Let this be a sign among you, so that when your children ask later, saying, What do these stones mean to you? then you shall say to them, Because the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.
So these stones shall become a memorial to the sons of Israel forever.
Joshua 4:6-7
The third and fourth chapters of the book of Joshua tell us an amazing story. Moses was dead and Joshua was leading the children of Israel. The priests carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and the Israelites followed behind. As they journeyed, they faced a huge obstacle: the Jordan River. To some, it may have looked like an impossible situation. To God, it looked like an opportunity!
When feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant touched the waters of the Jordan River, God caused the waters of the Jordan to be cut off so that the water flowing from above stood in a heap and no water would flow to the Dead Sea. What an amazing scene it must have been! The children of Israel marching through the Jordan River on dry land. Im sure there were more than a few mouths hanging open.
When all the Israelites had safely crossed the Jordan River, God once again spoke to Joshua. He told him to have 12 men gather stones from the middle of the Jordan River and create from them a memorial to the wonders God had performed in their midst. Whenever anyone would see this pile of stones, they would be reminded that God came through again. I wonder how many people stood staring at this pile of rocks and relived in their minds how the water stood up by itself as men, women and children paraded by. It was important to God for people to teach their children of His ways and His works.
When your situation is resolved, what will you tell people? Whether your story is resolved with the birth of a child, the miracle of adoption or the provision of an abundant, child-free life, how will the re-telling of this season of your life read? Will you recall with bitterness the frustration you faced at each diagnosis or will you tell how God led you to just the right doctor with just the right treatment plan? Youve just laid down a stone. Will you complain of how the promises of God just didnt pan out for you, or will you share how God showed you new paths and new plans that you never could have dreamed of before? Add another rock to the pile. Will you tell your children how infertility hurt so deeply, or will you tell them how God changed you for the better through this struggle? Youre reaching again to build the memorial. Will you remain angry at God for taking your childs life before his or her birth, or will you thank Him for giving His Son for you? How will you build your pile of stones?
Parting the Jordan River was no big deal for God. After all, this wasnt the first time He had transformed mighty waters into a sandy beach. (See Exodus 14 for the account of God parting the Red Sea.) His children had a problem. He had a solution. If God parted the Jordan to bring His children through their difficulties, what will He do for you?
Gather your stones from the midst of your struggle as you cross the river of infertility with God. You have a great story to tell.