Changes in post partum body

Pregnancy was easy and kind to me, however post partum life and ailments have not been! So pre preg I was a UK size 10 and regular runner and went to the gym lots, pretty much right up to 36 weeks pregnant. By 4 months was almost back to pre pregnancy shape and about 10 pounds heavier than pre preg, with a flat tum but larger hips and boobs. Then I developed post partum thyroiditis and it all went pear shaped! With regards to my body by 6 months post partum I was 16 pounds heavier that I was full term pregnant, this weight gain went everywhere, tum, boobs, neck, arms, back! Now at 8 months I am back to my weight when fully pregnant i am back to gym and yoga and the weight is slowly going down. After such a great pregnancy, the aftermath has been awful, I have never seen so many ups and downs and changes to my body, partly due to pregnancy partly the thyroid problems! :( the thing that upsets me most about this is how much my fitness has been affected makes it so much tougher to keep up with my active baby, who will no doubt be an active toddler! So getting my fitness back is the most important thing to me, more than getting my pre preg body back, but for that I think some of the extra weight needs to go!
I haven't worked out much as I can't afford the gym and can't leave LO to go for a run, hoping all that will change soon. My LO is almost one and I am still a stone heavier than prepreg. My boobs are much less full so clevage is difficult to achieve and definitely saggier. My c-section pouch is still hanging over my jeans and is still sore and itchy, but as my surgeons were plastic surgeons my scar is very low and thin:thumbup: I never had stitches in it:happydance: I have loads of stretch marks and my tummy sticks out still. I intend on getting a tatoo of a Jasmine plant weaving around the stretchmarks on my sides with LO's initials and date of birth, I love my stretchmarks... or as they say I'm and tiger who's earn't my stripes!:winkwink: Despite all these changes I was back beach bumming it in a bikini 2 weeks after giving birth woohoo!:haha:
I'm 2 months postpartrum, and my body has changed significantly. I was a muscular UK8 before and now I'm a "mommyish" 12. I gained lots with my pregnancy (20 kg/44 lbs) especially my boobs. My boobs exploded from 1st tri, it was crazy from a cup A I went to D in no time.
I had a huge belly and that caused a few stretch marks around the belly button, but I don't mind them at all, in fact my belly recovered well so I'm not really that sad about it. My hips went crazy as well, they are Kardashian look-a-likes now, which I don't particularly enjoy.
I just managed to fit in some jeans and I hope I will get back to shape by next year.
As I'm EBF I can't diet but I try to be active.
I have had one baby. I put on weight in pregnancy but then put on loads of weight in the 9 months after giving birth from mindless eating out of boredom and depression. I finally got my arse into gear and lost 30 lbs but am a bit off track again :( Im only around 7-10 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight but I've a feeling that when I do get to my goal I'm going to feel bigger than I was at this weight pre pregnancy. My tummy seems so wobbly these days!
Agh. I'm still about 30 pounds heavier than before I had my kids (but I was underweight). I had two c-sections--last one was almost 5 months ago.

My belly button still sticks out a bit. My butt is bigger. My stomach is username should be jellybelly instead of jellybean:(
To be honest, not much has changed at all. I was very lucky and didn't put on much weight and didn't get any stretch marks. I was only 8 stone to begin with and I'm exactly the same weight now.

My boobs are probably a little less firm than they were, but that's about it. I'm so grateful.

I did have an episiotomy so left with a scar, but I can't even see it and my OH says it's barely noticeable.
I'm about 10lb heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight 15 months after giving birth! Given that I havent seen the inside of a gym since I was 5 months pregnant and seem to eat cake like its going out of fashion, I cant really blame pregnancy itself (though it didnt help, thats for sure). My boobs on the other hand are a mess and I definitely blame breast feeding for that. They looked great pre pregnancy and now they are in a sorry lack luster state.
I look exactly the same, but I was big to start with. My boobs are larger, but not by much.

Oh wait! I did think of something. My feet went up a size with Thomas and stayed like that. And I have a nifty c-section scar.
I weigh less now and am much more toned but that's due to a LOT of exercising. I have noticed my hips are wider than before. I don't mind though as they balance my gigantic boobs and now I'm the perfect houglass:haha:

speaking of boobs , I only breastfeed once a day now but my girls are still bigger than they were before (I used to be a 34DD, now I'm a 34F). Did anyone else's breasts stay big? I want my old ones back:cry:

I was lucky enough to have put on only 22lbs with Sofia so it wasn;t much to get rid off. I also had no stretch marks thanks to genetics.
I didn't have a huge change. I only gained 20 lbs with my son and no stretch marks and was all belly. I ended up losing 40lbs breastfeeding for 10 months, went from prepregnancy size 5 jeans to a size 0, still wearing them 3 months pregnant. My boobs are really small now (AA cup, but im barely over 100lbs, so I don't expect to have big breast :haha:) I actually have abs now (well I did before getting pregnant again) and didn't before him, the only thing is that my skin is lose when I bend over. Probably from not showing, to full blown belly in 10 weeks time at the end, and then it completely disappearing.
I have had one baby. I am 2lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I look way different. I have TONS of stretch marks. From the bottom of my ribcage to about halfway to my knees. My belly is saggy and hangs over my EMCS scar. My boobs went from a 32DDD to a 34H/36G (depending on the bra). My boobs are covered in stretch marks and blue veins. I noticed today I was wearing a low cut shirt and my stretch marks were showing!

I am wearing my pre-pregnancy pants. They are actually roomier on me now than they were before I was pregnant. I can't wear the old shirts though, too boobie. It sucks. I am circulating about 6 shirts every week. I wear the same thing every week. I need shirts!
Mine doesnt seem to change much after pregnancy. I guess my hips seem wider.
Not too much has changed. I was 36 when I gave birth so sort of expected it to wreak havoc. I put on about 35 pounds and have lost about 45 so am now down to a small US4. My legs are skinnier for some reason, boobs are bigger, waist a little wider and stomach less toned, but I haven't gotten back into any regular exercise (except hauling my huge baby around!). I didn't get any stretch marks, I hear they're less common as you get older as your skin is less elastic anyway. :haha:
I have one baby, gave birth 15 months ago. I gained 70lbs during pregnancy and still have 20lbs to lose (plus another 20 from my pre-pregnancy weight). I've become top heavy which is strange because I was always more of a pear shape. My arms are huge... really depressing. I have stretch marks EVERYWHERE, my tummy is disgusting, I refuse to wear shorts because the back of my legs are covered in them... it's actually mortifying. I'm hoping once I lose the weight I need to I am less stressed about the stretch marks, but I don't know that I'll ever to be able to accept them. :( Oh, and my boobs look like they belong to a gorilla. To be honest, I don't even like looking in the mirror and I will actively avoid looking at pictures of myself.

Now all I wanna do is go cry into some ice cream...
I gained 7 kg and I'm now the same as my pre preggo weight but with bigger boobies from BFing. I'm more boney on my back and my chest looks funny. OH says I look like I got plastic surgery boobs as I'm really skinny and chest shows all my rib cage then BAM! Boobs out of no where. I think they would look much nicer if I had a little meat there :(. My pants are slightly looser but my waist went from 19 inch to 21 inch. I wondered why all these months I felt fatter even though I looked more thin everywhere else. I finally realized it was my waist and when I measured it sure enough I gained 2 inches of waist. Also my deep inny belly button became an outey :(
I have one baby and she's 6 months old. I didn't gain much weight -- 15 lbs total which I lost right away -- but my boobs are pretty lame now. They inflated to a DD when I was pregnant (from a B) and now are back down to a C. They have a ton of stretch marks underneath (which thankfully you can't see since they're sagging :wacko:) and light ones on the top. Ugh.

HOWEVER, my stomach turned out pretty well! It's flat, no stretch marks, and aside from an oddly stretched belly button that I kind of like and a faint linea nigra, it looks like I've never been pregnant! I just need to get some tone back.

My hips seem smaller. No idea why.
I had a ten pond three baby. I gained about 20 kilos. Stretch marks everywhere, belly hips boobs butt and thighs down to my knees. my lo is 9 months now. I boobie fed him for 5 and a half months and loved my new c cup boobs. But now that I've stopped they are down to less then a b. But my rib cage is still wider so my old bras sit funny. I joke that my boobs are like deflated balloons and my belly has a shelf. I had a c section so the loose skin and left over flab just hangs. I am back to my pre preg cloths. I ahvemt weighed myself in weeks coz I don't think it matters as long as the clothes fit and I feel healthy. it sucks about the body changes but I keep thinking about my gorgeous boy and how grateful I've had him and that makes ita bit better.
I have one baby girl who is 6 months. She was 8'3 at birth and I put on just over 2 stone. I have lost the weight and have been lucky with stretch marks just some on my boobs, and I have a slightly overstretched belly button.

The worst thing is my boobs. They are now saggy. I was 32ff before pregnancy and am now 30H. I worked out and walked a lot during pregnancy. Post pregnancy I ve replaced the gym with home workout DVDs. I walk my dog everyday and ride my horse x3 a week.

I dont believe my body will be the same, but thats ok. I feel proud of my body and what its been through
Nothing really changed for me I didn't get big pregnant for what ever reason i was super tiny with just a little belly and i went down to my pre preg weight almost 2 days after i had her i was completely flat stomach again.. its a bit more jiggly i cant really explain it but thats prob in my head :p my feet seem a bit wider weird enough lol

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