Castor Oil Packs?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2012
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Does anyone here use castor oil packs for pcos/ fibroids?
Hi....I tried it once for my fibroids but i found it hard to keep on doing...I just now take herbal supplements etc to try and shrink them as NHS won't operate..
What kind of supplements do you take? Sorry they wont operate.
It's ok I kinda understand why they won't operate the consultant said that it might risk my chances of having a child and the largest fibroid is 4cm so it's not that bad there is just a few of them...I take vitamin d, sea kelp and Angus castus I also have apple cider vinegar morning and evening..
I take everything except Angus Castus, guess I should look into that more. If I don't get a bfp this cycle I will probably start the castor oil packs and and maybe the Angus Castus! Thanks!
I've been using these for the past few days in hopes of reducing two 5 cm simple cysts on my ovaries. I don't have PCOS or fibroids though.

It will be two months before I go back to the doctor to see if it has worked, but I definitely feel the ovary on that side when I'm using one. Even if it doesn't work, it really feels heavenly.

I'm taking the Angus Castus/Vitex too.
I've never heard of this. What are castor oil packs supposed to do?

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries but not the syndrome. No treatment of any kind was mentioned, the gynacologist didn't seem to think it was a problem.

I also have a small fibroid in the lining of my womb. I was told that it wouldn't interfere with conception.

If the castor oil will help either or both I want to hear about it.
@calidreaming please keep us updated about how it goes! I am curious! I will be starting it this month as well (I'm on CD 4 right now so just waiting until AF stops). I have suspected pcos, but nothing certain yet. It's only my 3rd month ttc so I wont see a FS unless we hit 6 months. The packs do feel great and I think just the act of laying on the couch for 45 minutes to relax will do wonders. @hope3 just google castor oil and fibroids (or PCOS) there is a ton of info. I know it's supposed to reduce fibroids and balance hormone levels. I'm willing to give it a shot! Right now I'm not taking any more supplements, just prenatal vitamins and drinking vegetable juice twice a day. I'm going to really try and lose a couple more pounds these next few weeks as I know my weight is probably my biggest issue. good luck!
@calidreaming please keep us updated about how it goes! I am curious! I will be starting it this month as well (I'm on CD 4 right now so just waiting until AF stops). I have suspected pcos, but nothing certain yet. It's only my 3rd month ttc so I wont see a FS unless we hit 6 months. The packs do feel great and I think just the act of laying on the couch for 45 minutes to relax will do wonders. @hope3 just google castor oil and fibroids (or PCOS) there is a ton of info. I know it's supposed to reduce fibroids and balance hormone levels. I'm willing to give it a shot! Right now I'm not taking any more supplements, just prenatal vitamins and drinking vegetable juice twice a day. I'm going to really try and lose a couple more pounds these next few weeks as I know my weight is probably my biggest issue. good luck!

Thanks. I've just looked up a couple of sites. I'm surprised I haven't stumbled across it before.

I must admit I'm getting a bit overwhelmed with all the different things people say you should take and eat to help conception. I recently bought COQ10 which I haven't got round to taking yet. I was on chinese herbs but stopped as they upset my stomach too much. I've been trying out different pre-conception multivitamins and I've got a yam in my kitchen that is in danger of going off if I don't cook it soon!

I'm beginning to think that nothing you take makes a difference, it will happen if it's meant to. But that thought won't stop me trying just one more thing...
yeah, this is some crazy making stuff... especially because there are so many contradictions! Eat this, don't eat that, stand on your head, use this position, cross your eyes.... :wacko: I am trying to just keep it simple for now, pre-natal vit, a little weight loss and good food. I will add the castor oil packs for a few months to see how that goes. There seems to be a lot of good results with it. Before I was TTC, my periods were a bit off timing wise (this is where the suspected pcos comes in!) and I actually would use the castor oil packs to start my periods and it worked for me! I have never used it long term though as I would use it 2 or 3 times until my period started and then stop for many months. I will be so happy if this just happens in the next few months!! and to think my DH and I have been using condoms all these years!
yeah, this is some crazy making stuff... especially because there are so many contradictions! Eat this, don't eat that, stand on your head, use this position, cross your eyes.... :wacko: I am trying to just keep it simple for now, pre-natal vit, a little weight loss and good food. I will add the castor oil packs for a few months to see how that goes. There seems to be a lot of good results with it. Before I was TTC, my periods were a bit off timing wise (this is where the suspected pcos comes in!) and I actually would use the castor oil packs to start my periods and it worked for me! I have never used it long term though as I would use it 2 or 3 times until my period started and then stop for many months. I will be so happy if this just happens in the next few months!! and to think my DH and I have been using condoms all these years!

I just read something really interesting re castor oil.packs today. Will copy what i read tmo when i get to my office.
I found this info online re Blood stasis. This info is kind of long, and I totally recommend you read all this info below, but I’ve highlighted the specific ‘castor oil’ info for you.

Blood stasis syndrome, or blood stagnation is an important underlying pathology of many disease processes according to traditional Chinese medicine.

Since the blood has so many important jobs to do to keep us alive and well, the quality of blood flow in the body is one of the most important aspects of health. There is a term unique to Chinese Medicine, “Blood Stasis,” which describes a situation where the blood isn’t moving as well as it should be, and is often stuck.

The following I copied from a book I just finished reading called “The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies" By Randine Lewis.

“When a woman comes to my clinic with stagnant uterine blood (which produces fibroids, endemetriosis, or just dark, clotty, brown, or “sticky” menstrual blood) one of my first goals is to ‘cleanse the uterus’ using several invigorating herbs. After a while her menstrual flow should be a fresh red color.

Uterine fibroids are usually due to blood stasis. Blood stasis also produces sharp stabbing ovary pain during the ovulation period.

For conception to occur, all the energies in the body must be free-flowing and moving, like waters in the river bringing life through the land where it passes. Fibroids and endometrial growths are like rocks in that river, preventing the embryo from mooring safely within the walls of your womb.By eliminating blood stasis, balancing the body’s other energies, and and softening the concretions within your reproductive organs, you can restore the flow of the “river of life” through you and provide a clean, clear harbor for your unborn child”.

She recommends the following:

Perform deep breathing exercises and meditative practices

Regular moderate daily exercise helps improve circulation. Yoga is also helpful, but do not perform inversion techniques during menstruation. The energetic flow must always be descending.

Wear loose comfortable clothing

Take warm baths (with aromatherapy if you wish)

Use essential oils like frankincense, myrrh, clary sage, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, juniper and thyme

Use heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen during and after menstruation

Apply warm castor-oil packs on your abdomen to invigorate your blood, assist the lymphatic system, and balance hormone levels. Apply warm castor oil to the lower abdomen and cover with plastic wrap 2-3x a day during the premenstrual and menstrual period (if you are actively ttc, use only during the menstrual period).

Hope this helps!
Thanks Meli_h! The description sounds just like me! I literally just popped on a movie and laid down on the couch to do a castor oil pack! Good timing! The other advice is useful as well... I might need to research blood stasis syndrome a little more! I'm going to do the packs as often as I can before O, which won't be as often as I like since the in-laws are coming to town for a week.... But maybe I can do them right before bed... Thanks again! Are you doing CO packs?
Thanks Meli_h! The description sounds just like me! I literally just popped on a movie and laid down on the couch to do a castor oil pack! Good timing! The other advice is useful as well... I might need to research blood stasis syndrome a little more! I'm going to do the packs as often as I can before O, which won't be as often as I like since the in-laws are coming to town for a week.... But maybe I can do them right before bed... Thanks again! Are you doing CO packs?

Hi Ela,
No, I'm not doing that yet, but plan to start as soon as the stupid witch comes next week, she'll prob be here by next Fri at the latest. The blood description sounds just like mine, so it caught my attention!
I am on CD 5 and AF is now just spotting... I did one for about an hour today and it felt good. I am not working full-time right now as we are hoping to move soon and I feel lucky because I have time to do things like this in the middle of the day... the downside is that I have soooo much time to just obsess about babies and my reproductive system. I had a chemical in December (our first month trying) and now my body is just being weird, even weirder than normal. bleh. Two LH spikes last month (I'm pretty certain we totally missed my O as a result...) and now a weird short but heavy period. I am hopeful these CO packs will help get the blood flowing properly! I also like the recommendation for loose clothing and baths, any excuse for those! I will let you know how these CO packs go, please keep me in the loop if they work for you! good luck and thanks for sharing the info!
I am on CD 5 and AF is now just spotting... I did one for about an hour today and it felt good. I am not working full-time right now as we are hoping to move soon and I feel lucky because I have time to do things like this in the middle of the day... the downside is that I have soooo much time to just obsess about babies and my reproductive system. I had a chemical in December (our first month trying) and now my body is just being weird, even weirder than normal. bleh. Two LH spikes last month (I'm pretty certain we totally missed my O as a result...) and now a weird short but heavy period. I am hopeful these CO packs will help get the blood flowing properly! I also like the recommendation for loose clothing and baths, any excuse for those! I will let you know how these CO packs go, please keep me in the loop if they work for you! good luck and thanks for sharing the info!

Hi Ela,
You're welcome. I know what you mean about obsessing, trust me lol!
GL to you and will keep you in the loop. You do the same!
Thanks so much for that information Meli_H. I definitely fit the profile for blood stagnation. I used to have very dark, clotty period blood that would only last about a day. I did acupuncture for about six months and I got the blood flowing nice and red. I guess I just need to do a little bit more to get rid of these cysts!
Thanks so much for that information Meli_H. I definitely fit the profile for blood stagnation. I used to have very dark, clotty period blood that would only last about a day. I did acupuncture for about six months and I got the blood flowing nice and red. I guess I just need to do a little bit more to get rid of these cysts!

I'm glad the acupuncture worked for you! I looked into it and was very expensive, twice a week, $100 each time (including herbs).
I used my castor oil pack last night and today I woke up very very gassy and sometimes nauseous and this feeling has continued all day. I've also been taking my herbal supplements for the past two and a half weeks so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. I'm hoping that this mean my progesterone levels are rising and in turn, my cysts are on the way out!

Thanks so much for that information Meli_H. I definitely fit the profile for blood stagnation. I used to have very dark, clotty period blood that would only last about a day. I did acupuncture for about six months and I got the blood flowing nice and red. I guess I just need to do a little bit more to get rid of these cysts!

I'm glad the acupuncture worked for you! I looked into it and was very expensive, twice a week, $100 each time (including herbs).

Yeah I had to quit acupuncture because it was too expensive and I while I did get good benefits from it, I didn't get a bfp. I only went once a week at $70 a session but that felt like a drain over time.
so I only got to do a couple of castor oil packs before my in-laws showed up! I have been trying to track with OPK's but last month I had 2 surges and this month so far I have had no positive surges (just light to dark lines since cd 8, now on cd 19), but did have lots of ewcm for about 36 hours two days ago. When I've been able to track O, it's usually been around cd 17 so I'm thinking that's when it happened if it was going to. We were able to bd 4 of the past 6 days and will again tonight just to be sure.... actually we might have to just keep going until bfp or AF... I'm especially confused this month. I haven't been temping this month like I said I would, but really- the in-laws threw my whole schedule off! So I might be at 2dpo... now the true agonizing wait begins (especially because I might not have O'd yet?! or at all ?!!). bleh! sorry for the babbling, started typing and the floodgates opened.... have you ladies been doing packs? what days are you on?

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