CBFM (thread/statistics) graduates TTC,BUMPS & BABIES 2011/2012

yey good to see you here tobaira :D

i'm so rubbish with seeing things (can never see test lines when they are a BFP) i can't see much - how would you feel about twins?

claire1 i think your flight will be ok, if you are concerned maybe speak to your gp or midwife?

just booked a private scan today for the 25th june (19 days and counting!!!) can't wait! x

Thanks hun, bet you're really excited bout the scan. I have to wait till mid-end of july.
I'm really looking forward to the break, but think I'm gonna struggle in the heat. Anyone else feeling really hot all the moment?

you should caome over to ireland.....its bloody baltic here!!!!!!:haha:
How is everyone??

Congrats Tobaira!!!! I tried to say congrats on the other thread but I was on my phone and I don't think it went through. So happy for you! I'm sorry you couldn't get an earlier scan, however, I swear those early scans can make you worry. If you see something it is great, but for me mine grew slowly and the whole time while waiting I thought i had a blighted ovum. Hopefully when you go in they will have something great to look at and you can put your mind at ease!

Trixie- I can't interpret those scans at all!! I honestly don't know how doctors see anything. However, you seem to have an idea on what to look for...does it look like it is showing twins???

I had my 9+3 scan today and believe it or not, baby was measuring 9+3 and heart was beating!!! It was a huge relief as I have had constant spotting and had another small bleed on Sunday (the morning after I had a dream that I bled everywhere and miscarried)...so of course I was expecting the worst. I swear, when I finally go in there and feel that everything will be ok, that will be the day he tells me something is wrong. I am a bit worried though as he looked at my cervix and may have done a pap or taken a swab. I didn't ask him what he did in there but it is very uncomfortable, and I have pelvic muscle issues so those exams are usually uncomfortable. Anyway, due to the fact that I just had surgery for surgical dysplasia in january, and a follow up pap 5 weeks ago that came out positive again, he told me we would be repeating the pap, so I'm not sure if he did it today. I feel weird since then, and then I read all these people online saying they miscarried about 2 days after getting a pap smear while pregnant. Should i be worried? I guess I am just worried because the bleeding I am having seems to be coming from my cervix and now with feeling weird I wonder if it is going ot start to give out or something. Have any of you had a pap while pregnant? I had one at 13 dpo and obviously everything was fine, but I also didn't feel weird after. I think I need to stop googling..it is stressing me out lol! Hope you are all well!!!
morning ladies...i can honestly say i hav e not slept a wink all night! im terrified they arent going to find a heartbeat or there is a football team in here!!!
i think ill be in more shock if its one! dont know why i have this feeling but the midwife was so distracted by something the last time that it made me think that there was more than one and she just wouldnt say cause there was no heartbeat then....
she said oh i think i can see one at the bottom, which you can see if you click in2 the pic, but then she started squinting and faffed abt and when i got dressed she started flapping that she didnt measure the sac! plonker!

well i guess ill know everythin in a couple of hours....my sis is going with me cause she was there when they told me last time. oh my god i feel sick!

stranjegirl, wat has google said abt bleeding during preg???? you should get some evidence based articles online or at your library or even ask your doc for some and i bet that the research says its ok!....last time when i bled, it was an infection, i got swabbed and it showed up...mind you i hadnt bled at all till 23 weeks and i still lost them.....i think we need to try and relax and wat will be will be...
apparently a baby is determined from the minute of conception and if we lose them they wer never meant to be, something to do with chromosome disfunction and when they ask for something for development and its not there then we miscarry. does that make any sense!!!
i hope and pray (i not the religious catholic type after the loss of the babies!) but i hope that we all have healthy babies......please!!
Glad your scan went well stranjegirl! Do you have a picture? I'd love to see if you can scan or photograph it. Sorry to hear about how you've been feeling since. Hopefully its normal, if the feeling doesnt go away, speak to your doctor. I can't believe they'd just do it without saying this is what I'm doing, especially if you've got problems.

Oooo good luck today trixie, hope it goes well! What time is the appointment? Can't wait to hear :D

Had my scan appointment card for the 25th through this morning, made me all excited again x
well girlies.....ONE LITTLE HEARTBEAT! whoooo-hoooo! all is well
Grats Trixie, that is awesome!

Stranjegirl - Glad your scan came out well today! Sorry to hear about the dreams.. those darn dreams! I actually had a dream about a lot of bleeding right before I got my bfp. and to tell you the truth everytime I use the restroom I still expect to start bleeding for some reason. It sounds like perhaps he was just repeating the pap due to the last one being positive. I don't really know about how a pap effects you but just remember that you will probably read more bad things than good things about it online.. the 100 people that were fine won't post anything, the 1 person that had trouble will. And you don't know if they had other stuff going on at the time, so it could be totally unrelated. So I would just stop googling (I know easy to say). I dont know what to say about the weird feeling although I always feel uncomfortable after those things myself. Maybe it's just because your cervix is more sensitive now? :hugs:

Not much going on here. Just trying to get through the next 2+ weeks until I can see the gyn (not sure if she'll do a scan or not). I see my endocrine doc for my thyroid tomorrow but the last blood test was when I was 3 dpo so I'm sure it came back fine. I think she'll just have me start to go in and have it tested more often (was only doing it every 3 mos). no nausea since Mon morning.. just a little bit of cramping/discomfort that comes and goes and some gas. Haven't told my parents yet, just seems like it's so early. I think maybe we'll get together with them Friday and tell them. Ok got to get focused and get stuff done at work. Just hard to keep my mind on it :flower: Sorry for the book girls.. but since no one else except dh knows I need an outlet to ramble about it!!!
:thumbup: Yay Trixie! So pleased for you, hope you can relax a bit now :kiss:
Hi Ladies!! So exciting to be CBFM Graduate!! Still can't quite believe it! How is everyone doing? Trixie, so glad to hear of your one healthy little bean!
I have been a bit emotional the past few days....sometimes, I'm so happy and bubbly, and then sometimes, I'll just start crying because I'll start thinking that something bad is going to happen!!
It doesn't help that I have to wait until July 13th for my first appt/scan. My Dr. doesn't see anyone til 7-8 weeks. And she is completely booked the week I'll be 7 weeks and will be gone on vacation on my 8th week, so I have to wait til I'm 9 weeks!!
We have decided to tell our parents on Father's day (it will be the first grandchild on both sides). So I already made a greeting card that says on the front: "How do you make Father's Day even more special?"; and on the inside it says: "Tell him he's going to be a GRANDPA!!"...I am so excited to see their reactions!! My dad has been wanting a "fishin' buddy" for a while now!! Haha!!

On a side note, I have been getting mild AF like cramping on and off since my BFP last thurs, I know that it is normal, just wondering if any of you have experienced it? It seems to happen at the same times everyday too!!
yey so glad to see your here hun!

i had af type cramping on and off all day for about 4 days, from 4+1-5ish i think. i still get it occasionally, i kind of like the little symptoms, reminds me i'm pregnant! sore boobs kicked in as the cramping slowed so every now and then i prod them and smile (saddo lol). have started feeling slightly nauseous last 2 days especially when eating and after which isnt so good x
Lovely to have you hear lady l. I also had a bit of cramping but not so much now, sometime sore boobs and like dreamer I feel sick after eating. I'm not quite so tired now either. All in all very few symptoms still.
Hope everyone is well xx
How are we all doing today ladies? i'm so tired, slept terribly and woke up feeling nauseaous. trying to get some breakfast down me which i think will help eventually but its hard! x
not that sick yet....but im getting booked in with my consultant that delivered shauna, the 1st triplet so im happy enough.....hope he sees me soon, cause i have to start an antibiotic at 12 weeks to make sure i dont get another infection....
still no major symtoms, heartburn and wretchin the odd time at smells, but thats it....i hope it stays like this!!!!
Hey LadyL :flower: I think we are only 1 day apart. I also have the mild cramping as well.

Sorry to hear about your rough night dreamer. :hugs:

No real symptoms for me except for the cramping and a little gas. And being tired but it's not too bad. I went to my endocrinologist yesterday and my thyroid levels are good, but now I have to start having them tested every month to make sure they stay good. It was really exciting to see her write "monthly through pregnancy" on the order for the bloodwork. I showed dh last night but he didn't really get it.:shrug:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.. we have a busy one planned. Friends over for games tonight, symphony tomorrow night and a movie on Sunday. I think Sunday we'll probably tell my parents too. I keep thinking I should wait but I really don't want to.
I think we're going to tell our my parents on fathers day!

Off topic...have you all been looking at prams and nursery things etc? I know its really early, but I cant help myself. I love looking at the cute baby grows. Think I have decided on a pram as well ha ha
Hi Everyone!

How is everyone? I have been so busy at work lately that I have not been able to check in, and I try to respond from my iphone and then something gets messed up. Anyway, Congrats Lady!! So glad we have another member here. FYI, i still get AF like cramps, actually they have been quite a lot the last 2 days (maybe constipation doesn't help) they are more mild than my first couple weeks though. My doctor told me when I saw him at 4 weeks to expect cramping and that it was going to feel like AF was coming I would be running to the bathroom to check...so I think they are very normal! I still get nervous everytime I feel them, but I have had them daily since 12dpo. My other symptoms are fatigue, constipation, sore boobs, bloating and on and off nausea, which seems to be subsiding. I have had zero food cravings or aversions, which I think is weird. In general I just feel like crap 70% of the time lol.

Trixie- yay for ONE baby!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well! I will post a pic of my scan, but it is kinda fuzzy!
I think we're going to tell our my parents on fathers day!

Off topic...have you all been looking at prams and nursery things etc? I know its really early, but I cant help myself. I love looking at the cute baby grows. Think I have decided on a pram as well ha ha

That is a great father's day gift!
What is a pram?
a buggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!! or stroller!!!! is that the american term........
that made me laugh!
ive had a horrible evening....i told one person inconfidence a couple of weeks ago and oh was in a shop down home and was congrated on becoming a daddy...im soo mad at the girl i told, how dare she tell anyone, she promised me....oh is fuming!
a buggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!! or stroller!!!! is that the american term........
that made me laugh!
ive had a horrible evening....i told one person inconfidence a couple of weeks ago and oh was in a shop down home and was congrated on becoming a daddy...im soo mad at the girl i told, how dare she tell anyone, she promised me....oh is fuming!

Oh my gosh that is awful!!! Have you talked to her? People don't realize how private this needs to be until we are ready to tell people!! So sorry you have to deal with that!!

Oh a stroller!! I had never heard that before lol!!

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