Changing formula. How?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2009
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For weeks our DD has random evenings of screaming and fussiness and general unhappiness and after speaking to the Drs and HV's we've managed to establish that she suffers constipation which we're dealing with accordingly, we've also been given a diagnosis of colic by my usual Dr who insisted to me that nothing can be done because "babies cry, it's just what they do" :growlmad:

The last 2 nights DD has screamed in excess of 6+ hours so last night my husband took her down to out of hours to get a 2nd opinion. The Dr he saw checked her over and has said she has no signs of reflux (silent or otherwise), no signs of trapped wind or colic but has said it might be her milk is too heavy for her so he advised changing her milk, but DH said the Dr didn't say how to go about it and/or which milk to try? She's on cow & gate which I know is more or less exactly the same as aptamil so no use trying that, which leaves a comfort milk or SMA and I think there's a HIPP one aswell.

Problem is how do I know which milk to try & do I do it gradually or just a straight swap? :wacko:
I'd try comfort babies don't just cry for no reason Hun my ds is on cow and gate comfort and he's been so happy in it I did try using just normal cow and gate but he screamed the house down

And I did a straight swap with the milks
Just do a straight swap.

Hope a comfort milk helps.
I'd try comfort babies don't just cry for no reason Hun my ds is on cow and gate comfort and he's been so happy in it I did try using just normal cow and gate but he screamed the house down

And I did a straight swap with the milks

Thank you :flower:

I've been reading up about the comfort and it seems like the best option, certainly nothing to lose for trying.

This might sound like a silly question but do you make it up the same way as normal milk? Will I be able to use the prep machine to make it up as I kept seeing that you need boiling water for it to thicken? :wacko:
Id try comfort to it should help with the constipation also just do a swap u can still use perfect prep but might need a bigger size teAt X
I agree with the others try the comfort milk. We used it with our perfect prep and it was fine, we did need to buy size two tests though.
Id maybe speak to the GP. It sounds quite like my LO and she is now on prescribed milk (nutramigen) and she has been a different baby since swapping. She is suspected to be cows milk intolerant, nothing is confirmed officially but we are treating her as such and she is so much better!

We just swapped her straight over.
Id maybe speak to the GP. It sounds quite like my LO and she is now on prescribed milk (nutramigen) and she has been a different baby since swapping. She is suspected to be cows milk intolerant, nothing is confirmed officially but we are treating her as such and she is so much better!

We just swapped her straight over.

I spoke to my GP and got told that babies cry it's just what they do. We have a milk intolarance in the family (my niece) and she's on the same milk for that reason but every healthcare professional I've spoke to completely dismisses me or tells me it's colic, except the out of hours dr my husband saw last night who suggested changing milk but gave no insight as to which one to use or how to go about changing it.

I've got a tub of comfort milk but I've not actually managed to get any in her yet because once again she's screaming the place down. I've noticed she's farting a lot and that the farts seem to be followed by the screaming so it has to be a digestive issue its just getting someone to take me seriously :cry:
Honestly, this sound EXACTLY like my wee one!

She was the worst pumper I have ever known, it got to the point she refused milk (all of a sudden) and someone (a health visitor, not my own HV but one at a mum and baby group I go to) told me to go to the GP and demand she was given Nutramigen. We did so and she is honestly a different baby. She has never officially been diagnosed as cows milk intolerant, but we are now fighting for a referral to an allergy clinic as her symptoms cleared up within a day or so.
I had the same issues with my second one. I switched to organic formulas and he was fine. Now, for the "rd one, I use the HIPP formula and I get them from here. They deliver everywhere for free in the US and Canada and they are pretty fast. Never had any allergy or colic with this. Unfortunately I can't BF..
Just to update, we did eventually see a dr who took the time out to listen to us and prescribed nutramigen and hey presto, she's a new baby!

We don't know what it is about the milk that's helping, if it's the lack of lactose or cows milk allergy, all we know is that milk works. We've had no screaming episodes since we started it and we've also noticed that she's drinking more per bottle. We have an appointment with a dietician next month to see where we go from here so I'm hoping they may be able to shed some light on what the problem actually is!
Its nutramigen that my wee one is on too. After one rubbish doctor who just prescribed the milk I went back and we are being referred to a dietician and an allergy specialist. Glad you got a solution!
Id maybe speak to the GP. It sounds quite like my LO and she is now on prescribed milk ( and she has been a different baby since swapping. She is suspected to be cows milk intolerant, nothing is confirmed officially but we are treating her as such and she is so much better!

We just swapped her straight over.

This is how my sister also did it and everything worked out totally fine.
Other friends tried to go back to exclusively breast feed but this wasn't working anymore as the milk production was already reduced. So prescribed milk and a fast swap seems very reasonable to me.
For weeks our DD has random evenings of screaming and fussiness and general unhappiness and after speaking to the Drs and HV's we've managed to establish that she suffers constipation which we're dealing with accordingly, we've also been given a diagnosis of colic by my usual Dr who insisted to me that nothing can be done because "babies cry, it's just what they do" :growlmad:

The last 2 nights DD has screamed in excess of 6+ hours so last night my husband took her down to out of hours to get a 2nd opinion. The Dr he saw checked her over and has said she has no signs of reflux (silent or otherwise), no signs of trapped wind or colic but has said it might be her milk is too heavy for her so he advised changing her milk, but DH said the Dr didn't say how to go about it and/or which milk to try? She's on cow & gate which I know is more or less exactly the same as aptamil so no use trying that, which leaves a comfort milk or SMA and I think there's a HIPP one aswell.

Problem is how do I know which milk to try & do I do it gradually or just a straight swap? :wacko:

Almost 2 weeks ago my little girl just stopped drinking formula. She was on HIPP and suddenly just stopped. It became a huge task to put it in her mouth and when we finally make it happen she just spit it out. I was so worried reading about formulas on formularus since they have described them all pretty well and they were very very responsive to all my questions. Anyways... Long story short i received it on Thursday and have started feeling her Holle and she has started feeding all well like she used to with HIPP and Im soooo glad it worked. I did a full sudden swap. Stopped with HIPP and started giving her Holle.

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