Cant believe it, gallbladder op


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Ahhhhhhhhhh i am soooo angry!!

I have just rang up the hospital to see where i am on the waiting list for my gallbladder op and they just told me between 18 - 26 weeks and it will be more like 26 weeks. Without even realising how long she said i was put the phone down!

I was told that it would be 3 months max not 6 1/2 months. I am that angry that ive got my Mum to ring them back as i know i wouldnt be able to get out what i needed to say and my Mum is very good with words!

I am struggling so much when im in pain as most of the times its in the middle of the night so im woken up for hours then when i finally get to sleep im up with LO, then i have a duller pain for days after which means not being able to get out and about!!

I really wish i had the money to go privately so i could have the op done next week!!

Im sorry for the moan and rant i just needed to let it all out :)
My mums just got back to me and they said its a 26 week minimum wait and you dont get brought up on the list til youv been on it atleast 26 weeks! She said that i should have never been told 3 months! And that im way way way down the list and nowhere near getting it done anytime soon! She also rang up the private hospital and they said it would cost £4500, i really wish i had that kind of money sitting around :(
I totally feel for you; I have just gone through this exact same thing.

I had my surgery a week ago after having pains since Christmas! From the time of referral to the time of my operation, it was 28+ weeks. It's funny that the NHS state that target wait times should be no more than 16 weeks (think that's what my husband said, he works in the NHS and I was assured by the doctor that referred me that I would NOT be waiting very long, as that was the NHS of the old.

My sister in law got her gastric bypass surgery quicker than I got my gallbladder surgery; don't mean to offend anyone but anyone who goes through gallbladder pains knows that it's nothing to mess around with. I was even told in the meantime if i got pains with fever to come in to A&E as it may have gone septic/ruptured. WTF why piss about with something that can kill you??! That's why I was so angry - my sis in law got her op, which is done by the same consulants at my trust, and her surgery was not immediately life threatening and she was in no pain. I was in constant pain, it could have ruptured, and I waited for months.

I could go on and on about this (my husband is insisting I write a letter of complaint) but I won't - I'll just say I completely empathise with you and if you want to vent just PM me. I feel so much better now that I've had it done.

On a side note - I asked how long I was in the theatre for and it was 57 minutes from the time of me entering to the time of me leaving. Surely a fair few of these surgeries could be done and people like us wouldn't be in so much pain. Plus there is a psychological issue. Do you suffer from anxiety regarding the possiblity of getting an attack? I know I did just wondering if I'd be getting another attack. I lost a ton of weight.

Hugs :hugs: xx
Thank you so much for writing back to me, in the nicest way possible its so nice to hear someone who went through the same.
The NHS is a joke, i dont understand how it can take so long when like you said you were in and out in less than an hour!
I think whats worse is i dont think anyone unless theyve had the pain understand how bad and painful it actually is!
I have really bad anxiety with it and i never realised i did in the beginning. I get my pains in the middle of the night so i go to bed every night in complete fear and worry that im going to get it again!

My mum came round after she finished work though and her and my Dad have offered to pay for me to go private and have it done, she said she cant sit and watch me go through it when they have the money in the bank, i just burst into tears and now i cant get the smile off my face knowing im going to get this sorted very soon instead of having to wait until next year!! Im just so happy i get to be a proper Mummy to my LO now as i dont feel like ive been able to so far :)
So glad your able to get it done privately.

I had gallstone attacks first though my pregnancy with my son, i didnt know what they were, i went back and forth my doctors and they werent helpful. Eventually in Oct I was diagnoised after having a serious liver infection, the person doing my scan said the gallbladder was full of stones and it needed out ASAP.

So i waited and waited, I got pregnant in the meantime and lost that baby while having another flare up with liver problems, no one would give me a proper answer but i was told its possible that was the cause.

I like you was despirate to go private, and contriplated it several times, but we really didnt have that sort of money and its terrible that I should have to.

Anyway, found myself pregnant again, this time it was twins, evetually in June (i think) i had an appt though to see my consultant, i went because i thought he would say that he would do the surgery in Jan, after the babies were born, but no, he said i will make another appt to see you then and then you go on the waiting list.

About 3 weeks later i was in agony! my attacks usually last about 4 hours, but this one was lasting way longer, evetually ended up seeing the put of hours GP and I was being sick red stuff! thought it was blood.

I got admited and kept over night, wouldnt give me much for pain because of the pregnancy and went on and on about how there is no chance the would operate in pregnancy. When I was the consultant, he said very much the same, but said he was the only doctor in the hospital that did operate on pregnant women, but he had only done so twice under life threathening conditions. So basically no, he wouldnt even do it.

When home later, and started being sick again, all day i couldnt even keep water down, then i started bleeding. back to our of hours GP and readmitted but to gyn for the bleeding and sickness. I was really ill by this point and needed fluids, they kept me in, next day had scan all was well with babies but pain started again!

I had to stay in because I still couldnt keep anything down, the doctors there did give me pain releif, not enough really, but what they could, and kept an eye on my bloods.

The next day it was all panic stations as my bloods showed I had pancreatitis, i ended up with a catherether, all sorts of drugs, doctors around loads etc. They told me i was lucky and if it happened again i could die.

I evetually got transfered back and the consultant explained i was very lucky and if it happened again i would be in ITU or dead. That although surgery was really risky for the pregnancy, especially with twins, that its likely to happen again and soon and if it did the pregnancy couldnt continue anway. so it was about looking after me, then hoping the pregnancy was fine.

So I went for surgery at 17 weeks pregnant with twins, i really understand why they dont operate on pregnant women unless they have to, it made things more compliacted for everyone, i had people checking up on drugs, the antherantist worrying about giving me too much drug and my cervix would relax and id miscarry there and there, and everyone just worry.

So its good that your not pregnant now, i have been really really lucky, my pregnancy seems to be continuing ok, i have lots of pre-term labour signs and my consultnat says its touch and go, but babies look great. We dont know if my condition and drugs will have had any lasting impact on the twins either.

Anyway, I was in surgery for 4-5 hours, its usually less than an hour, it was much more difficult and i had other issues that the pregnancy complicated greatly too.

That night i was sick but was ok, then next morning i was fine, up and about and home around 11am! less than 24 hours after surgery. I had no pain the first two days, the next day i was really uncomfy and sore, and i found my stitches pulled and hurt because my bump was so big. But I didnt take ANY painkillers so it really was just a little sore and if you take something you will be fine.

But Ive had no ill effects, i felt fine after, i had very little pain, i havent felt sick etc I did have one day (3 days later) where i had bad stomach cramps and diahorria (sp?) but i think that was stress.

So im very glad its over, my surgery was just 5 weeks ago, so if you have any questions just PM me.

Glad your getting it done :D
Ive been being messed about for the last 4 months and been in agony and the doctors arent 100% sure what it is,they reckon it 'could' be gall stones :( ive had mri scan,camera down the throat,ct scan,ultrasound and xray.I dont get any answers until october thats when i see my consultant but im guessing then he still wont know anything.I only had the x ray and ct scan last weekend as i was rushed into hospital with what turned out to be kidney stones but that was a different area of pain.sick of being in pain so i really do feel for you :hugs: x
I find it so amazing how many women go through this. i would have never imagined it would be so bad.

The pain is awful, so horrible. I was so nauseous when I would get an attack and like you, it would be in the middle of the night, so I would be up all night, and then shattered the next day because I had to look after my son. I am still now in a pattern of not being able to sleep at night and *having* to take a nap when he does mid morning. All because of my sleep being messed up due to gallbladder pains. It is truly awful.

I'm American; my parents were beside themselves knowing I was in so much pain and of course, being worried for me as well. My mom said last time she was over that they were talking about taking out a loan to bring me back to America to have it done back there. I *only* had a month wait left by that time so I said to hold back....BUT....IF for whatever reason my surgery was cancelled due to the consultant being sick or some reason, I'd come back home.

I have had first rate care from the NHS and I AM thankful for many things, however I don't see why this particular surgery is clearly not a priority for many trusts. The wait for this is beyond a joke.

Keep us posted, glad you can get it done privately xx :hugs:
I had my surgery a week ago after having pains since Christmas! From the time of referral to the time of my operation, it was 28+ weeks. It's funny that the NHS state that target wait times should be no more than 16 weeks (think that's what my husband said, he works in the NHS and I was assured by the doctor that referred me that I would NOT be waiting very long, as that was the NHS of the old.

I was first referred in may, and when i finally went for my consultation at the end of last month i was told the wait for the operation was up to 4 months but he would try to get me on the list sooner. I am STILL waiting for a date for my op, so far i have been told september but no actual date. Each time i phone the hospital i'm told that the person who books the operations has gone home or is away from the desk. They never bother to phone me back.

I have gone to a private hospital for this but it is still on the NHS under the "choose and book" scheme.

From what i understand to reach their targets if you even only get your consulation within the time limit they class this as being "within the 16-18 weeks"
I had my surgery a week ago after having pains since Christmas! From the time of referral to the time of my operation, it was 28+ weeks. It's funny that the NHS state that target wait times should be no more than 16 weeks (think that's what my husband said, he works in the NHS and I was assured by the doctor that referred me that I would NOT be waiting very long, as that was the NHS of the old.

I was first referred in may, and when i finally went for my consultation at the end of last month i was told the wait for the operation was up to 4 months but he would try to get me on the list sooner. I am STILL waiting for a date for my op, so far i have been told september but no actual date. Each time i phone the hospital i'm told that the person who books the operations has gone home or is away from the desk. They never bother to phone me back.

I have gone to a private hospital for this but it is still on the NHS under the "choose and book" scheme.

From what i understand to reach their targets if you even only get your consulation within the time limit they class this as being "within the 16-18 weeks"

My consultantion wanst even within that period of time, but apparently, it needs porcessed first, which clearly took several months, before they actually submit it! Its terrible.

With my emergency surgery it was stressful as I didnt know when i was going or if I was going, I was told it would be before 12pm, but actually ended up going down at 230! Which i was just greatful to be going, but was surprising as OH had come for visiting and they turned up to take me, after i had basically been told i wasnt going :dohh: within 5 minutes i was sitting on the bed waiting to be put asleep, was so glad to get it down though.

I really regret NOT going into hospital all the times I had pains, clearly thats the way to get put further up the list, :dohh: ... I kind of knew that was the case, but wanted to be a good girl and do things properly. But after getting really ill from it I wonder if that was really stupid, if I had just gone when I was in so much pain before they would have had to push me up the list.
it's all so confusing...clearly this isn't a high priority procedure - and while things such as cancer ops/heart surgeries should of course take precedence, I don't think this is seen as that big of a deal. And anyone who has had the pains will know it is.

I went to the NHS choices website as you can search wait times for your hospital regarding the procedure you are scheduled to have (it also gives other statistics, such as quality of care, cleanliness, etc.) and they state for my hospital, Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, that the average wait time for cholecystectomies is 11 weeks from GP referral to treatment (which, I take means the actual surgery as that's what a cholecystectomy is). Absolute flat out lies. I would like to see where these statistics come from. I did see a side note, that wait times are calculated from half of cases admitted. What half? the quickest half? The median wait time? Mean wait time? Not really specific. I would like to know if these 'statistics' are audited by an independant organisation.
But the NHS isn't free, yes everyone is entitled to care (and yes it is overstretched) but the NHS is funded by the UK taxpayer, which entitles the UK taxpayer to expect a certain level of care (my husband also works for the NHS, has done for 12 years now - he's the one wanting me to write a formal complaint)

Why do they publish flat out lies on the NHS Choices website? My main issue is 1. my doctor referred me without giving me a choice; when I questioned him on it he said HRI is a good hospital (NOT his decision to make under the Freedom of Choice) and 2. he flat out lied to me saying I would not wait 6 months; that was the NHS of old. Why have target times if they can't stick to them? And why lie to me? Just say it will take 6 months so I don't become so depressed about it.

Not having a go at you just stating my frustrations with the system :) xx
I've been suffering with mine for 3 years and keep getting the run around from the NHS. I have been hospitalized for 5-7 days each time and forget how many times I've been admitted. At the moment I am suffering with an infection in my gallbladder and have antibiotics to clear it up. My surgery is being sorted after keep being put off by the hospital. I totally feel your pain and it's crap that they've messed you about too.
my advice keep going to a+e with symptoms.

Sadly easier said than done with me, i pray and pray for someone to take me to hospital everytime i get the pain but i cant put myself in hospital when id have no1 to look after LO (OH works shifts and all different kinds of hours)

Ive got my consultation on Thursday, yes i have to pay £180 for a consultation with the same surgeon even though if i was going though the NHS i would have not seen anyone until the day of the op which i think is wrong.

I am going to be writing a letter of complaint about my case, i know nothing will come out of it but it will give me peace of mind that ive voiced what they have done to me. I am also going to speak about it with the surgeon in my consulation on Thursday and ask him why i was told 12 weeks max to then be told there was no chance!!

I can not wait for this all to be over, i will let you all know how i get on on Thursday!!
The NHS is disgraceful, I used to be a nurse so I know what its like from the inside too.

I 100% agree with Lauren25, including that fact its NOT FREE! Its one of my pet hates, people saying its free, its not, Its free at the point of contact, meaning, you dont pay for each service and appointment you use, but frankly we pay a huge amount in personally!

I totally think you should complian, If it were any other type of service you would complain if you had this sort of treatment, but people dont as its the NHS and feel like we are lucky to have it. I dont feel lucky, we are forced to pay into it and when we need it the service isnt avaliable.

I know what you mean about not going to A&E too, I had that problem, when i was in Scotland I had to refuse an ambulance from my GP because i knew i couldnt go in, I had a newborn to look after and no one around to help, back in Wales my parents can help out more, and I am so glad.

The night I went in with pains, my parents had my son and my OH took me in, if I were still in Scotland I wouldnt have gone, and who knows what would have happened.

Good luck, hope something happens soon x

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