Can someone please explain how breastfeeds should reduce after solids started?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
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I am really confused. :wacko: LO is 6.5 months and has been having solids for the past 2 and a half weeks, but he has started refusing the breast and I'm worried about it.

He has been a 2-3 hour nurser pretty much day and night for his entire life thus far (in fact it was 2 hours max until he was 5 months), but he now seems to be going up to 4 hours and on one occasion 5.5 hours without nursing! I have been offering the breast at 3 hour intervals and I figure by that time he might at least be thirsty and want a little drink, but nope. He refuses. I have tried waiting until 4 hours and I have to persevere to get him to nurse at all as the first few attempts he fights even getting into a breastfeeding position. I'm so confused as he has always been a boob addict and would never say no!

Is this to do with starting solids? Should I not offer more than 4 hourly? How many times a day should I be breastfeeding him if he is only having 1-2 little solid meals a day? When do babies need less breastmilk?

Also, he has not really taken any solids in the last day or so. Yesterday he had a couple of teaspoons of banana and then only played with his pumpkin later in the day (strange as it is his favourite so far!) and so I tried one more time yesterday and nope, he wasn't interested. I figured today he might be hungry to make up for it, but tried again this morning and he wasn't having it still. He is not sick and I don't believe he's teething right now (he already has his two front bottom teeth), so what is going on and when should I get concerned?
Stalking :) I'm wondering about this too!
It might be a distraction issue. My son is like this but has been since he was about 5 months. Until recently he would only nurse at nap time and bed time. He could easily go 5 hours without nursing.

So we breastfeed 4 x per day - once before each nap and at bedtime plus 2 feeds usually overnight. This last week I have had some luck lying him down on his back and leaning over him and popping boob in his mouth. He can still look around and take a small drink between his four main feeds.

Oh, and before my son's distraction started he was a massive boob monster and would feed any time it was offered.
I think distraction is a big problem for us too, but at the same time we really like going out and about so trying to balance everything is pretty tricky. Chloe does tend to feed well before or after naps. Stupid question, but is 4 bf's enough if she isn't actually eating alot? we blw and its hit and miss but most days lately 4 is about our average num of feeds and I was worried it wasn't enough.
When does the worrying end??!! Lol!
Hi Tess, I'm no expert but we've been on 4 day feeds plus 2 night feeds (some nights more) for 6 weeks now and C only started solids two weeks ago. We are also BLW and he barely eats anything. I think as long as they are gaining weight and nappies are good there is no issue. I'm trying to trust my son more and believe that he will take what he needs. As long as you aren't restricting access to feeds it should all be fine.
Thanks Stephie, I think you hit the nail on the head that we just need to trust our LO's to take what they need.

Ps. Sorry Zephram, I totally hijacked your thread!
No worries, Tess!

I think I need to trust my LO too. I had low supply issues in the start that required supplementing so I am completely terrified of LO not getting enough or something happening to my supply again. But I think he knowS how much he needs and he won't starve himself. He is still having 2-3 breastfeeds and night and 3-4 at least during the day, so he obviously can't be starving!

Stephie, distraction is huge! I can't feed him in public anymore and like you it's basically a feed before a nap or not much else. He is really only on two naps now, so that plus bedtime is 3 during the day and I can usually get him to have some on waking so that's 4. Must be enough.

It's just so strange how fast they change. One minute it seems they are permanently attached to your boob and the next it's 'Boob, whatever!', haha.

I am just going to relax a bit and as long as he has 5-6 per day I'll be happy.

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