Canadian TTC Buddy??


Baby #3 on the way!
Jan 4, 2012
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I think I might be the only one!! lol Is there anyone out there from the great white north?
Hi, you're not alone. This is my first post but I've been viewing this site for sometime now. Been TTC #2 since May but no luck so far. How are things going for you?
Hi!! I thought I was the only one!
Things are going. lol My DH and I have decided to actually start trying. Ive been off BC (Depo) since Jan 2011 and it took till Sept to get regular cycles. Its like clockwork now, which is great but Dh started a new jon a few months ago and is only home a few nights a month... not great for baby making. :(
We were NTNP up until a month ago when we had "the Talk" but its been difficult to get a night together when it really counts, so Im kinda in limbo. Im half way between upset that we cant actually try on a regular basis and half way obsessed so maybe it wont happen until I relax about it. Easier said then done!
How old is your little one?
That sucks about your hubbys job. Makes trying all the more difficult. My little girl turned 2 in October. Thought by now we'd be preparing he to be a big sister but not so. You'll have to fill me in on all the lingo, not sure what DH stands for but I figure it's husband and NTNP??? My husband is out of town only once a week so I'm lucky that way I guess. Are you charting or doing anything at this point? I'm on the hunt for any tips or secrets out there... will try anything once (or even twice for that matter) if there's a chance.
That sucks about your hubbys job. Makes trying all the more difficult. My little girl turned 2 in October. Thought by now we'd be preparing he to be a big sister but not so. You'll have to fill me in on all the lingo, not sure what DH stands for but I figure it's husband and NTNP??? My husband is out of town only once a week so I'm lucky that way I guess. Are you charting or doing anything at this point? I'm on the hunt for any tips or secrets out there... will try anything once (or even twice for that matter) if there's a chance.

DH is darling husband, NTNP is not trying not preventing...
Charting my temp is nearly impossible since I work shift work, so Im trying to chart everything else. I am tracking cycle days and cervical mucus/position/feel every day to see if I can see a pattern. I also broke down and found ovulation texts (at the dollar store and london drugs) to try. I figure Ill use the cheap ones and see if they give me any indication and then confirm with the more expensive ones. lol Im sure it looked trashy when I bought 15 tests from the dollar store but I hear good things about them, so we will see. I also found the canandian drug store version of PreSeed. Its called Zestica. I took it to work (Im a medic) and the docs, nurses and the rest of the medics took a look at the stuff in it and its almost identical to PreSeed so we will give that a shot this cycle too. I ordered PreSeed as a backup. :)
Congrats on your daughter! I cant wait to finally get a positive test!! I cant imagine what thats like! It seems like the last year has kicked my baby clock into overdrive. Thankfully we havent really been trying until now so its been pretty stress free.
Hey, I'm a Canuck, too! Glad to see I'm not the only one either...
I am TTC baby #2 and I am just waiting right now to test... the Two Week Wait... it's killing me! Some symptoms, but I'm afraid I'm hoping too much and worried I will be disappointed if AF shows.
Sounds like you're doing everything I'm doing as well. Couldn't ever get on board with the temping... I don't get up until my daughter does and that isn't always consistent. I'm not setting my alarm to take a temp just yet, I love my sleep too much. I ordered preseed this cycle too however it didn't show in time so if there's nothing positive this month then I guess we'll be trying that next month. I've been using the CB digitals for O testing as I couldn't stand guessing about the lines. It's funny sometimes the length women will go but I can guarantee it's so worth all the charting, peeing, unromantic :sex: because when you finally get to meet that precious little baby the world literally stops. It's the best feeling ever. I hope you get to experience that soon!

Philomena, welcome. I'm officially in the TWW also. How old is your little one?
Fellow Canadian here; looks like I found some buddies! :) I noticed everyone else in this thread are TTC #2? My DH and I justed started TTC #1... I am also in the TWW phase! I'm 7 dpo now, any of you ladies in TWW also close to the same dpo?
Fellow Canadian here; looks like I found some buddies! :) I noticed everyone else in this thread are TTC #2? My DH and I justed started TTC #1... I am also in the TWW phase! I'm 7 dpo now, any of you ladies in TWW also close to the same dpo?

Hi Mia Evan, glad to have another on board. I'm still only about 2dop, thought I was farther along but not the case. (sigh, just means a longer wait now!:nope: ) How are you feeling so far? My hubby and I got preg with our first on the first try do the NTNP method but this time around it's been a bit of a struggle. I'm wishing now we hadn't waited so long to start trying again. Good luck to you in your baby making efforts. Looking forward to getting to know a little about you in our wait together.
Hi everyone. So glad I found a little group to get to know. We are ttc#1. I'm super excited today!! Dh came home last night and surprised me. He's been gone for almost two weeks and I've been watching the calendar and baby making chance get closer and closer and thinking he wouldn't be home in time, I resigned myself to not being able to try this cycle. BUT..... We BD'd last night after he it home and earlier that day I tried an o predictor stick and got a faint line. I know it's not a positive till its the same color or darker but I'm one of those lucky ladies that gets what's called a 'fade in'. My ovulation predictions have slowly gotten darker over a few days, peaks then disappears. Sooooo... I figure that I'm three days from O!!! Great time for baby making!!! Then this morning I got up and did a random CM check and I'm starting to get ewcm! I had been noticing a bit more wetness to my cm the last few days but the ewcm was a surprise. I think I either didnt I last cycle or ecause of the holidays I missed checking for a few days and missed it. Last cycle I did have jelly like mucus (sorry. Lol). But it was more sticky then stretchy If that makes sense. Anyway, as you can tell I'm excited about everything lining up this month and really having a shot at it. I don't have anyone at work that I can talk to sp I have to do it here. Lol. I have short cycles (25 days) and figuring out when I I has been the most difficult. I had been wondering if I o earlier then all the calculators say. I guess I know now. AF came on jan 8-10 which is a day shorter then typical but who's complaining. So i guess that puts me on CD7 and 5 days to o if you trust the calculators. I'll take an o test later today and see of its stronger today. I feel really good about this cycle! I won't be on my TWW till jan 19 but I'm already counting the days. I have more BDing planned just incase too. Lol. Hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi everyone. So glad I found a little group to get to know. We are ttc#1. I'm super excited today!! Dh came home last night and surprised me. He's been gone for almost two weeks and I've been watching the calendar and baby making chance get closer and closer and thinking he wouldn't be home in time, I resigned myself to not being able to try this cycle. BUT..... We BD'd last night after he it home and earlier that day I tried an o predictor stick and got a faint line. I know it's not a positive till its the same color or darker but I'm one of those lucky ladies that gets what's called a 'fade in'. My ovulation predictions have slowly gotten darker over a few days, peaks then disappears. Sooooo... I figure that I'm three days from O!!! Great time for baby making!!! Then this morning I got up and did a random CM check and I'm starting to get ewcm! I had been noticing a bit more wetness to my cm the last few days but the ewcm was a surprise. I think I either didnt I last cycle or ecause of the holidays I missed checking for a few days and missed it. Last cycle I did have jelly like mucus (sorry. Lol). But it was more sticky then stretchy If that makes sense. Anyway, as you can tell I'm excited about everything lining up this month and really having a shot at it. I don't have anyone at work that I can talk to sp I have to do it here. Lol. I have short cycles (25 days) and figuring out when I I has been the most difficult. I had been wondering if I o earlier then all the calculators say. I guess I know now. AF came on jan 8-10 which is a day shorter then typical but who's complaining. So i guess that puts me on CD7 and 5 days to o if you trust the calculators. I'll take an o test later today and see of its stronger today. I feel really good about this cycle! I won't be on my TWW till jan 19 but I'm already counting the days. I have more BDing planned just incase too. Lol. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Welcome! Sounds like things are lining up for you this month. I hope everything works out! Now get off the computer and get busy :sex: with hubby!!!
Working 12 hour day shifts for the next three days. Lol. Nothing to do but sit back and google, obsess and BnB!
Working 12 hour day shifts for the next three days. Lol. Nothing to do but sit back and google, obsess and BnB!

I've got some distraction, we're painting our house so really should be doing that right now while DH is at work but I'm hooked on here now! It's nice to have others in similar situations that you can be completely yourself with and not feel crazy. I've got no one around me going through anything similar so I'm so glad I've found this site and all these ladies!
Fellow Canadian here; looks like I found some buddies! :) I noticed everyone else in this thread are TTC #2? My DH and I justed started TTC #1... I am also in the TWW phase! I'm 7 dpo now, any of you ladies in TWW also close to the same dpo?

Hi Mia Evan, glad to have another on board. I'm still only about 2dop, thought I was farther along but not the case. (sigh, just means a longer wait now!:nope: ) How are you feeling so far? My hubby and I got preg with our first on the first try do the NTNP method but this time around it's been a bit of a struggle. I'm wishing now we hadn't waited so long to start trying again. Good luck to you in your baby making efforts. Looking forward to getting to know a little about you in our wait together.

I hope we'll be just as lucky to get pregnant on our first try... but right now I'm not feeling any different than I normally would days before AF (mildly sore bbs, some bloating (but not extreme bloating like I had between 2-7 dpo!) and feeling really exhausted today. I know that some women can have no symptoms at all when they get pregnant but somehow I feel like I'd rather feel unwell and hope it's because I'm pregnant than not feel anything and keep guessing, if that makes any sense. How long have you and your hubby been trying for baby #2? Hang in there, sending :dust: your way!
Fellow Canadian here; looks like I found some buddies! :) I noticed everyone else in this thread are TTC #2? My DH and I justed started TTC #1... I am also in the TWW phase! I'm 7 dpo now, any of you ladies in TWW also close to the same dpo?

Hi Mia Evan, glad to have another on board. I'm still only about 2dop, thought I was farther along but not the case. (sigh, just means a longer wait now!:nope: ) How are you feeling so far? My hubby and I got preg with our first on the first try do the NTNP method but this time around it's been a bit of a struggle. I'm wishing now we hadn't waited so long to start trying again. Good luck to you in your baby making efforts. Looking forward to getting to know a little about you in our wait together.

I hope we'll be just as lucky to get pregnant on our first try... but right now I'm not feeling any different than I normally would days before AF (mildly sore bbs, some bloating (but not extreme bloating like I had between 2-7 dpo!) and feeling really exhausted today. I know that some women can have no symptoms at all when they get pregnant but somehow I feel like I'd rather feel unwell and hope it's because I'm pregnant than not feel anything and keep guessing, if that makes any sense. How long have you and your hubby been trying for baby #2? Hang in there, sending :dust: your way!

My fingers are x'd for you. I had no typical symptoms with my first pregnancy and didn't know until I tested the day of my period. You just never know... I'm a huge symptom spotter so every little twinge is noted and disected to death! Baby #2 however is a totally different thing. We've been trying now for 7 months (this being my 8th cycle). I had a chemical in October so have been cautious since with all the testing and what not. It gets pretty hard but I have to keep telling myself that it happened once so it should happen again. It's so nice to have found all these ladies to talk to though, makes the waiting so much easier. Well, it's late here and I'm off to sleep. One day closer!!! :thumbup:
Lilosmom... Ugh! Painting! We moved into our house in october and had to cover the prison grey the previous owners had painted it inside. A week long project and I swear I'm allergic to painting now. Lol.
Hi to everyone else! I'm glad to see there's a few of us out there.
When is everyone due to test? I think I'm still 1 or 2 before O .... So not quite the TWW yet
Yeah, it is really great to have these forums- so much easier to connect with other women going through the same thing! I have a 14yo daughter and ttc #2 with new dh! Thursday- Jan 19 is my day to test - the tww has me anxious to distraction! I am supposed to start back to work on Tuesday (after x-mas holidays) but my head just isn't there at the moment!
Well, painting is done, again. We've been in our house since august and the first color we chose didn't work so LO spent the night at Gramma's and we got some painting done. Only two rooms left to do :-(

Glad to see a few more ladies have joined the group. I've got a busy week ahead of myself here so I'm hoping it takes my mind off the fact that I've still got another week and two days before testing... if I can hold out that long. How is everyone else planning on passing the time? Do we know when everyone plans on testing? Might be nice to know. I'll be trying to wait until the 26th unless :witch: gets me first.
I think I might be the only one!! lol Is there anyone out there from the great white north?

:flower: Hi - I'm also from Alberta!!! :hugs:

That's awesome!! We can complain about the terribly cold weather to each other. Lol.

I have a quick question....okay maybe not quick but bare with me
I've been using an app to track my AF and cycles and such, along with CM and OPKs most days.. My calendar puts me at CD9 and 5 days to ovulation... But on CD 6 my CM was really wet, not really cm but just the sensation of being wet. Then on CD 7 I got a bit of ewcm in the morning. DH was home from work and we tried out the Zestica lube I bought (great stuff!!) and the next morning again I had super stretchy EWCM in the morning. I googled it (my phone has had some interesting search topics lately. Lol) to see if I could figure out if it was infact CM or if it was sperm (sorry.huge tmi) and I guess that CM will ball up and sink to the bottom of its in water. So I tried it. Totally 100% no doubt it was CM Happened again on CD8. So now I'm confused and wonder if I O early. I remember getting the wet feeling close to CD 6-7 last cycle too but the EWCM was more globs then stretchy. I'm CD9 today and woke up dry. This afternoon tho I have the wet felony again. My CM is more of a creamy wetness then actual CM.
Any suggestions or ideas??

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