I think it would be the same wherever your child spends the day. I would expect to know how she napped (or now, if she napped, because I've asked them not to let her nap, but some days she's just too tired or doesn't feel well, so she'll have a nap, I'd want to know this) and basically if there were any problems - she fell down and cut her knee, she was sick at lunch, she got scratched by another child, she touched some stinging nettles and has a rash, she felt warm all afternoon and might be getting a fever, etc. When she was younger and still having bottles, I would have wanted to know how much of each she had. About 60 seconds of just checking in is all I need or have time for. I don't expect a full accounting of everything she did, how she is feeling, what she ate, what time she slept, etc. Basically, I'd just need to know if there was a problem so I could act on it at home, like getting her to bed early if she's not slept or making sure to change the plaster on a cut. They have enough record-keeping to do for each child and there are still other kids there when I pick her up, so I don't expect a detailed report every day. Nor would I want it because I'm in a hurry to get home and get on with dinner and things as well.