I had spotting mid cycles for a long time, that was from low progesterone.
That stopped after getting my thyroid treated, now I have begun with brown spotting at the end of AF for a couple days, any ideas on that?
I also have brown spotting for a day or so after AF but it's not normal it means the blood circulation is not great and uterus is not evacuating normally. I try doing exercises on CD4-5 so help with blood circulation but also there are some chinese herbs that help with that. I read about it in a book but have not tried it yet. Although I do not think this spotting is preventing us from conceiving.
/B]Yes I have the dark brown/black stringy spotting when wiping, usually it is not enough to need a liner. I hate it!
The only thing that has helped is huge amounts of progesterone cream, like at least 1 teaspoon twice a day. I still have a little spotting but it isnt black anymore, more just a light tan and only when i check internally. I just got some prescription strength progesterone and am hoping it is strong enough to keep it away completely. I will try and remember to keep you updated after I O and get to try it out.
Good luck, I know how frustrating it is!
If you can update that would be great thank you. I have never used cream or pills of progesterone, see if the fertility doctor thinks I need it. It looks like you are more sorted out, crossed fingers its taking you towards a BFP soon XXX
I thought I might chime in too. I have lots of brown spotting starting 7dpo a lot of the time. I hate it! I also have a thin lining and my AF is really light and only last 2-3 days of actual flow. I had some success with acupuncture but then spotting increased again after a while. The cycle I did before this one I was on Clomid and progesterone and like Madgirl said, it was totally gone while on progesterone. I think it might not be the same for everyone but I definitely think there's something going on related to progesterone for me.
It definitely had a big effect on my cycles. I did just acu, no herbs. My acupuncturist also suggested eating more protein and good fats to help with lining/spotting. I eventually stopped going bc I started having issues with the way he was interacting with me... Long story... But it basically made me feel lousy to go after a while. That was purely bc of him though, the treatments are super relaxing and I miss that part. I'm currently looking around for another acu, one that's good with the lady problems that's not super expensive.
It definitely had a big effect on my cycles. I did just acu, no herbs. My acupuncturist also suggested eating more protein and good fats to help with lining/spotting. I eventually stopped going bc I started having issues with the way he was interacting with me... Long story... But it basically made me feel lousy to go after a while. That was purely bc of him though, the treatments are super relaxing and I miss that part. I'm currently looking around for another acu, one that's good with the lady problems that's not super expensive.
Pink - i remember now....he kept saying he had a good feeling about this or that cycle. I commented at the time.....very unprofessional of him and not really what us ladies need eh. Good luck with the next one....
Vitex did not work for me....delayed ovulation and gave me horrid headaches.....I bet you get your +opk a couple of days layer than usual