Cat ??


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
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Did you have your 20 week scan hun? did you find out the sex? :)

Sorry if i missed the thread! :oops:

Yeah had scan, all went well, was really good sonographer who pointed out everything, inculding shapes of particular bits of the brain which ruled out spina bifda.

We might have found out the sex . . .!?!?! :wink:
ooooooooh Cat come on spill the beans !!!!

i say BOY !
He he he well you will all have to guess and speculate cause Iaint saying anything. Luckily as far as our families are concerned we are keeping it a surprise and we didnt ask. So they cant even try to catch us out.
I didn't realise you'd had it! I'm really pleased it went well, ooooh a surprise, I say boy but I have no instinct when it comes to things like that! :lol:
Cat said:
He he he well you will all have to guess and speculate cause Iaint saying anything. Luckily as far as our families are concerned we are keeping it a surprise and we didnt ask. So they cant even try to catch us out.

Oh cat does that mean your keeping it a secret from us !!! :cry:

Why not tell us on xmas day !!! hehe :wink:

I am sticking with boy anyway !!! :lol:
stephlw25 said:
Cat said:
He he he well you will all have to guess and speculate cause Iaint saying anything. Luckily as far as our families are concerned we are keeping it a surprise and we didnt ask. So they cant even try to catch us out.

Oh cat does that mean your keeping it a secret from us !!! :cry:

Why not tell us on xmas day !!! hehe :wink:

I am sticking with boy anyway !!! :lol:
oh yea tell us xmas day that would be great
yep i agree, tell us on xmas day! :lol: :wink:

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