CD1-ish. Need a buddy

sorry for being MIA. I was totally bummed about missing out this month. but I've got a week left before AF comes and I'm feeling MUCH better. how are you doing, MomWife. have you started testing yet or..?
That's ok I understand. No, I haven't tested yet. I am 14dpo and according to FF website, AF should start tomorrow. The latest it will come is between Oct 1st or the 2nd. I am glad that you are feeling better!:hugs: Hope one of us receive our BFP soon!! I am not going to test until the AF date has came and passed since I don't want to get my hopes up.
Back again! I was on vacation for one last pre-baby vacation. I'm CD 8 now, and I'm hoping this cycle is as short as last which means I have 6 more days before ovulation. Any new news with you, MomWife?
BDing starts today, CD 9....the will be the first time I've ever TRIED. Very exciting. My plan is to BD every other day until my positive OPK and then maybe once more the day after. OMG, if this is the month that I don't O until CD 23 I will shoot somebody...haha
Hello babyzoe!

No new news with me but I had very bad cramps today. I am on cd13. I am also trying to BD every other day. At times it is hard since I be tired and DH. I really do think that this month is not my month. LOL that you are going to shoot somebody!!:haha: It does makes you crazy, especially when you see lots of pregnant women around you. Will keep my FX for you!!:flower:
Oh, cool, CD 13. So, i'm not too far behind you this month. Do you know when you'll O?
I think I will probably O between tomorrow and saturday.
I'm so excited for you! Fingers crossed!
I will keep my FX for you too!:hugs: How was your day today? I do not want it to cold no time soon.:growlmad:
eh..this week has gone by soooo slow! waiting to O is the absolute worst! Dh and I have been DTD all week and I'm just hoping that it's not for nothing, if you know what i mean
I know what you mean. I am on CD17. AF is due on the 24th. I O on CD13 and I missed it. :( All because I was sick. My DH and I only BD 2 on 2 fertile days. If I wasn't sick I would of made sure to BD on that day. Well FX for me next month. I still think this is not my month. FX for you!!!!
aww, that really stinks....there may still be some hope though!
I hope so but I am not going to worry since I haven't been TTC for a year yet. I hope I can conceive under a year. I am 5dpo today. Yesterday I was super thirsty but I think that is normal. How are you doing? Do you know if you O yet?
I O'ed today. So now I'm officially in the TWW. Gonna start testing at 7 dpo though. Cause I'm impatient.
OMG, this wait is killing me!! I think I'm 4dpo and having all these doubts. Like...I got a positive OPK on the weekend, and I DTD, but now I'm having ewcm again. It's like....was the first one a false positive, do I need to be DTD again? And I've been sick so I haven't really been in the mood, so I'm have no idea what's going on, whether I caught the egg, missed the egg, or haven't even O'ed yet. I'm going to start testing with HPTs on Sunday though.

What's new with you?
I am 9dpo and I am having is being sleepy. I think it is because I have been getting up very early to get ready for amy appts. I really do I missed this month. I get what you are saying about not wanting to DTD since you been ill. I was the same way that's why I think this is not my month. We BD 3 days before and the day before O. I think that's a good idea to start testing on Sunday. I am not testing until AF date has came and passed. I might test on halloween if AF does not show which I think she will show her face. SO I don't know.:shrug:
Hope you had a great weekend. I was going mad...i had nothing to make the days go faster so i seriously just twiddled my thumbs and looked at pictures of 8dpo BFPs all weekend. LOL. I think I may be getting a BFP bc my test this morning had the LIGHTEST of, so light, i'm even doubting it myself. I'm tried to talk myself out of it, but I'm just gonna test again tonight to see if there's anything darker. Hopefully the test won't be stark white.
My weekend was ok. I was also reading things about TTC and everything else! My eyes should burn right now!! Awwww! I hope it is a BFP for you!! I will keep my FX for you!!! :dust::dust: Please let me know!!!!!
oh I will. I'm dancing in my seat cause I can't wait to go home and POAS...this day is going by sooo slow. lol

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