Canadian TTC Buddy??

Have you had any results on your OPKs?

I am not faithful doing then every single day or even at the same time every day. I got a faint line on CD6 or 7 which I was told could have been the beginning or end of the surge and I just missed it or it could be that the urine was diluted. Either way, I guess that no, I haven't had a positive as I know that the two lines have to be equal color or the positive line darker then the control. I checked my cervix this afternoon and it's firm again and the OS seems to be closed again. Usually it feels like a small dimple but a few days ago it was wide open. I could instantly feel the difference. My cycles are short at 25 days with AF being usually 2 days of light bleeding and then the third day is only spotting I didn't usually need a pad or panty liner that day.
Have you had any results on your OPKs?

I am not faithful doing then every single day or even at the same time every day. I got a faint line on CD6 or 7 which I was told could have been the beginning or end of the surge and I just missed it or it could be that the urine was diluted. Either way, I guess that no, I haven't had a positive as I know that the two lines have to be equal color or the positive line darker then the control. I checked my cervix this afternoon and it's firm again and the OS seems to be closed again. Usually it feels like a small dimple but a few days ago it was wide open. I could instantly feel the difference. My cycles are short at 25 days with AF being usually 2 days of light bleeding and then the third day is only spotting I didn't usually need a pad or panty liner that day.

Sounds like you probably did o early then. I'm no expert, usually leave it up to the OPKs and only recently started checking my cervix so don't know about that. So how many dpo does that put you now? (oh, and I kind of hate you now that your told me your AF is only 2 days!!! lol)
Have you had any results on your OPKs?

I am not faithful doing then every single day or even at the same time every day. I got a faint line on CD6 or 7 which I was told could have been the beginning or end of the surge and I just missed it or it could be that the urine was diluted. Either way, I guess that no, I haven't had a positive as I know that the two lines have to be equal color or the positive line darker then the control. I checked my cervix this afternoon and it's firm again and the OS seems to be closed again. Usually it feels like a small dimple but a few days ago it was wide open. I could instantly feel the difference. My cycles are short at 25 days with AF being usually 2 days of light bleeding and then the third day is only spotting I didn't usually need a pad or panty liner that day.

Sounds like you probably did o early then. I'm no expert, usually leave it up to the OPKs and only recently started checking my cervix so don't know about that. So how many dpo does that put you now? (oh, and I kind of hate you now that your told me your AF is only 2 days!!! lol)

I think Ive read and been told that you O just after the EWCM shows and the other way to mark it is that you are dry the day after... So Im guessing that Jan 14th and 15th were my peak days and since I was really dry on Monday jan 16th compared to the days before, Ill take a guess and say I Oed on Sunday or monday?? That would make me one or two DPO. I have watery CM today and did last night as well. I have been having little fluttery cramps and a sore lower back all day. I cant remember if my back gets tender this soon in my cycle, but its not any differnt then how it feels when AF is coming. I know its way way too soon so maybe lifting my fat patient on the stretcher did something to my back... but its more of an ache then a muscle pull so who knows.
Sorry about the AF thing. lol I guess its a peace offering from my body for having AF every three weeks... My cycles before the Depo shot and when I was younger were longer, more like 5 or 6 days. It may be a good thing or it may make getting pregnant really tough. We will see!
How are things going with you??
Well, I guess I can understand then about the short AF if you have to deal with it every three weeks. Life out west is COLD and because I don't want to be outside I'm finding the days dragging. We've been busy here all weekend so it was nice to keep my mind off the TWW as best as I could (pretty sure I was checking in on here 3 times a day lol) and the rest of my week is going to be equally as busy so before I know it I'm hoping I'll be at the weekend and only a few days left before I can test, unless that old :witch: shows herself before then. I'm really hoping I can hold off until the 27th but we'll see....
Ha! Cold?? Like 37 below before the wind chill? That what it is here! I have family in Vancouver and they are bitching about -5. lol I had to buy a second block heater for my pickup just to have it start in the morning.... Gross!!
I guess its payback for the +4 we had for the last few weeks. I live about 100 km from the North West Territories and it was +6 on Dec 25th! It was really screwing up the locals here lol
Do you have fairly regular cycles? Mine are 25 days, almost to the hour for the last four months. I figure Im okay to test around the 1st of Feb or so. I plan to make a trip to Dollar Giant for some cheap preg tests... did you know they have O test too? Crazy right? But looking at the package and talkign to the Doctors at work, they are actually better then the over the counter ones you can get at the drug stores... the ones at the dollar store are fertility clinic left overs. I bought 6 O test and 4 Preg tests the last time I was there but I wish I had loaded up!!
Still 10 days to go for you ... any signs yet??
Ha! Cold?? Like 37 below before the wind chill? That what it is here! I have family in Vancouver and they are bitching about -5. lol I had to buy a second block heater for my pickup just to have it start in the morning.... Gross!!
I guess its payback for the +4 we had for the last few weeks. I live about 100 km from the North West Territories and it was +6 on Dec 25th! It was really screwing up the locals here lol
Do you have fairly regular cycles? Mine are 25 days, almost to the hour for the last four months. I figure Im okay to test around the 1st of Feb or so. I plan to make a trip to Dollar Giant for some cheap preg tests... did you know they have O test too? Crazy right? But looking at the package and talkign to the Doctors at work, they are actually better then the over the counter ones you can get at the drug stores... the ones at the dollar store are fertility clinic left overs. I bought 6 O test and 4 Preg tests the last time I was there but I wish I had loaded up!!
Still 10 days to go for you ... any signs yet??

Yeah, I know, super wimpy right. We lived in Saskatoon for a few years so I should be used to the cold but it's been so nice in the interior the last few months that this blast of cold is just too much for me. I think we'll get to -18 today (not counting any wind chill) but honestly after -15 it all feels the same to me.

My cycles were always regular (give or take a day or two) but the last three or four months things have really been screwy. Had anywhere from 33 to 26 days and spotting the week before my period which has never happened before. I'm going to try to hold out on testing until the 27th. I keep saying this but I know I'll cave sooner. I have a dr appt next week too so it'll be interesting to see what he says about all these irregularities. I have never looked for preg tests or ov strips at the dollar stores. Don't think they carry them here? Of course I have a million "signs" but realistically I'm just symptom spotting. Woke up today feeling gross and certain smells are making me want to puke. Oh well, I'm sure it's all just another illusion!
Hi all..I'm from Nova Scotia. I am going to be 34 in March and DH and I have been TTC #2 for almost a year now. I have a beautiful daughter named Rian (pronounced Ryan) who will be 3 in March. The last time we TTC we had disaster after disaster!! The first time I got pregnant I miscarried at 12 weeks along. It was devastating to us. We did all kinds of temping,opks, checking CM and cervical position..etc etc!! It was like a science experiment. I got pregnant for Rian 5 months after my m/c. My pregnancy was crazy..I was sick..had insomnia..kidney stones severe edema, Swollen ureter (sp??) and to top it all off I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and went on 5 needles a day. Then labour and delivery..just as crazy but I will save that for another time!!lol. I started using an insulin pump in April 2011 and finally have my blood sugars under control. We have been ttc for a while now..I think it is timing (DH is a police officer and works 2 day shifts, then 2 night shifts then 4 days off) I know when I ov...always have lots of EWCM and ovulation pain. I believe I actually ov' yesterday but unfortunately DH was working. We DTD a few nights before so I hope those little swimmers stayed up long enough to catch the egg!! Nice to be able to meet other Canucks and wish you all the best of luck dust to us all!!!:hugs:
Hello from SASKATCHEWAN! It's -48 with the wind today..... my car is dead so no work!

I'm 28 DH is 30, we've been trying for over a year with irregular cycles and PCOS.(irregular cycles started in june 2010) I was diagnosed in July 2011 with PCOS, and started taking Metformin to help control my hormone levels. My cycles have become shorter! (it was sometimes as long as 77days :()

2012 will be my year! I just know it! I'm currently taking 2 mg of folic acid, omega 3, multi vitamin, and metformin. This is also our first cycle of taking clomid to kick start my ovaries. I took it CD 3-7 and only had mild side effects! I'm Currently on CD 17! I hope this is our month :flower:
O ya I also had an HSG done on CD 10 of this month, and my tubes are free and clear! That was a huge relief!
Hi Everyone New!!
Great to meet you Dee! Nice to have someone around here that can relate to my schedule. I am a paramedic in Alberta and work the same as your hubby. Sometimes it makes BDing a difficult thing!
Welcome Feb4th! Beautiful picture! Glad to have you along. Sorry to hear its cold there too. I guess another few months before it warms up again, so buckle down and try to stay warm!
Lilosmom: I got the tests at Dollar Giant. SOme of them have them and some of the smaller ones dont. They are actually more sensitive then some that you can buy at the drug stores here. I like them cause they are cheap and sometimes I obsess and just want to test. lol FXed for the nasty tummy that you have.. hope it means something!! I have a wickedly sore lower back today. Even standing doing the dishes was too much. And then this evening I have had off and on heart burn. I NEVER get that, so at first I thought that it was somethign I ate maybe but I have had PB and banana a million times before and nothing. I think I have some serious days of overthinking, where every little twing and gurgle in my body makes me think I am pregnant. Ive been having dull ache-like cramps along my pelvis for the last two days. I am really starting to think that I did in fact O early and I think we caught it in time! Thank goodness DH came home last weekend! I guess that puts me at 3 or 4 DPO!! Just 11 or 12 to go till I find out!
I wish I had some input regarding OPKs bc it seems like most of you are doing that, but since it's our first try, we just went with predicting my ov date based on my cycle being quite predictable, my period usually coming on the exact day or give or take a day. AF is due in two days so I'm super nervous! I've been so busy with work lately that I've sorta "forgotten" about counting the days... until my DH said out of the blue "It would be wonderful wouldn't it, if you were pregnant right now, after our first try?" Sigh...that makes me really really really want a BFP!

Keep warm everyone! and :dust: too! I hope we all have good news to share soon!
I wish I had some input regarding OPKs bc it seems like most of you are doing that, but since it's our first try, we just went with predicting my ov date based on my cycle being quite predictable, my period usually coming on the exact day or give or take a day. AF is due in two days so I'm super nervous! I've been so busy with work lately that I've sorta "forgotten" about counting the days... until my DH said out of the blue "It would be wonderful wouldn't it, if you were pregnant right now, after our first try?" Sigh...that makes me really really really want a BFP!

Keep warm everyone! and :dust: too! I hope we all have good news to share soon!

I would love to give you some direction with OPK's but I have found that I get a faint like in the positive window and a dark line in the control window MOST days. I cant figure out what the deal is, other then I know that women always have an amount of LH in their systems, but to have almost the same looking line every single day is getting annoying. regardless, Im going with my CM method and Im going to guess that I o'ed on CD8. Super early but makes sense with all the EWCM and the fact that I was practically beggind DH to BD for about five nights in a row (Not even close to typical for me since Ive been off BC, Its rare for my sex drive to be that strong) Now Im just sitting back and obsessing over everything. lol
Im also an AF to the day kinda girl like you are. I hope that AF takes a little holiday for you! Let us know when you test!
PS sounds like your DH is a wonderful man!
How is everyone feeling today? A little snow in NS today but only a few centimeters. In the 2ww...I hate this part of ttc. I usually always convince myself I'm pregnant and symptom spot like crazy...I need a hobby!!lol. I'm going to try really hard to not test early this month...TRY is the key word!! I have wasted soooo much money. I tell myself to wait until I am at least 1 day late...but I always early!! I think they need a group similar to AA for people ttc! Hope everyone is good:hugs:
Hi everyone. Nothing new to report here. It's still cold and we're awaiting a dump of snow so that'll at least get us out of the house to play :xmas7: I'm guessing I'm now around 9dpo so a bit of a wait still to go. Still trying to hold off until the 27th but we'll see...

Have a great weekend everyone!
Another Canuck here!!! I am in Manitoba!! I get so excited to see another Canadian on here cuz there is hardly any :rofl: And most of the ones who ARE here are from Alberta :dohh: Kidding... I love Alberta :dance: I am in good ol winterpeg with the extreme deep freeze going on right now too. I took today off work to avoid the cold :haha:
Another Canuck here!!! I am in Manitoba!! I get so excited to see another Canadian on here cuz there is hardly any :rofl: And most of the ones who ARE here are from Alberta :dohh: Kidding... I love Alberta :dance: I am in good ol winterpeg with the extreme deep freeze going on right now too. I took today off work to avoid the cold :haha:

WELCOME!! I wont comment on the fact that your from Winnipeg, we cant all live in the best Kidding
Its getting warmer here today... if you can count minus 16. Its kinda sick how all of us here are exctied about it being only -16 instead of -30. lol

I think we are all close to testing within days of eachother!! Im thinking that I may be out, but Im still hopeful. Still really dry CM, and for the last few days Ive had a really sore tender bladder/pelvis. It feels almost like a UTI but no fever, no burning and urine is clear. :( I have no idea what to think

On a side note I have found an interesting thing in some of my medical books called Early Pregnancy Factor. More to obsess over, but its basically the idea that once the egg is fertilized your body starts making a protien marker that will inhibit or slow your immune response to give your little bean egg a chance to inplant into your uterus without being rejected. So, a cold or feeling generally crappy from 1-8 DPO is actually a good thing! Who knew! Im hoping that my cold and bladder infection feeling is EPF doing its job!!

Im off to obsessivly google some more made up symptoms and sit on the couch hoping that something new and profound happens tonight so I can go back to hoping!!! lol
Heres a little more food for thought... a little something to drive you crazy over the weekend.. lol
Another Canuck here!!! I am in Manitoba!! I get so excited to see another Canadian on here cuz there is hardly any :rofl: And most of the ones who ARE here are from Alberta :dohh: Kidding... I love Alberta :dance: I am in good ol winterpeg with the extreme deep freeze going on right now too. I took today off work to avoid the cold :haha:

WELCOME!! I wont comment on the fact that your from Winnipeg, we cant all live in the best Kidding
Its getting warmer here today... if you can count minus 16. Its kinda sick how all of us here are exctied about it being only -16 instead of -30. lol

I think we are all close to testing within days of eachother!! Im thinking that I may be out, but Im still hopeful. Still really dry CM, and for the last few days Ive had a really sore tender bladder/pelvis. It feels almost like a UTI but no fever, no burning and urine is clear. :( I have no idea what to think

On a side note I have found an interesting thing in some of my medical books called Early Pregnancy Factor. More to obsess over, but its basically the idea that once the egg is fertilized your body starts making a protien marker that will inhibit or slow your immune response to give your little bean egg a chance to inplant into your uterus without being rejected. So, a cold or feeling generally crappy from 1-8 DPO is actually a good thing! Who knew! Im hoping that my cold and bladder infection feeling is EPF doing its job!!

Im off to obsessivly google some more made up symptoms and sit on the couch hoping that something new and profound happens tonight so I can go back to hoping!!! lol

Sounds like you have a few promising symptoms, yeah EPF!!! I'm feeling a bit out this month for some reason, was really hopeful yesterday but have decided to sit, have a glass of wine (hopefully my last for a loooooong time) and google as well. Ahhhh, the things you can find on the internet! Hope the weather stays "nice" for you up there!


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