CD22 and waiting to O, anyone else?

Melody I hope things start looking up for u soon, hugs to u.

I went to work and told them today, iv basically been bullied into taking annual leave Friday Saturday and Monday and then from Wednesday I'm in reception rather than on my ward.
So bloody tempted to just have the whole 8 months off sick lol
I'm sorry to hear work is bullying you, why are they making you take those days off?
because it makes their lives easier, they didn't have to find me random work to do, it basically gave them some breathing time to sort things out. I just felt bullied into taking it as annual leave, if they needed me to have it off they should have given it to me as paid time off. I have to go in on wednesday as a 9 to 4 to have an induction for reception, I really hope they dont leave me in reception for the next 8 months, thats not the job I signed up for. Im hoping to get to have a chat with my boss before I go to reception and see if he can find other jobs for me to do just to get a variety and I dont want to stay off the unit the whole time, its my unit, I have got to know the patients and it would be nice to see them every now and then
Best of luck talking to your boss about it, I hope they'll be more understanding and work with you to find something better than a position you don't want.
Boss knows hun I told them last week that's why I have had to have these days off and I'm off the units now xx
Hey ladies - hope all is doing well<3

Itsnowmyturn - Wow 9 weeks already! Happy 9 weeks :) How are you feeling?

Andi - Hooray we're in second tri! Has MS eased up yet? I'm starting to get it real bad in the morning again but once I eat I'm mostly alright. Are you going to find out baby's gender?

Melody - My dear you cross my mind a lot<3 I hope you're doing well. How is that new doctor you were going to see working out?

Pri - I've been thinking of you as well, how are you doing dear?
Hey Dragonfly :hugs:, aww how sweet of you to check on everyone. You started a lovely wee thread here. Let's hope itsnowmyturn', Andi's, and your good luck rubs off on the rest of us. Haven't heard from the other ladies though :(

I'm really good. Not pregnant but not stressed. I'm seeing my donor tomorrow and Saturday as i should be ovulating on Sunday, and my fertility app is in about 2 weeks :happydance: lets hope I wont need it lol.

I hope you and baby are doing well. That goes for you other two bootiful mamas :D x
I'm not doing too bad, I get nausea and gagging but I have escaped the actual sickness so quite pleased there. I'm mostly just exhausted, pregnancy on top of my other stuff is killing me. Also the last week or so iv been getting some joint issues, I knew they would come but just didn't think it would be so early on. I will speak to the consultant on my first apt when I have the scan and mention it, il probably need physio early on but it will only be to control the pain as it probably won't get any better.

I can't believe u 2 are in second tri already, any bumps showing yet?

Melody I really really hope u don't need that fertility apt, it must be so hard when ur using a donor, ur a lot stronger than u think u r so stick at it and ur time will come. Just out of curiosity when u do fall and get ur baby does ur donor want to be anonymous or does he want to play a role in the baby's life? It's such a tough situation but as long as the baby is loved and cared for it doesn't really matter xx
Hey ladies :wave:

Dragon-i havent had ms at all since around 12 weeks. And to be honest when i did get ms between weeks 7-12 I never really had it bad just felt a little nausea for like 10 mins on and off through the day. So I really lucked out with that. My biggest complaint is how tired I am all the time. I cant get up in the morning or do anything physical without wanting a nap. When I'm at work, by 2 pm i'm done for the day and just trying hard not to fall asleep at my desk till about 5 pm lol. Then I come home eat dinner and usually pass out on the couch until my hubby gets mad at me for "sleeping on the couch on the last 3 hours" and says to go to bed lol. My next ultrasound is coming 20 weeks. I'm so excited to see the LO again. I'm going to leave it a surprise. Are you going to find out? The last three weeks my bump has really started to pop out. My belly looks huge but ive only gained 3 pounds so far. Ill add a pic later.

Glad to hear you other ladies are doing well. Melody im still keeping my fx for you! Itsnowmyturn- i had joint issues too. My left hip and tailbone were killing me. Sometimes it was so bad I couldnt stand up or roll over without being in extreme pain. It seems to have died down for now as I havent had that in a couple weeks.
itsnowmyturn - Aww thanks, that's so sweet of you to say :hugs: My donor wont be playing any part in my child's life unless there is a medical emergency or lo gets older and starts asking questions. It is tough but I'm quite lucky as I have a very understanding and caring donor.

Sorry to hear that you're so exhausted :( I hope you get some energy soon and that your joint pain goes.

I do hope the joint pain dies down but with my generally bad joints anyway I can't see it. 2 weeks of relaxing by a pool soon though.
Just wondering if u two have noticed more sensitive skin since being pregnant, in the last month iv been sunburnt 3 times just by being in the sun a short time, I'm hoping I don't get burnt in Egypt I don't intend on buying any more suncream than what I already have.

Melody is ur donor not being involved ur choice or his? Tell me to mind my own business if u like I'm just curious, I like to ask things rather than wonder or do what most people do and judge.
U doing opks this cycle? I really hope u do o on Sunday and ur donation is in time.

Got the weekend to myself to relax, supposed to have my brother up but his baby has the chickenpox so I get a relaxing weekend instead
Yes i got burnt once on my arms early this spring and I wasnt in the sun long and no one else I was with burnt. Also when i was going to Mexico my doctor warned me pregnant women burn easy so to make sure i cover up and wear sunscreen.
Glad it's not just me. I have always burnt easily as I have fair hair and fair skin, my dad is ginger as well so I guess I got those genes as well lol. Those with pregnancy just spells a lot of sunburn for me this summer, luckily this is England so il only have to worry for about a week and our summer will be over lol
Melody - Fingers crossed you get your bfp so soon:hugs: I'm so happy to hear you're at least not feeling stressed! That makes this whole roller coaster so much easier to deal with. Hope the donor gives you magic swimmers that make you not need your appointment in two weeks!

Itsnowmyturn - I was surprised as well about joint pain so early, but it happens. Glad you're feeling pretty well other than the nausea and gagging, at least you're avoiding the actual being sick part!! As for the sunshine, oh yes - I sat in traffic on a very sunny day and got sun burnt, that was definitely a first for me. I burn easily anyways, but never in a car.

Andi - Wow you sure did luck out on the MS front, I'm a little jealous:haha: I'm sorry you're feeling so tired, I swear I feel more tired now that I did at 6 weeks. Love that you're getting a bump!! Can't wait to see pictures :)

afm: Nearing 15 weeks and I'm so hoping that brings on feeling better. I think my energy is getting better, but the nausea is still coming and going. Would love for it to leave completely. Bump is definitely forming, at my mw appointment she told me there's a lot less bloat and definite baby:happydance: It made me so giddy. Next mw appointment is in 4 weeks and that's when we'll make the U/S appointment, we do plan on finding out the gender because mil and I really want to:haha:
Here is that baby bump pic I said I would show you guys and kept forgetting. This is 17 weeks + 3 days.:cloud9: I want to see your ladies bumps too add some please.


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Aw andi that's gorgeous bet ur well pleased. I do hope I get a nice bump early on, a girl at work didn't start showing until she was like 25 weeks, I want a proper bump now!! Lol. With clothes on it looks like I already have a bump but I no its bloating not bump but to avoid the embarrassment of admitting I'm just podgy I do pretend it's a bump to strangers lol, to my friends I'm like nah that's just fat, no baby there just yet lol.

Melody any news on the ovulation??
Itsnowmyturn-Thanks. I forgot to say my dog decided to get in the pic too you can see her back end laying on the floor in front of me lol.
When are u planning on telling everyone?I told close friends and family right away but didnt tell coworkers or anyone else until I had my 12 week ultrasound and knew everything was fine. I can't remember did u have an ultrasound yet? I cant believe your 10 weeks already....why does everyone else's pregnancy seem to go fast but mine? lol anyway I was bloated for a long time too then after 13 weeks my bump started to pop out. The first day a stranger asked me if I was pregnant I got really excited and thanked them for not just thinking I was fat lol
My scan picture, if u guys would rather me not post these please say, I no its hard when all u want is a baby and people around u are having them so I will totally understand if u ask me not to post them x


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Aww what a cute scan pic! Looks like he/she is kicking away.
It was giving a few good kicks, midwife woke it up lol. Sticking bottom lip out too, think I wud if I was just poked until I wake up lol. Hope my next scan is similar in that he or she sleeps to start with while they do what's needed then wake up so we can see him or her active lol.

I'm just over 13 weeks now and I do feel like the bump is getting there but I feel like it's still a lot of bloat, everyone else thinks it looks like bump, but I used to look pregnant when I bloated before lol.

Pri, melody, how are things going?

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