Can I kiss my baby if I have cold sores?



Hi I am sort of new to the forum. I read a lot of posts but rarely post myself. I started to try for a baby at the same time as my sistyer and last month I found out I was already 8 weeks along. I kept getting dark positve opks even after the day I thought I was ovulating and decided to test. Well now my sister is extrememly jealous I think. Today she has told me that I cannot kiss my baby on the face or lips ever when its born because I have cold sores. She said I'm going to end up giving my baby herpes and killing it and then she showed me all these terrible things online that say its true. Does anyone know much about cold sores and babies? A lot of people have cold sore and you don't hear about kids dying from it all the time. She was pretty mean about it now I feel like I can never kiss my baby. She says I will spread it to my baby even if I don't have a sore. Is this true? Someone help please I'm so upset.
I wouldnt let other ppl with cold sores kiss your baby.. But my mom is the queen of coldsores and she wouldnt let them stop her from kissing me when I was a baby.. And to this day I dont get them.. Id ask your dr. as that would probably be the truest. But I honestly think she was trying rain on your parade. Idk im no expert but I thats my opinion
Your sister is weird, no offense. :wacko:

As with any person who is sick, as in has a cold, flu, or cold sore...Kissing your baby on the mouth will make your baby become sick. It's an infection and it's better to be safe than sorry. My mom didn't kiss me on the lips as a baby. It was always on the cheek or the top of the head. Another reason to not kiss on the mouth is due to the bacteria in your mouth. It can give your baby gum disease before he/she even has teeth.

I think if you know your health well and take care of yourself, baby will be safe. Just using caution while the baby develops their immune system is probably for the best. That being said, I'll probably sneak a few kisses, but be kicking myself if he/she catches anything from me.
Its very rare for the virus to transmit when you do not have an active outbreak. It is possible to shed the virus without a sore..but VERY rare. If you dont have a sore you will be fine, kiss away! I would refrain while you are having an active outbreak though. If you have any questions ask your doc hun!
Your sister is being mean and hurtful.

I would avoid kissing the baby if you have an active cold sore as yes this can spread it to others but if you have no cold sores then go ahead and kiss your baby. My mom also gets cold sores but she never kisses us or my DS when she has them and neither me or my sister or any of the grandkids have coldsores.
Thanks girls. Even though cold sores are not pleasant and I would never want to give them to my baby I am more worried about the way they could affect my baby's overall health. There are so many hororr stories online about what happens to babies kissed by those who have cold sores. Some kids die and other kids end up mentally disabled. I've been crying all night at the idea that my child will grow up with no kisses from mommy. I don't know if I'm more sad for myself or my baby. I also know that its not rare at all for peopke to have the virus and then shed it. That's how cold sores are spread. Nobody is going to kiss someone with an open sore on their mouth so shedders are the spreaders infortunately but I never knew it had such terrible affects on babies I didn't know a kiss could kill. I'm so sad right now I can't stop crying. My sister was being cruel but it turns out she is right.
You can still show your baby love even without kissing them if you have a cold sore. Don't let your sister get to you. It's better left as a question for your doctor. and congratulations!
socitycourty thank you. Its just so hard to know that if I kiss my baby I could kill him or her or give them coldsores forever. Online it says I can't kiss my baby anywhere not even on the hands. What do other moms with coldsores do?
My Oh gets cold sores, just don't kiss your LO when you have an active one. That's the only precaution you need to take, don't worry. :hugs:
Avalanche just looking at your avitar picture made me cry again. I don't want to take the chance because what if I'm a shedder? That's how people get the virus is from other people who don't know they have it because they shed and don't have other symptoms of it. This is such a terrible virus. I'm just so upest right now I can barely even breathe :(
You CAN kill your baby if you have a cold sore and kiss your baby. It happened recently however as long as you dont kiss your baby when you have an outbreak you will be fine.
Take lots of lysine!
Lilpeeps unfortunately what you and my sister say is correct. Its what I've been reading online and I can pass it to my baby without an outbreak. It took me 11 months to get pregnant and the last thing I want to do is kill my baby with a kiss. Its going to be hard. I'm just devasted hearing this news.
Dont worry I get them too and Ive never passed it to my husband so if you're careful you will be ok.
I seriously doubt you will pass it on if you kiss her when you dont have an outbreak.

It sux I know how you feel but I take Lysine every day and havent had an outbreak for years. as you get older the outbreaks lessen as well.:hugs:
It's highly unlikely to pass it to your baby when you dont have an active cold sore, if that was the case you would always be worrying and that's silly, my daughter didn't catch the cold sore virus as a baby but when she was two years old and no one we know has cold sores and she didnt go to nursery or a child minder so she picked it up from some other way than kissing! All you can do is not kiss your baby when the cold sore is there and just not worry!
Sapphire that's exactly what I mean. You can pass it to someone even if you don't get outbreaks. Because how else did your little one get it? That's how its passed around. From people who don't know they have it because they don't get outbreaks.
You ladies are so kind. Lilpeeps thank you for being so sympathetic I really needed it I'm such a mess right now. I wonder if I can wear those pads that cover them when I get one after LO is here. Funny that you said her because I think I'm having a her too.
Don't kiss them when you actually have a cold sore, no, but if you don't have one then it's fine.

I've never heard of not being able to kiss a baby ever. Do you have a link to this information? A well-researched one, not just frightened people? I read about a death in the papers where the mother kissed the baby with the remnants of what she thought was an old cold sore - it wasn't. I've never passed the virus to my husband in over ten years, nor my son. It isn't passed if your lips are fine and you don't currently have an outbreak.
I wouldn't do it. if you have active cold sore, he could get it too. even if he have been exposed. doctors would recommend you not to touch your eyes and such after touching your cold sores nor pick at it because it can spread. same with kissing your child. some children can't tolerate cold sores very well.
I agree with others don't kiss your baby when you have an active outbreak.

Not sure of the truth etc in it but I know lots of people who never kiss a baby on the lips. Not sure of the real reason but they've often said it can spread germs etc to the baby. I too have only ever kissed babies on the cheek or forehead.

Also rather than listen to your sister why don't you seek medical advice on this and get the true facts. Also I would avoid google as you'll always get horror stories but they may just be that and not have the real truth and facts behind them
Just to let you know, because you have been exposed to cold sores or HSV-1 before pregnancy and developed antibodies for it , it actually a good thing because the antibodies passed to your child give your child a better chance to fight it off if he was ever exposed to the virus (at least for 6 months, I think?) . Beside a lot of people have been exposed to HSV-1 and their child turn out fine.

Still, if you have active sores, I would avoid sharing and kissing. if your sores is inactive, it should be fine but I would still avoid kissing on the mouth or eyes or sharing utensils (sp?) or food. as you never know you are about to have an outbreak (first sign of tingling) . Plus, other bacteria (especially those that can speed up teeth decay and gum diseases) and viruses you could share
I am not trying to scare you, but I would consult your doctor. My cousins little baby was only 3 weeks old when someone with a coldsore kissed her. She ended up in intensive care for 6 weeks, very very ill with swelling in her brain due to the virus. I don't have cold sores so I don't know enough about it, but I do know that my little niece was incredibly ill. What others have said about 'active' coldsores may be true. Your doctor/midwife should be able to advise more about when you don't have an active cold sore. I really wish more people were aware of effects of the cold sore virus.

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