (sisters). My other aunt on my mom's side is a loner and doesn't like family gatherings so its rare if I see her, she's also kinda crazy. My first aunt's kids all do drugs and get drunk and like to pretend they are better than me and my sister because their family is rich and so they have always had more. The only exeption is my younger cousin. He still drinks and stuff and acts high and mighty, but when we see each other I know he won't be judging me. He usually only gives me a hug and then goes off on his own. My two cousins from my second aunt are awesome to be honest. Both have always been nice to me and the oldest (he's about 16 years older than me) was once mistaken as my dad and never corrected the person just smiled and hugged me XD the youngest has been like a best friend to me growing up but I rarely see him anymore because he's an RN and works all the time. My whole dad's side is crazy. If you don't agree with them you are wrong. Specially on religion with my second uncle. My first uncle is just like me (same interests and semi-normal) but he moved far away so I only see him when me and Roger go to conventions he is at.

My family would rather talk behind your back and tell you how "they" do things then be honest with you and butt out of your business. When I was telling my mom about my fertility treatments at christmas eve all my cousins thought it meant they had a right to give their two cents. Which was "If you're adopting you should continuing trying for yourself. You can't handle two babies."
Wow that sounds worse then my family:wacko: I'm so sorry not so many of them are supportive. Might be a good idea to avoid talking so much with the unsupportive members of your family. I've been avoiding the annoying members of my family so I have to hear as little judgment as possible:nope:

AFM I got my IUI done today and it went smoothly:thumbup: It only hurt a bit when she stuck the tube in but otherwise fine. Both eggs looked good so we'll see. I'll be extremely happy if just one of those eggs gets fertilized and is a super sticky bean :happydance: She gave me an HPT with and told me to use it in 16 days time. If it's a BFN then they'll up my Puregon dose a llttle for the next IUI.
FX for you. It's so exciting! If it wasn't for Ave-Marie I'd be so jealous XD Though I'll always be happy for you. I really really can't wait for your 16 days to be up XD

I was excited about this cycle (thought I was feeling implantation cramps) but now I'm just confused.
Thanks HCas:flower: I can't wait either but am keeping my expectations on the lower side in case it's a BFN so I don't get too upset if it is :wacko:

Yeah I've had a few cycles like that where I thought it could be implantation cramps but turned out it wasn't and AF shows up some days later:dohh: I try not to read too much into any symptoms for that reason. I feel like I always have at least 3-4 symptoms every cycle so I've started to just try and go with the flow and ignore it:nope:
Well the only reason I even thought it was because of having af like cramps and my chart said I should be 8dpo (which I only get af cramps about a half hour before see shows) so I was really thinking it was possible. But then this morning I put in my temp and it was like "Due to new information your predicted ovulation day has been changed from cd15 to cd21". Which would make me 3dpo instead of 8. Which makes me wonder what that cramping was. Because it HURT but wasn't as bad as a cyst rupturing. And I'm still getting very clear positives on my opks (been getting them for 8 days now). It just doesn't make since.

And we haven't BDed in 4 days due to going to another town two days in a row for family and me being sick before that.... I hate my cycles.

I understand not wanting to get too excited. What are you gonna do to keep your mind off testing?
Well the only reason I even thought it was because of having af like cramps and my chart said I should be 8dpo (which I only get af cramps about a half hour before see shows) so I was really thinking it was possible. But then this morning I put in my temp and it was like "Due to new information your predicted ovulation day has been changed from cd15 to cd21". Which would make me 3dpo instead of 8. Which makes me wonder what that cramping was. Because it HURT but wasn't as bad as a cyst rupturing. And I'm still getting very clear positives on my opks (been getting them for 8 days now). It just doesn't make since.

And we haven't BDed in 4 days due to going to another town two days in a row for family and me being sick before that.... I hate my cycles.

I understand not wanting to get too excited. What are you gonna do to keep your mind off testing?

Yes that's a bit odd. But I've tried having some cramping during the 2WW and it never turns out to be anything:nope: Not too sure about the OPKs but I know a few days of positive ones after the first positive can be normal. However, don't think 7-8 is normal. After a quick Google search, it could be a sign of pregnancy. Some also say it could be your body gearing up to O and it keeps trying to. Then there are some that mention it could be cysts e.g. if you have PCOS :wacko: Others say it might not indicate any problem at all so it seems it may be difficult to tell what's the cause. You could try asking this on the the TTC forum since maybe somebody knows for sure or has tried it before and knows what the issue was. I'd like to know the answer myself.

As to keeping my mind off things, that'll be hard:nope: I need a new earring or bracelet project but don't have much funds to buy supplies until next month. I think I have a bracelet (wraps around write 3 times)and dangly earring set I bought at the local hobby shop that I haven't touched yet. Might give it a try. Plus I have a bracelet from the same shop that I have yet to finish. I was over halfway done when I noticed I wasn't using enough of these larger, brightly-colored beads on it so I would have too much left over and since they're part of the charm, started all over again:dohh: It's one of those bracelets that wraps around your wrist 6-7 times. It so stinks to be a housewife during the 2WW:dohh: My favorite thing is horseback riding and DH was going to pay for experienced lessons (rode from I was age 9 until 21 and stopped due to financial reasons) to get me back in the sport again but then came our TTCing plans and the riding was put on hold until after I've had a baby as there's a miscarriage risk if I fall off while pregnant:wacko:
Yeah I just posted there in hopes someone knows. I know the OPKs could be because of my PCOS but usually for me there is a break in them. Like I'll get 3-5 in a row then negatives for a few days then more positives. I just hate not being able to predict my cycles. I always glare at my MIL when she complains about them always happening like clockwork (mainly because her bf always makes plans that seem to over lap them XD )

I like making jewelry, but I haven't in months. My work area hasn't been clean enough too XD But horseback riding seems fun. I understand that its dangerous while TTCing though. You can always start a novel. Write about how much it sucks to TTC XD I would buy it XP
Yeah I just posted there in hopes someone knows. I know the OPKs could be because of my PCOS but usually for me there is a break in them. Like I'll get 3-5 in a row then negatives for a few days then more positives. I just hate not being able to predict my cycles. I always glare at my MIL when she complains about them always happening like clockwork (mainly because her bf always makes plans that seem to over lap them XD )

I like making jewelry, but I haven't in months. My work area hasn't been clean enough too XD But horseback riding seems fun. I understand that its dangerous while TTCing though. You can always start a novel. Write about how much it sucks to TTC XD I would buy it XP

I'll be following to see some answers on that thread then:winkwink: Yes I can imagine it's a pain to have unpredictable cycles, especially when TTCing:wacko: Your MIL probably doesn't mean anything by it. I think people have a tendency to speak before they think, if they even think at all:winkwink:

Maybe you should start up again:happydance: I like making my own stuff. Then I'm wearing earrings either no one has at all or that very few have. I mostly follow instructions I find in books and the internet but on occasion will try to come up with something myself although it's mostly my hoops that are designed by me since they're simple to make.

Yes I used to love riding. I was actually pretty gifted and if it hadn't been for certain life circumstances, may have become a pro, maybe even the Olympics (many of my trainers said I was certainly gifted enough at it). Now I'd just like to start again because I love horses. I actually inherited my father's writing gift but it never appealed to me much although I'm tempted sometimes to write. Maybe someone should write a novel on how hard it is to be a LTTTCer. It might lead to people being more understanding of people in that situation:thumbup: I'll have to think about it:winkwink:
We should collab it! Like be co-authors and get stories from the ladies around here. That'd be fun ^^ And it'd be nice for people to understand what's going on with us. I swear if one more person says "Oh now you'll get pregnant" or "Just be patient" I'm gonna punch them in the faces. I love writing and have started a few novels I just always have problems ending it (I like good stories to last XD ). I write fan fictions though that I've gathered a group of readers for. Apparently I'm good (I never thought so until I had 200 comments on a story)

The main reason I haven't made any jewelry lately is because I've ben so busy making a t-shirt quilt for a cousin, trying to finish my niece's hand embroidered picture, and rearranging the room to fit a nursery on one half XD Once I'm done though I want new earrings.
Yes if anyone is open to us using their story:) Maybe if we promise anonymity? Otherwise we could use just our own stories:winkwink: Too bad I didn't start a TTC journal back when I started TTCing in October 2013, might've been useful for any book:dohh: First started keeping a journal when I went over to the LTTTC boards so it's not very long:haha: Think I was back then just expecting it to take no more than 6-8 months, preferably shorter than that:nope:

A T-shirt quilt, never heard of that, what does one look like? I can hear you sound busy with other things with not much time for making earrings:haha: What motif are you embroidering?

Sounds like fun with nursery planning, can't wait til I can do that:cloud9: My challenge will be making a nursery that's good for both sexes as we don't want to know the sex until I give birth:wacko: The worst thing is that a store that sells baby stuff here is having a sale with some stuff up to 70% marked down so I've been really tempted to buy some stuff:wacko: My DH and I looked at some of their items on the net to see what a stroller costs these days and DH was about to have a heartatack over some of the prices:haha: Now he's talking about buying a slightly used one in excellent working condition to save money. We won't be getting any hand me downs as my ex-SIL has probably given all of it either away or to her little sister who had a baby a couple of years ago and DH's little brother doesn't have any kids and if he's going to have any, it won't be for years even though he's 33-34:wacko: Don't think any of my family in the US has much left and don't know if they'd want to pay for shipping to Denmark anyway:shrug:
Writing a book is a good idea. I have a long history in my ttc journal, of my journey into finding out azoospermia diagnosis and where I was, compared to where I am now. I agree, if few details was changed and omitted, I would be open to letting you use material from my ttc journal for people to understand the pain of a ltttc journey.
Yeah I think changing names and leaving out any details wanted would be best. It would be interesting to see how people reacting to all the different stories and the truth behind infertility.

Thanks Deafgal ^^

I'll attach a picture of it. It's all finished now ^^ Now I'm working on two hoodies for someone that look like outfits from a cartoon they like.

And a t-shirt quilt is interesting. I did a simple one. I just cut out 16 by 16 squares of his uniforms (around the logos and his name) and sewed the blocks together with a fleece backing. But I've seen some really cool looking ones.


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Wow HCas, you're certainly good at keeping yourself busy with different projects:thumbup:

Very nice, especially like the cat:winkwink: I'm sure your niece will love it:flower:

OK I've never heard of a T-shirt quilt before, makes sense.

Yes we would need to keep certain details out. Don't think I'll be leaving much out of mine though but will have to see:shrug: I know my brother and his wife feel it's almost a dirty little secret that they went through 5 years of assisted conception so can't use them although I'm sure it'd have been an interesting read as they had a tough time and multiple losses. Question would also be how many stories should we use?
I sell things on Etsy (jewelry, custom hoodies, and customs) and my niece is always wanting new things. I used to make her tutu dresses and princess outfits. Now I get to make her Elsa and Anna things from Frozen and any special dress she wants for birthdays or holidays. She might get one soon to go to Disney in since me and Roger will be going as a second honeymoon and might take her one of the days XD

Thank you very much. It took me two years to finish so I was very happy with how it turned out.

I wsh I was still in contact with someone I knew who had been trying for 10 years. Her story would have been a powerful one because she had miscarriages and was told she'd never carry to term. Her son is 3 now ^^ She was always very open about her journey so I'm sure if I can get a hold of her and ask she'd be willing to help. Just not sure how. Might need to ask my dad for her information.
Oh your niece too? Mine (the one in the US) is into Frozen as well, along with her girlfriends:flower: Think her best friend had a Frozen themed birthday last year and they dressed up in Frozen costumes. I'm sure your niece loves those dresses you make:flower: I think Frozen and Barbie are the big things right now for mine. Last time I saw her (last summer, they were here for summer vacation), she wanted to watch a Barbie movie with me. It was the one with pegasi in it, can't seem to remember the name. DH wasn't much for seeing it as it's a very girly movie but she wanted him to see it as well :haha:

My other niece (by marriage, thank God not by blood as she's pretty bratty:wacko:) gets DH's mother to make her dresses but she's horrible about it. When she gets a new dress, she refuses to try it on the day she gets it to please my MIL (and so my MIL knows it fits):wacko: I feel sooo bad for my MIL when she's used hours to make these beautiful princess dresses or something more everyday and she gives them to her and she won't put it on:nope: My MIL is very handy, she actually made my wedding dress:)

I'm sure your niece will love the embroidery:flower:

Wow 10 years:wacko: Do you remember what the doctors discovered that made it so difficult?
Yeah my niece is obsessed with it XD That and The Little Mermaid. I got lucky with her. She is very grateful for everything I make her and she's only 4. She takes good care of them and tells her friends they "have to be gentle" with them.

She loved it. She wanted me to hang it up right away next to her 2 year old pics lol

Her body didn't produce the right hormones I think. Her cervix would soften and wouldn't be able to hold the baby.
Yeah my niece is obsessed with it XD That and The Little Mermaid. I got lucky with her. She is very grateful for everything I make her and she's only 4. She takes good care of them and tells her friends they "have to be gentle" with them.

She loved it. She wanted me to hang it up right away next to her 2 year old pics lol

Her body didn't produce the right hormones I think. Her cervix would soften and wouldn't be able to hold the baby.

Yeah my niece by marriage is 6 and she doesn't take care of anything:nope: I remember her clearly playing with one of her toys and when someone in DH's family (can't remember who as I wasn't paying much attention) told her to be careful and not break it, her response was something like "It won't matter if I break it because Mommy and Daddy will buy me a new one":wacko: She's pretty spoiled and they haven't been good in raising her or her big brother. Mostly the ex-wife's fault, she spoils them and lets them behave badly, occasionally encouraging it like her son cheating in a card game with me so he was sure to win:wacko: They can be pretty badly behaved, no thank you for gifts and rude when they ask for stuff when they eat at the table plus they're super picky eaters:dohh: My 7 year old niece in the US is much better behaved and is much more polite and careful with her things. But I can just imagine my brother raising her to be that way.

So glad she liked it, I knew she would:flower:

Ok that does sound bad:wacko: So she could get pregnant relatively easy, it was just carrying them that was the major hurdle. Would be interesting to hear that story:flower:
I'm so excited and nervous! I finally found a lawyer to take on our adoption case (after 20 no kidding). We have an appointment tomorrow after Roger gets out of work. I'm so excited!
I'm so excited and nervous! I finally found a lawyer to take on our adoption case (after 20 no kidding). We have an appointment tomorrow after Roger gets out of work. I'm so excited!

Wow how great HCas:happydance: Looking forward to hearing how it went.
Yay for progress HCas!!!!!

Frozen is a popular one with the young girls now. I hear there's supposed to be a new ASL signing music video for the song "Let It Go" coming out on Sunday so if I like it and remember to share with you, I'll share the link with you ladies.

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