I've read up on this and it is something I would never, ever do personally. It comes with risks. I wouldn't do something where I would knowingly put my baby at risk. How would you feel if your baby was poorly at the end because of something you did. I can't comprehend it personally.
Everything pregnancy related comes with risks. Pregnancy
itself comes with risks, yet we voluntarily do that to ourselves and a baby. The fact is that
most attempts at starting labor with castor oil do
not end up with serious problems. It's frankly not any riskier than inducing labor by having your waters broken prematurely or using Pitocin - it's just that those are generally done under direct medical supervision so we
think of them as less risky. It's always best to attempt castor oil (or any other natural labor induction) under the supervision of your midwife/OB, but not doing so doesn't make them inherently more risky.
Odds are very high that the OP ended up with a nasty bout with diarrhea and baby is still snuggled away waiting for the right time to be born. Either that or she went into labor and we'll be reading her birth story soon.