Changes in post partum body


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2012
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What are some of the changes you noticed to your body after giving birth? How many babies have you had? How long has it been since you had a baby?

I remember looking at my body in my first trimester and thinking "Meh! There isn't much to ruin anyway!" Turns out nothing really got "ruined", it is just a bit different!

I returned to my prepregnancy weight after a week after gaining 22 pounds. My belly stuck out for a little while but now almost four months post partum I have taken note of some changes, though not nearly as many as I had originally thought I would have!

I have stretchmarks now, but not many and I actually like them. My belly is ever so slightly larger than before and waist is roughly the same. My measurements went from 31-26-38 to 36-26.5-37... So my hips got a bit smaller. Boobs are only bigger cause I am breastfeeding.

What are the changes you have noticed in yourself?
Even though I only have 10lbs to lose to get back to prepreg weight my hips are a lot wider I was a size 4 now I'm just squeezing into a size 10 at 125 lbs. I also have a lot if loose skin in my stomach I don't know if ill ever loose. I haven't been working out because my schedule is too busy and the little me time I get I just want to relax lol
My LO is nearly 3, but I much prefer my body now to pre-preg!
My boobs, hips and bum are bigger, but tummy is flatter and waist smaller.
I've trained really hard though to get my body a way that I like :)
I haven't noticed any difference but my body wasn't in the best shape before so I think that's easier to maintain LOL
Definitely noticed changes. I was a stick before getting pregnant! But I was also a poor college student who could hardly afford any food.

Now everything is bigger, I have stretch marks and I have to say the biggest change is probably my boobs. They are way saggy and much bigger! Wish I could have the bigger but not the saggy :p

I started working out 3 months pp but lo hit the sleep regression early and I could hardly do anything before she woke again. That's if she slept! Also I dreaded working out so much that I would stress all day about doing it until late at night. I wasn't enjoying my days at all. I'd rather be a bit bigger than pp weight than be unhappy and skinny
I have 2 children, a 2 year old and a 6 month old. Pregnancy was kind to me, I am very tall and my bumps were compact and I just found pregnancy very easy because of that. I am pretty much unscathed bar an episiotomy scar but hey ho! I still would like to lose 10lb but that's my personal preference rather than an actual need. I have 1 tiny stretch mark which is inside my belly button and I have a faint linea nigra but that will fade. I still have a flat tummy but its nowhere near as toned as it once was! Hair is thicker, boobs are massive, skin is nicer (months of detoxing!) and mentally I am a lot more confident.
Idk how much I weigh now I gained 40 lbs and was all belly.. but my belly is flatter than pre pregnancy, my hips are wider, and my butt is smaller, my boobs are a tad bigger I breast feed as well but they only get larger if I'm engorged, and every where I used to have muscle tone is now flabby which I don't like. Its my first baby and I'm 4 weeks pp. I have a TON of stretch marks on my belly, hips, thighs, and my lady parts. Only place that didn't get hit was my boobs!
Definitely noticed some changes, pregnancy was VERY unkind to me, my baby was 9lb 3oz so I was HUGE! My belly is still a real jelly belly and hangs over my jeans, I'm covered in stretch marks (even on the backs of my knees!), my boobs are saggier, my hips wider and I'm half a stone heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. My baby is 7 months old. I keep saying I'm going to join a gym but I never quite manage it :haha:
I have one child who is now coming up to a year. Pregnancy wasn't particularly kind to me. I put on a huge amount of weight despite having a diddy 6lb 13oz baby. Although I have lost all of that weight and more, I am covered in stretch marks, my bell has a lot of loose skin which just hangs and there is a little over hanging bit where my c-section scar is (which as it was a real emergency was not done neatly). My boobs are also very saggy now that I'm not breastfeeding. Something weird that started two cycles back is that I feel horribly nauseous, just like morning sickness, every time I ovulate, for about five days which sucks.

On the good side my hair is thicker, my bum is smaller, I weigh less than I did pre pregnancy and I'm much happier no longer worrying about our infertility and being childless for the rest of our lives.
Totally honest, apart from my bigger (and I think will be saggier) boobs, there's not been a change in my body! Well I don't have my abs at the moment, but I'm back in the gym working on that!
I kept up the gym right until I gave birth so didn't really gain much weight. Breastfeeding for eight weeks helped me to get my stomach back and nine weeks pp I'm back in most if my trousers! I think I probably have an inch to lose around my middle but once that is gone and my boobs shrink back to normal, I should be just the same as I was before! To be honest, I think the last few pounds stayed because breastfeeding turned me into a sugar addict!!

This was my first though so who knows about next time!
2 children. My breasts are smaller and nicer than before I had my first. My younger boy is 5 months old this Thursday. I still need to tone my stomach to get my abs back. The skin on my belly isn't as tight yet and still has the Linea nigra, but that will fade and the skin will tighten up over time and the abs will come back with a little more work.
So really, I just got better boobs because I thought they were too big before and didn't really fit my small frame.
I only have one baby who is now 7 months old. I gained a lot during pregnancy, around 3 stone (42lbs) which was all baby. My skin stretched to what I think is the maximum on my belly, near my belly button went really shiny!! It's still wrinkly now. I did lose my baby weight quickly but as I said I think that's because it was pretty much baby and water (baby was 10lb 1) but I'm still about half a stone heavier than I was prepregnancy.

I've noticed my boobs have reminded bigger, even though I only bf now twice a day (from a C up to an F) and one is now a little bigger than the other. My belly isn't as flat, but I'm not sure it ever will be unless I go to the gym a lot to concentrate on it, but to be honest I don't have the time nor the patience to go... I might start up again when I go back to work in a month or so as I get free gym access during lunch/after work - although I've been there four years and haven't even stepped foot in it yet! Haha

I am only 6 weeks pp, but big changes are my section scar, I still have a slight over hang above the scar too, which I can hopefully get rid of once I get the all clear to start exercising at my appt tomorrow. My belly is def wobblier & I am still 7kg off pre preg weight (I was on a diet before getting pregnant & am actually at my pre-diet weight at the moment). I have some stretch marks too which will hopefully fade in time, I do not like them at all. My boobs are also massive as I am ebf.
I'm three months PP.

I had a C section and the pouch of skin above the scar is a little bulbous. I've started drying out my breasts, and I was an A and when they're engorged I'd wager they're a small C. Who knows what I'll end up with.

My belly has some wrinkly looking skin around the belly button and there's a little droopage. I gave birth to a 9lb13oz baby and I'm 5'2", so I got a little stretched out.

My joints are stiffer and my hair is ridiculously thick and I keep waiting for it to thin out.

I'm about 5-7 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained around 35 pounds.
I only put on 16lbs and lo was 8lb 4oz so I lost it easily in the first week. Bfing kept me losing & I'm now 7lbs lighter than pre pregnancy & size 6 (UK). My body looks exactly the same but even though my tummy is flat when I'm standing up, if I lean forward it kind of wrinkles? Not sure if that goes away with exercise?

I got no stretch marks at all but I used to be about 3 stone overweight so maybe it had been stretched before?
My lil man is 8mnths delivered by emerg c section.
My belly got huge when i was pregnant but that's about it. I dunno per oreg weight or even now I don't own a scale and don't really care to kno. I have a bit of a "loose" tummy but honestly it looks pretty darn good. No stretch marks....all this is pretty good. But...
I've lost my boobs and my butt :( I hate it. And if I say anything to anyone I basically get told to shut up I'm being ridiculous because I'm tiny but it sucks I just don't feel good about my appearance anymore.
I've always been petite but having a butt and boobs helped give me some curves now i don't even have that.
My baby was 8lb 6, but luckily I have no stretch marks. I'm skinnier than I was pre-pregnancy, but I think that's due to breastfeeding and I also donate my milk so I'm probably not absorbing many cake calories! I just look like a deflated version of my former self. I have a flat bum now and saggy boobs. Just feel like all my muscle tone has gone! I'm eating what I want (cake mostly) and I'm not exercising though.
I don't think my hoohaa is as pretty as it was either!
Might I just add, that even though I look different, and used to be quite self conscious and thought I was fat pre-pregnancy, I couldn't give two hoots about what I wear or if I look good now. I have certainly got a new appreciation for what my body is capable of!
one baby = crap stomach. and went up a shoe size. wider hips. huge boobs.

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