CD1 Nov 1, looking for buddies!


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Jul 20, 2011
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I think this might be the first time I've been excited to see AF!! Hooray! Finally on CD1. Looking for people to share this cycle with me.

This will be my first round of Clomid, 50mg on days 3 - 7. I was diagnosed with PCOS in October and took Provera to induce my very-overdue period. We finally get to try *for real*!

Anyone else want to obsess with me? :)
I'm due for af any moment. 13 dpo today but definitely not pregnant. Temps are back to pre o range so I'm expecting af tomorrow or the next day. I'm having and hsg next week then 50 mg of clomid and trigger. I'm probably a lot more hopeful about this cycles than I should be.
Just wanted to say good luck this month! I'm on CD6. :hugs:
Good luck. I am at the end of a unsuccessful cycle and Wednesday will be visiting my doctor for me next step. I also have b PCOS. We can be support for each other now and when I start my next cycle. I am on CD 34.

Baby Dust your way!
Ah, LizziesMama, I hate it when you see your temps go down after the TWW. It's always such a bummer. I'll hope for some late-summer babies for both of us :)

carelove07 ... what steps have you taken so far? As soon as I was diagnosed with PCOS my fertility specialist put me on Clomid and Provera, I was over the moon excited! My previous doctor just told me to wait a few years ("You're still so young, what are you stressing about?" UGH ](*,)) I've heard so many good things about Clomid, I'm really hoping it's just the thing we need to make it work. How long have you been TTC?
Hi ladies,

Novemeber 1st was CD1 for me too!! I was totally gutted but now thinking about this new cycle. My cycles are about 40 days long, so hoping for a Christmas BFP!!!

We are using conceive plus and going to try to DTD everyday or as much as possible! Im tired just thinking about it haha :)

Good luck to everyone x
Can I join in? I am new here and cd 1 was yesterday. I'd love to have some buddies for this cycle.

Ok, CD1 today, so I'm Nov 2nd :)

I scheduled my HSG today, it will be next Wednesday. I also called DH's urologist and got his SA ordered. We're supposed to be getting orders/instructions via mail by Friday.

I have a call in to schedule my u/s on Nov. 16th. If I have mature follies I will be getting a trigger (Ovidrel) this month. Right now I'm calling around getting prices on that at pharmacies, since my insurance won't cover it. Looking like it'll be around $100.

I'm totally hoping for 2 follies. If I have just one, I may not do the trigger since I O on my own with Clomid. I mean, I need to check with my doctor, but I'm not sure if there would be a benefit to spending $100 to get the same follie I could have gotten on my own without a trigger??

I'm going to keep up the OPK's this month, just to be sure I don't miss O before my trigger. My first (and possibly only) u/s is on CD 15.

I took such a relaxed approach at it this month. Some days didn't even log in temps on FF until a few days had passed without even looking at my chart. With everything happening this month, I'm pretty sure I'll be obsessed and be able to think of nothing else!
Good luck with your scan on Wednesday! You'll have to tell me how it goes -- I haven't had one done (hoping I'll just get pregnant this cycle and not have to worry about it).

Since I'm new to this whole thing, I have a question for you. Do you get more than one mature follicle from Clomid?? You mentioned hoping for two, is that normal? My doctor didn't schedule me for an ultrasound, instead I'm doing a day 21 progesterone blood test. I hate blood tests, I'm already nervous!
I'm a few days ahead of you, on CD 5 now. On my second round of Clomid also 50mg on 3-7. :) I'm already obsessing this month, ugh! I've been using OPKs for past cycles but starting this cycle I'm temping, using OPKs, and going to use pre seed. Are they monitoring you at all while you're on clomid?

Had to have AF induced with provera last month before starting clomid, as I didn't get my period for 8 months after coming of birth control.
She came on her own this month though thankfully!

Fingers crossed for you! :thumbup: :dust:
Im 3dpo today and due af on the 15th!

I am going to try so hard not 2 obsess this month (well maybe just a little bit!) :winkwink:

Good luck everyone! x
Did you ovulate the first month on Clomid? I am so paranoid that nothing is going to happen. I ovulate on my own, but I think the eggs are immature and it's so late by the time it finally happens I doubt my lining is any good anymore.

I've been charting my BBT for over a year. I have OPK's but with my PCOS they always turn up positive (GRRR). My mom bought me a saliva microscope and it is INCREDIBLE. Highly recommend! So I'll have this ovulation timed to the minute I think ;) As for monitoring, my doctor is only doing the 21 day progesterone.

I have good feelings about this month for us. Someone here HAS to fall pregnant this time, deal?
Did you ovulate the first month on Clomid? I am so paranoid that nothing is going to happen. I ovulate on my own, but I think the eggs are immature and it's so late by the time it finally happens I doubt my lining is any good anymore.

I've been charting my BBT for over a year. I have OPK's but with my PCOS they always turn up positive (GRRR). My mom bought me a saliva microscope and it is INCREDIBLE. Highly recommend! So I'll have this ovulation timed to the minute I think ;) As for monitoring, my doctor is only doing the 21 day progesterone.

I have good feelings about this month for us. Someone here HAS to fall pregnant this time, deal?

I hate temping it's so stressful, i dread looking at it in case it has dropped!

Oh and DEAL! :) X
Novemeber 1st was CD1 for me too!! I was totally gutted but now thinking about this new cycle. My cycles are about 40 days long, so hoping for a Christmas BFP!!!

We are using conceive plus and going to try to DTD everyday or as much as possible! Im tired just thinking about it haha :)

I second the motion, BFPs for Christmas for everyone!!
I'm already obsessing this month, ugh! I've been using OPKs for past cycles but starting this cycle I'm temping, using OPKs, and going to use pre seed. Are they monitoring you at all while you're on clomid?

Thanks for the reminder, Denise. This cycle is supposed to be the one where I start temping. Off to find my therm. and put it on my nightstand...:thumbup:
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days, we were out of town. My uncle was inducted into his college football hall of fame, so it was a big deal for the family. Fun little Texas college football get away!

Anyway, to answer some of the clomid questions...I do O on my own with clomid and for all my previous cycles I was not monitored. I actually O on my own now without it, but I'm taking it for LP issues now. With #1 though, I was off BCP's and not Oing on my own. Clomid worked pretty much right away to get me Oing again.

With my doctor in California, he always did CD 21 b/w on my first round at a certain dose. If I O'd on that dose, he refilled me for up to six months with no subsequent monitoring. If I didn't O, he would up it 50mg at a time and continue CD 21 b/w until we had an ovulatory cycle.

With this doctor, she doesn't do b/w, just looks at my charts. But they have more equipment in their office than my prior doctor who stopped at clomid. This new doctor will actually monitor with u/s and do a few months with trigger before referring out to an RE.

Since I'm just now at a year TTC#2 I get the impression she would normally want two failed cycles of clomid before moving on to the monitored cycle with trigger, but b/c of my m/c history and the 4 years to TTC #1 she let me go ahead and do it this cycle. I also think she was holding out for another month or so before ordering the HSG and SA, but I asked for it and she agreed.

So DH's SA is tomorrow and my HSG is Wednesday!! I'm nervous and excited! Started my clomid yesterday.
Hey LizziesMama, welcome back!

4 years to TTC#1?! Oh geez. What do you think helped you get pregnant that time?

What dosage of clomid are you on this month? What dosage do you find you ovulate on? Sorry for more clomid questions :) today is my last day on 50mg, I am so excited to start trying!!! Checking my saliva microscope like a crazy woman, just bought a new thermometer -- my old one died last week, I couldn't believe it, such poor timing. My temps seem to be really high (today it was 98.3, when usually my coverline is around 98.0.) Don't know if it's the new thermometer or the clomid, *really* hoping that I didn't somehow ovulate while on the clomid?? Anyone know what it could be?

Anyway, we're 1 week into this cycle, hopefully only a few more to go until we get our :bfp:

Oh! And good luck with your HSG. Is your husband coming with you, moral support?
I always take 50 mg of Clomid and have always responded to that with the exception of one cycle. I had the CD 21 b/w and it didn't show ovulation so that one time they increased me to 100mg. BUT I actually think they just did my b/w too early, because I sometimes O as late as CD 18-19 on Clomid. So while the b/w showed 50 mg wasn't enough that cycle, I honestly think it was.

I have read that clomid can cause your temps to rise while you're taking it. I think it would be really unusual to O while taking it. Your temps should go back down once you finish it.

As far as TTC#1 for the first year I don't think I was Oing very regularly, and it took a while to figure out when the right time to BD was and all that. About a year in I started taking clomid and was unsuccessful in achieving pregnancy with it. I honestly don't remember exactly how many cycles I did. They were kind of on and off, taking breaks here and there, but never preventing. All 3 of my conceptions we used Slippery Stuff. Many, many other cycles (including clomid cycles) we used pre-seed with no success. We used pre-seed our last 2 cycles, but I'm back to SS now.

My first m/c was a clomid cycle and I had a D&C and took a break after that. DD was conceived about 9 months later while NTNP totally natural surprise! My 3rd pregnancy was the month after a clomid cycle and ended just a few days after the BFP. So I really don't know much about what we did different on those 3 cycles, other than we were using SS lube all three times and coincidentally all 3 times I had taken antibiotics early in my cycle for a sinus infection. That part may have been a total coincidence, IDK?

I just scheduled my CD 14 u/s to have my follies measured and hopefully I'll get the trigger! I really really want 2 good follies! My grandmother is actually going with me to my HSG, because I mentioned I was having a procedure and she insisted I needed moral support. I told her it was for pelvic pain. I'm not ready to tell my family we're TTC, various reasons.

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