God bless you Princess Brees for starting this thread.You might not know this,but God is using you as a vessel to touch and encourage other people. I stumbled on this thread and i made up my mind to join and put the devil to shame. I had a painful miscarriage last May at 9 weeks plus, and to the glory of God am pregnant again (6 weeks). Let us say the following prayers and confession to our beans. The first trimester is very critical and crucial .Most of their organs are forming at this moment. I got this revelation from the book supernatural childbirth and i want everyone to make the confessions a daily one.
Speak to your baby in the womb. It's your baby and is supposed to obey you and God's word
Eyes: Vision, be perfect (Moses was 120 years old and his eyes wasn't dim)
Ears:Hear perfectly
Heart: Be strong ,healthy,untroubled (John 14:1)
Respiratory system: Be healthy and strong lungs and bronchial passages;no sinus problems,hay fever, bronchitis
Blood:Be normal, healthy, Maintain the proper blood sugar;no pollution in the blood (Ezekiel16:6)
Digestive system:Function normally
Position of baby and cord: Baby be head down and in perfect position at birth. Cord ,be the perfect length and position,not around the baby's neck
Temperament: Be full of peace- a calm, sweet spirit and a tender heart (isa 54:13)
Sleeping habits: Baby, you will sleep at night, you will get plenty of rest and let us rest
Baby's spirit:You will be tender toward God and the things of God; saved at an early age
I pray for the medical professionals am involved with that they have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God concerning this baby. Thank you father because i know you have the last say ,thank you for fulfilling your promise in your word. In Jesus name. Amen