Cheers to BFPs in 2-0-1-6!

Yeah I'm not buying frers again :( Hard to find another brand that gives early readings though. I found one last night but it said it had a sensitivity of 25 miu on the packet so thats not really good for early testing.

AF due any time now so I'll go get a test tomorrow and test again if it doesn't show.
I am beginning to think we need to buy up a bunch of dollar store cheapies and mail them to those of you who don't have them. I would have never survived TTC without them. LoL! I would have bankrupted us I think otherwise. :haha: Can you order cheapies online? They wouldn't get to you before AF is due, I'm sure, but I'm thinking for future cycles if you need them.
Now that is a good business idea haha I would buy the hell out of them!

That said, I just found an aussie site selling 20, 10miu strips for $11.50 so I grabbed some of those. They won't get here in time, but if I don't catch this cycle I'll use them. And if I do catch this cycle, there's nothing like spending money on more tests for coercing a bfp out of the woodwork (hopefully) :P
Urgh well apparently buying the tests didnt trick a bfp to appear, instead it started my AF, had to make an emergency dash to the shops during work hours as I was caught out!

So annoyed / upset. My boobs have been sore for 10 days! I thought for sure I had a good chance.

Starting vitex this cycle. I said I would go to see the doctor but I really don't want to as they will fob me off as I haven't been trying for a year yet :/
Be careful with vitex. I'm sure that's what messed me up. You have relatively normal cycles and have had a bfp so I'd personally steer clear. Something like b complex will help level out hormones without any risk of messing them up

Jbugg I'm 5 weeks pregnant with barely any symptoms! Both bfp cycles I had no noticeable symptoms in tww.
Thanks Broody, I'm going to monitor it carefully for sure.

I've attached a screenshot of my cycles since starting - the one time i ovulated on CD14 I got pregnant, but as you can see, ovulation is all over the shop, so I'm hoping to bring that into line at least with it.


  • cycles.jpg
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Sheece - :hugs: So sorry. Be careful with Vitex. If you already have normal cycles, Vitex can make them worse. Definitely watch the brand too, when I was taking Vitex I found that the Gaia brand was the best, the other brands didn't help me at all.
Sheece I hope you see some difference with that. Your one normal cycle was when you conceived so I hope if you can get your cycle to be around a normal, you may conceive again. Fx

Angel how's your plum doing?
Doing alright. The last OB appointment was good and I still check HB every day or two with doppler just to be sure. Paranoia at it's best :haha:

I feel HUGE though. Some days I'm bigger than others, which I think is bloating or something, but seriously I've gotten big enough that I can't wear any of my pants, even the pants I had stored away when I lost all that weight a few months ago. Weight wise at least I've only gained about 5-7lbs, but on my 5'2" frame, even 5lbs is a lot. When I lost all that weight I lost about 9-10lbs, but that 10lbs came up to a total of 16 inches (combined legs, arms, waist, stomach, etc) and 2 pant sizes. I'm struggling a little with the size part. I know I am growing a child and all, but weight has always been a very hard thing for me to deal with. :/
I feel like a whale. I'm so bloated and constipated! I look so huge. Luckily I'm on hol this week so I don't have to hide it but work is going to be a nightmare! I'm also avoiding my mum as she'll twig straightaway 😂
I'm right there with you! I'm HUGE. And I got bloated ad huge about the same place you're at, and I feel like it never really went away.
Not just me that! Hubby can't believe it. He's baffled as to how I'm showing so soon. We face timed his mum tonight and as it was connecting I panicked and had to get my tummy out of shot! I'm just hoping it means I've got a nice chunky, healthy baby growing in there! So anxious about something going wrong
Thanks for the advice girls - I went out and bought some Vitex in the same brand as my multivitamins but I've decided to delay it for now.

I missed temping for a morning and found that I was surprisingly more relaxed about things, so I've decided to chill out a bit and not temp / use my ovulation scope this cycle. I'll just go by CM.

OH and I are going away for the weekend in a couple of weeks for our anniversary, which should time well for BD'ing, so I'm hoping being more relaxed will make a difference!

Angel - the weight thing worries me too. I know I'll be growing a baby, but I'm already a bit overweight & I already feel like I look pregnant, I'm worried how big I'm going to balloon to when I actually do get pregnant. I guess all we can do is try to be as healthy as we can. Wish I could hibernate though haha
Broody - nope not just you! At that stage you're probably mostly bloat showing. When I was about that far I was pretty huge, bloat wise, and it went down after a couple weeks, but then I've continued to grow bigger since then. :hugs: I'm alos anxious about something going wrong. Everyone seems to talk about how they want to keep baby inside where it's safe and I'm not "nope I want to skip to the end when I know baby will be out and safe!" :haha:

Sheece - Yeah, I keep thinking people are going to just think I've gotten fat instead of actually being pregnant! LoL! I know I shouldn't care, but ... yeah. :/
i think all of us that have weight issues will always carry heavy(if i get preg) and always be more aware of the weight. and i think we will have a problem losing it after baby. its just one of those things we going to have to "deal" with. but emotionally its straining to be a bit "meaty".

Sheece maybe a relaxed month is what you need. it normally happens the month you least stress about it.
Well, FF might have finally given me crosshairs... I changed it to research mode, though I don't know how reliable it is... O'ed on CD 25 according to that. When I change it to advanced it sets O at CD 28, although looking at my chart it makes a bit more sense for it to be 25.

We decided to paint the nursery this past weekend. Figured it was better to do it before we get our BFP that way I could help. Now all that's left to do decorating wise it to put a ceiling fan in and the wall decals up on the feature wall behind the crib. After that we just need to furnish and we're set!

These are the wall decals, going to do white trees with gray leaves, and then gray and baby blue owls:


  • nursery.JPG
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abe looking at your chart, no 2 cycles have ever been the same. i do have so much hope for you this month as alot of people have got there BFP that month have the dip and up from there. also you have some really long cycles btw unless i feel that because i have shorter cycles.

love the room and esp love the decals. im looking for a specific quote for my lounge area. but the one you chose will be perfect for a baby room and its gender neutral for the next baby.
Beautiful nursery abe! Hope the relaxed approach works sheece
Happy 6 weeks Broody!

Yeah, whimsy, I know, but all tests came back normal. No indication of PCOS, I'm just a tad bit irregular. Maybe longer cycles are the new norm for me. I'll be excited when AF gets here, because I'm going back on BCP until IVF (unless DH wants to give it another month or two shot at doing this naturally), so I'll be back to 28 day cycles!

Thank you ladies! We wanted it to be gender neutral right from the get-go, so that it could be colours they could grow up with. We have another bedroom upstairs that is serving as an office, but will soon be converted to a guest room that when we have no. 2 we will decorate and turn into a nursery. This room is solely no.1's!

I did have some EWCM with spotting in it last night. If I o'ed later than I thought then that would have been the PM of 5DPO which would put it right where it should be. I'll probably crack open a test on Saturday if no AF. In all of my cycles of TTC I haven't gotten THAT before, but then again, like Whimsy said, none of my cycles have been alike haha!
I'm happy to announce that, no matter how you measure first trimester (there are 3 different "dates" that people account for when it ends), I am officially 2nd Tri now. :D I'm so relieved!

Unfortunately that has come with an increase in headaches, more specifically migraines. I've had 2 in the last 7 days, both lasting two days each. :( Tylonel takes the edge off but that's about it. My only fix lately has been peppermint oil on my scalp, neck, forehead, and a hot bath with a bag of ice on my head/neck. 2 Tylonel before and 2 Tylonel after and it's reduced to a dull ache that I can try to sleep off :( I don't even like taking that much tylonel but my sister was told by her OB that the pain is worse for the baby than the meds at that point so I went with it. Her dr actually gave her migraine meds during pregnancy but hers are much more often and severe than mine. If it keeps up more frequently than once a week I'll call the OB for suggestions.

Abe - those CH look pretty good to me. FX those are some good signs for you. :)

I love the nursery too!! My mom is coming down at the end of the month to help us paint. She loves to paint, seriously, and my sister can't because the fumes give her migraines and I can't (well, dr says I CAN but the room isn't well ventilated so no). We are going to do a jungle theme so I'm looking at jungle decals to put up. And today we are moving some stuff into the nursery. We don't have a crib yet but now that we've moved our friend who is staying with us out of that room into our office we can look because we have space for the stuff we're buying. lol

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