Andi iv had her, she's 3 weeks old today, I had her on my birthday, accidental home birth with 4 paramedics delivering her on my bed, she was born in her amniotic fluid, I don't no how long I was in labour for but from believing I was in early labour to having her was an hour n half although I obviously wasn't in early labour as I needed to push as soon as I got off the phone to l n d. I was booked for an induction the next day as id had a scan and she had only grown 1lb in 5 weeks, she was born at 6.5.
She ended up back in hospital at 4 days old with suspected sepsis but turned out to just be an infection of the umbilical cord and an eye infection and a bit of jaundice but she hadn't fed in almost 13 hours by the time they put a feeding tube in and fed her. Took ages to get her back above birth weight but she's getting there, I still have to express and give it her in the bottle as well as breastfeeding as she doesn't feed for long enough from me, she falls asleep. She's already been back to drs for raw open sores on her bottom and need to take her back because the cream isn't healing it. Poor girl has been thru so much in such a short time