New life always comes from a seed. A seed is planted, and when it grows, new life results. In this case, seed has been planted in you, and a new life has been formed. In Genesis 8:22 God said that while the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest. In this case, the harvest will be when your child is born. What a fabulous plan God has put into place on the earth, that we can sow seeds and then reap the harvest of those seeds.
Many things are seeds - the words we speak are seeds, and then we harvest whatever those words cause to grow. The things we do to help people are seeds, and we reap the harvest of that kindness. We plant money seeds into other peoples lives and then reap the harvest that brings forth.
Those are just some examples of seedtime and harvest at work in our lives. Its important to realize that the things we think, do, and say are planting seeds, and that we will reap a harvest based on what we plant.
Be mindful during your pregnancy to plant seeds that will cause a good harvest. Think and say positive things about the health of your baby, about your health, about the childbirth you will have, about your child and how happy and healthy he/she is, about the nurses you will have at the hospital, about the kindness you will be treated with at the hospital or doctors office, and about anything else you think of! Be careful what you say, remember that you will reap a harvest based on those word seeds. The best word seeds you can plant are things the Bible says, because those are Gods words and they are good seeds with life in them. Here are some things the Bible says about your pregnancy/children:
Blessed is the fruit of your body. Deuteronomy 28:4
Your descendents will be mighty on earth and will be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in your house. Psalm 112:2-3
God will pour His Spirit on your descendants, and His blessing on your offspring. Isaiah 44:3
~A Letter to Pregnant Women~
Let's pray for one another that God will help us to speak the right things over our pregnancies,babies and lives in general