Melody - Fingers crossed you get your bfp so soon

I'm so happy to hear you're at least not feeling stressed! That makes this whole roller coaster so much easier to deal with. Hope the donor gives you magic swimmers that make you not need your appointment in two weeks!
Itsnowmyturn - I was surprised as well about joint pain so early, but it happens. Glad you're feeling pretty well other than the nausea and gagging, at least you're avoiding the actual being sick part!! As for the sunshine, oh yes - I sat in traffic on a very sunny day and got sun burnt, that was definitely a first for me. I burn easily anyways, but never in a car.
Andi - Wow you sure did luck out on the MS front, I'm a little jealous

I'm sorry you're feeling so tired, I swear I feel more tired now that I did at 6 weeks. Love that you're getting a bump!! Can't wait to see pictures
afm: Nearing 15 weeks and I'm so hoping that brings on feeling better. I think my energy is getting better, but the nausea is still coming and going. Would love for it to leave completely. Bump is definitely forming, at my mw appointment she told me there's a lot less bloat and definite baby

It made me so giddy. Next mw appointment is in 4 weeks and that's when we'll make the U/S appointment, we do plan on finding out the gender because mil and I really want to