Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
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Since I got a :bfn: for December, I figured I would start a new thread for 2016!

I will be starting my injections for IUI #3 tomorrow. If anyone is looking forward to conceiving in 2016 please feel free to join and share your stories here!

:dust: to you all!
I would love to join you in getting a bfp in 2016!!

I went off bcp in April 2015 and have had consistent 34 day cycles since then! However, last month AF decided to play a cruel trick and show up 5 days late.... Now on to cycle 9!!
I'll be TTC in January 2016 I'm Hoping to get a positive test in the first two months otherwise ill have to wait a few months as we don't want a December baby as there is already 5 (YES 5!) of my partners nieces and nephews born in December, Christmas and my brother born on boxing day!

This will be baby number 1 for us both and my parents first grandchild so we are all super excited :blush:
welcome Mrspres and Sasha!

this will be cycle 15 for me. Unexplained infertility. tried 1 round of clomid, and now I'll be on my third round of injectibles with IUI.

Sasha I can see why you don't want a december baby! oh my that's a lot of birthdays!
I'll join in for 2016!

My cycles are consistently 26 days (really short, I know) and AF just reared her ugly head this morning, right on time. >.<
So I guess I'm now officially at the start of cycle 11 (we started TTC this spring) and I've been off bc for over a year now. I suppose with my short cycles, a BFP is within the realm of possibility before the year is actually over, but it would essentially be 2016 anyway.

Best of luck, everyone! Lots and lots of baby dust!
wow 26 days is short. I used to vary between 30 and 44 days (crazy right?!) but since I've been doing fertility injections, it has brought my cycle down to 29 days for the past three months in a row.
I'm in for 2016!! After 6 years NTNP, and 6 wacky-cycle months of TTC - I'm finally getting myself together with it. I saw an RE for the first time Dec.1st, who did a transvaginal us - said everything looked good. Sent me home with a sperm analysis cup, rx for Provera to start 12/20 if BFN. Also gave me a rx prenatal, and is scheduling a sonohysterogram somewhere in cd 6-11. So cheers to 2016! If I really had my way, I'd get my BFP in March so I could have my Christmas baby girl ;) DH and I are both December babies. RE said its likely an ovulation disorder. Hoping and praying that I just need some clomid/femara and I'll be ok. We'll see! GL and so much babydust to everyone :)
wow 26 days is short. I used to vary between 30 and 44 days (crazy right?!) but since I've been doing fertility injections, it has brought my cycle down to 29 days for the past three months in a row.

Wow, 44 days is crazy long! It sounds like 29 is much more manageable. For me, having a 26 day cycle is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it means we can try again quickly. But on the other hand, we've only been TTC for eight months and had ten BFNs.
welcome wifey! sounds like you are off to a good start. getting everything checked out is half the battle. I too don't ovulate every month so I've been doing gonal f injectibles with a trigger shot. This is my last IUI for 2015. I just have to get it out of the way so we can move on to IVF in 2016! I really think it's going to happen then. Fingers crossed!
Cheers, Hope! I really hope you get your BFP sooner rather than later in 2016! I feel like I'm out for this year, with starting provera on the 20th we aren't really ttc this month. Hoping more test results will give us a plan, my doctor seems so fast-paced, smart and optimistic. Its weird though how I never thought there would be two men working together on getting me pregnant (Dr and DH) lmao! I absolutely commend you for everything you've been through to get to where you are today. Statistics are so high for IVF :) keep us all posted! :) i have a good feeling about 2016 being our year too. ;)
Sasha I can see why you don't want a December baby! oh my that's a lot of birthdays!

I know! Way too many people born in the same month :coffee:

We have actually decided to try on my next cycle instead of waiting until January so ill be able to test on January 1st! :blush:
Hi all, hope I can join in? :flower:

Going into my second cycle TTC early Jan. Just got dreaded AF today so back to the start. Usually I have 28 - 32 day cycles, ovulating on CD 20, with a LP of 10 days however this last cycle I ovulated on CD 28! Hope that doesn't happen again this time!

I think my body knew it was our first time TTC and decided to make it really "fun" for me :wacko:

Anyway, I hope 2016 is the year for all of us!
hi Sheece! Welcome!

I got approved for my first go at IVF in January! I'm so excited!!! I really think 2016 will be our year!
Hi ladies. Af has just arrived so this will be our 3rd cycle TTC (and 6th cycle off bcp) ive had regular cycles since, 27-28 days and ov cd13 except for this last one. I'm not sure when I o'd, prob cd13-16 and I had a 29 day cycle. Annoying but it could be worse. This cycle I'm not temping or doing opks as I messed them up a bit last cycle (we were away for the weekend on o day) so I think that's why FF is throwing my o day off a bit. Just going to try my best to relax and enjoy Christmas. I should o around 28th/29th Dec but as I won't be tracking I won't actually know!! Good luck everyone, really wana see some new year bfps. Xx
Hi, can I join. We'll be ttc next month. Was supposed to be this month but now I'm ill and on various meds that don't really go well with ttc. Was also under a ridiculous amount of stress a couple of weeks ago so think I'm unlikely to ovulate this month due to stress anyway. So new year, new start and I'd like to join you :)
Could I please join too? I'm taking a break this cycle but will be back to Ttc in the new year.

We've lost 5 babies in total (3 within the last 4 months)

Eve lost to meningitis. Alfie and Eden born sleeping and 2 mc at 5 weeks.
Welcome mrs unicorn, broodymrs, and LoraLoo!

TTC is a long and frustrating journey for most of us. I think we should leave all our negative experiences behind in 2015 and focus on 2016 bringing us new beginnings for those BFPs we have long been waiting for! I really hope we all get to hold and cherish our little ones this year!

Feel free to share your stories and where you are currently in your cycles!
Congrats Hope, thats great news! What a way to start the year :)

I agree , 2016 will be a bright fresh start for everyone, especially those ladies that have been waiting a while for their little ones xx
I myself am hoping for a BPF beginning of Jan! this is the last month I can really TTC for a looong time..... I don't want a September baby (Not a fan of September.) but at this point I'll take what I can get! I had a MC in March at 11 weeks and since then have been having troubles conceiving.
Yes, I'm feeling so good about next year. I keep telling myself 'you'll get pregnant this year' (hopefully!!!) I know we're not there yet but I'm cd2 so it feels like the start of the new year already.

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