Can you ask for a c-section if it is not medically necessary?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2015
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This is my biggest fear about getting pregnant. I have seen birthing videos, the tearing, the pain, etc. and I don't want to go through that. I understand that c-sections are harder to recover from but I would prefer one to giving birth naturally. I have a feeling I'd end up with one anyway, just because I am so small, small hips, etc. but if not, am I allowed to just request one or do they have to deem it necessary? I hear a lot of cons to c-sections vs natural birth but are there any pros? Did any of you prefer having a c-section?
I think it depends where you live. I'm in the UK and know that you can now request a cesarean for non medical needs. I had an emergency cesarean with my first and two planned. I'll be having my 4th soon. Pros for a cesarean are...
Knowing when you baby will be born (unless you go into labour early)
No labour and the uncertainty or pain
Your bits are still in perfect condition
Relaxing atmosphere
You can remain in control

Cons are...
The recovery after is slow (at least it was for me and is in comparison to a natural birth)
You can only have so many cesarean so not great if you want a big family.

I'm sure they are lots more pros and cons. I honestly love having a planned cesarean. I had a natural cesarean and it was truly beautiful.
Thanks for your reply. The slower recovery time definitely seems worth it to me in comparison. I only want 2 children, so I think I'll be alright!
Depends on the hospital most don't allow it as its a major operation.

My son was breech had a c section 12 days ago it's really not as easy as you think it is your be very shocked if you have one.

I know my hospital will not let you choose to have an elective section and a lot are like that labour really isn't that bad my first son was born naturally I would do that any day over another section again.
I think you need to watch some different birthing videos. Not everyone tears, not every one finds it agony. I got to 9cm with out even realising I was in labour. I really doubt they would give you a section with out a medical reason to back it up. Iv had friends who have had both a natural delivery and a section and they say the pain was way worse after a section than it was while they were in labour and not one of them have said they would rather a section than a natural birth.
I'm exactly like you!

Fortunately I went private with an obstetrician so I was able to choose (turns out my little guy had a massive head and would've needed one anyway). The idea of delivering vaginally sends me into a complete panic spiral and since I suffer from panic disorder anyway, this obviously wouldn't be a good way to go.

I'll be having c-sec #2 in 39 days - once again, my choice as my obs gave me the option of a VBAC this time.

I was very happy with my decision last time. I had an excellent recovery and no issues with tearing down there or prolapse.

I hope you get to choose to deliver your baby the way you want when the time comes. xxx
Were you aware that babies born by planned c-section are more likely to end up in the NICU with breathing problems? I would suggest researching carefully, its not just about you anymore, you have a child to consider and you should be taking into consideration the best outcomes for homier her and not just yourself. I don't wish to sound nasty but there are pain relief options for natural labour and the tearing in most instances is superficial and heals completely and quickly so these aren't really great reasons for not attempting natural birth. Your body is more capable then you give it credit for!
That should read 'him or her' not 'homier', my bad, typing too fast!
Thanks Hit Girl, I definitely didn't expect people to be so judgmental of someones personal choice here or assume that I am just choosing it out of ignorance. I will discuss it with my doctor when the time comes. I'm pretty sure I would need one regardless based on my body type, but I'd like to be able to just plan it that way from the start :)
It's unlikely if you're in the uk that they'd give you one without a medical reason.

If it's any help ive had 6 full term natural births, and they've all been very positive experiences. I personally would not choose a section if not medically necessary for me or the baby.

There's also of pain relief available including epidurals if you needed it. Childbirth doesn't have to be terrifying.
I don't think anyone's being judgemental hun, I think people are offering you things to think about. I remember thinking like this once upon a time.

I never ended up having one with my girls and I couldn't say either experience was painful, just so bloody tiring. You are made for this ;) I recently accompanied my friend when she was in labour and she had to have a csection. It was then I realised this was in no way an option i would want to choose. the anaesthetic failed where they needed it and they had to put her to sleep immediately. That meant not seeing her little boy right away too, and in real pain for quite a while! These are all the things I never thought about before.

I will take my hat off to anyone who's had a csection. You are all mighty!!!
I didn't mean to sound judgemental, as the above poster said I think people are just offering a balance and food for thought given its such a big decision. I'm confused as to why you are so confident you don't have the right body type for natural birth tho? I didn't know there was a correct body type? Plenty of short women with small hips birth naturally every day..I am one of those. Your hips will expand as the pregnancy progresses, the body prepares itself to give birth.
With my first, I had a vaginal birth. I was overdue and had to be induced, I had a 4th degree tear and I hated every second of the labor. My 2nd was breech so I opted for a c-s. It was a slow recovery, but I would choose it again in a heartbeat over another vaginal birth. He was actually born at 36+2 because of low fluid and he had no breathing problems whatsoever.
you can but some hospitals don't like doing them if not medically needed.
I've had 2.
my 1st was an emergency after 14 hours into induction baby got distress.
2nd was planned because of how close my 2 boys were.
this one is also planned because of having had 2 sections already.
A good OB will send you in to be monitored via US to make sure your baby is practicing breathing before they consent to a C-section... Unless of course it's an emergency. My OB made the decision to go in after my son if he didn't come out by 39 weeks because he was measuring HUGE and his head WOULD NOT have fit. We were having US done once a week to monitor him for signs of distress as his movements decreased significantly because he was so bunched up in there. He was seriously massive.

That was 2 weeks before I popped... Was hoping that hand jogging the horse in the picture would help labor progress as I was contracting, but wouldn't dialate past 1cm :(

Anyway... They monitored my son, made sure he was practicing breathing in the womb, and went in for him at 39 weeks. He was PERFECT and it was a great experience even if I did freak right before surgery. We were able to sleep the night before, get up refreshed, had my son by 9:30 (his time of birth was 9:29 AM mountain standard time) and were in our room and chilling out as a family by 11:30am. Visitors by 1pm... And the recovery? I was up and walking by 4:30 pm and being told to slow down.

I get that everyone is different, but C-Sections AREN'T the monsters so many people make them out to be.
I had one with no medical need apart from I had something called cmv so they kept a close eye on LO had scans every week so that kind of made me think I wanted c section as everything would have been under more control in my eyes, but I ended up being put to sleep as
I had a panic attack and asthma attack! This pregnancy I will deffo be having natural birth I missed out on so much I didn't see my little lady come into this world. But everyone has different views, and from what I know most hospitals in the UK let you have a choice, good luck x
I just had an elective section last week because my twins were breech and I can personally say that it was an horrendous experience and I would never go through that again.
I was in so much pain after, 6 days in hospital, and I felt like an 90 year old woman (still kinda do) and I'm still recovering (not very well ) the spinal has left me suffering from really bad back spasms.
There was complications with my bladder from the catheter and I couldn't pass any urine so it ruptured where my c section scar was and I bled out , I woke up in agony and in a pool of blood. I then had to have another catheter and had to keep it in for an entire week!

I've had two virginal births previously and they were a breeze, I got up straight after & had a bath. I was in no pain & was pretty much back to normal straight away. I could drive & lift my baby.
I know every birth is different & not everyone has an easy natural birth & not everyone one has a terrible experience from a c section, but just be aware what ever you choose? A c section may not nessicarly be a better experience.
I would just like to add completely forgot, I had complications also had to stay in for 3/4 days, I had lots of blood loss and almost had to hAve a blood transfusion , when I went to the toilet I also passed a clot that was absolutely massive!
I am kind of panicky about such things, though I did need a c-section on medical grounds. I'm still glad I had one, as I have a very bad hip, plus I had twins, plus I had pre enclampsia, and I'm not sure if all 3 of us would have made it vaginally. However, c-section, was pretty awful. I couldn't stop vomiting all throughout and after. DH said I was green and the vomiting lasted at least an hour. It was painful after, but I suppose a vaginal birth would have been too. Whatever happens, you will cope, in that very moment you get through it. The anticipating and worrying is worse in many ways. I also know many people that suffer from panic disorder and they coped fine if that is any help. I would share your concerns with doctor and say what s/he says X
I've booked an elective c section for my baby, it's my first pregnancy. I have my own reasons for doing so, and I don't think you need to justify or explain your reasoning to anyone. People will ALWAYS have an opinion, and while sometimes it can be helpful, it can also be hurtful. Do what works best for YOU!

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