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Cerclage Removal/Graduates


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2011
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Hi Ladies, Im scheduled to have my cerclage removed next friday. I see my doctor tomorrow for a regular check-up. Is there any questions I should be asking about the procedure? I do know Im having mine removed at the hospital under spinal block since I have had it in place since week 11. But are there questions about delivery I should ask?
hi i have a modified shirodkar suture placed before pregnancy, i know its quite high up and im due to get it removed on the 9th jan.....but my doc ( not the same one that put it in) is only giving me gas and air.....im bloody petrifed!!!!

not all removals cause labour to start although im kinda hoping mine will!

with my last preg i was given an epidural and the stitch was removed and my 1st triplet came with it but waters and all had broke and i was in active labour before going for the surgery.

the only questions i would ask would be.....pain relief??
birth plan if water breaks or contractions start??
do you need overnight bag and baby bag with you?
can you have pain relief after?
and i am going to ask my doc to measure the cervix afterwards to check if the stitch was necessary!

good luck hun x
I had my last stitch removed at 37 weeks, and didn't even use gas and air! It was quite painful (like a bad smear / pap test) but i found it bareable, as it was very quick (over in about a minute).

I thought i was going to go into labour asap, but nothing happened! Then a week later, my waters broke, but still nothing happened. Turned out, even when induced, my cervix refused to open! The scar tissue had sealed itself together, which apparently is quite common, especially as the stitches are in for so many weeks / months. I had to have mine manually dilated, which was bloody painful!

As you're having pain relief, i would ask for them to check that your cervix isn't fused together like mine was, as you can be reassured that your labour can happen naturally without someone having to open your cervix for you when you're actually trying to give birth.

Good luck next week. Such a relief when you're stitchless!!

Ah! im gonna get mine removed in 3 weeks time:wacko:.. mixed feelings actually!
trixie i never gave a thought about this 'birth plan if water breaks or contractions start during removal??':dohh: i think i should have a chat with my obgy about this.. thanks a lot!
Kate thats was very informative! what a shame would it be for me to go under the knife with a 3mm incompetent cervix coz of scar tissue/failed induction/others!:growlmad::dohh:
truthbtold how did the f/u go?
Well my doctor said if I was to dialate to 4cm while im still at the hospigal then they will keep me. If not im going home to wait it out. So I wont get my hopes up. He said they will check the cervix as soon as they remove the stitch and a few hours later.
I got to the hospital and they checked my cervix and said he felt the string and decided that he would remove the stitch without pain meds.....it hurt like hell to me lol. But two tylenol later I was fine and I have yet to have my baby.
i go in on monday....im dreading it!
Hi truth, sorry to barge in here but I haven't seen u for a while and I wanted to say good luck with the birth of your baby hun we are waiting over at my journal for any updates :) we will be waiting patiently for the birth :) I wish you all the luck in the world for a safe delivery of your baby :) and to the other ladies on here, wow u really have been through the ringer I have had 3 children and have 1 on the way (all c-sections as will this one) and I had never really heard of the cerclage until I met truth and I had no idea that so many ladies are going through it, I really hope all of your baby's deliver safely into your arms you ladies deserve to have a stress free delivery after everything you have been through so I wish you well xxxx
Thanks mumof3girls. I will definitely let you know when this little guy comes out he is really comfy in here.
Lol that's good I'm glad he's comfy :) not so comfy for you I expect lol :) I know I'm not terribly comfy and I'm not quite 22 weeks lol so I still have around 18 weeks yet lol but I'm really looking forward to seeing the first of my journals babies born :) I want lots of piccys :) good luck hun I hope u have a safe delivery xxxxx
Oh my gosh truth u have 2 days to go eeek :) have u had any signs yet? I'm so excited for u hun xxx
Nothing yet im headed to the doctor tuesday although I hope something starts now. I have never been pregnant this long my boys were born at 38 weeks. This little guy is too comfy.
Eeek it's so exciting Hun I'm waiting here with baited breathe for your announcement that either your in labor or have had your little pumpkin :) good luck hun xx
well im home and no baby yet!!!...

the procedure was very sore but not afterwards which is good, i got a cocktail of drugs and gas and air, but felt everything!

the cervix is still up and closed, i think he said it was prosterior?? so i am going in on monday next week to get induced...he said he will use the gel to make it happen quicker.....i will have to get googlin!

i also had my first real internal and omg it hurt....there was a real tender part and he said that it was babys head that he was touching!....i think if the cervix was open he would have broke my waters but he said he couldnt even feel the opening! so i have another week and by next tue i will have my baby!! whoo hoo at 38 + 4 wekks......i cant wait..

hot baths have been reccommended, so thats the plan tonight!!
Well done Trixie.

Im headed in tonight for an induction.
Oh my gosh truth eeek your baby will be here very soon :) wow induction tonight are u scared? It's so exciting from my point of view but probably pretty scarey for u, I will have my fingers crossed that it's a fast a relatively pain free labor hun I wish u all the luck in the world xxxx looking forward to the birth announcement :) xxxx
Im not scared this is my third induction for whatever reason my body just never cooperates when its suppose too. Im a little nervous.
Good luck tonight Truthbtold! Hopefully by tomorrow night (fingers crossed...) you'll have met your little one.

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