As a TTC veteran I think that TTC'ing is one of those things that can really try your patience because with other "requests" from god, you know that there is most of the time a waiting game involved. The waiting game that tests your faith and patience everyday. But from little girls, we are taught that
MAN + Woman+ INTIMACY = an automatic baby
For alot of women that can be so far from the truth and we have to realize that those things that other's take for granted is really a gift. How many times have we all heard people say, be grateful you have the use of all of your limbs, or be grateful you have your health because not everyone does. And yes if your like me you say, "Yes god thankyou" but still in some form you think that its a given and you somehow were more fortunate and you really dont GET the magnitude of your fortune???
I thank god for where he has brought me so far and I remember being single and ongodly lonely and saying "when I get married, I'll be happy with everything, cause that's all I really want"
How wrong was I. Now I love my husband to pieces and thank god for my life and my husband BUT I am still learning to accept that no matter where I am in life, there will always be things that I think will make my life better and easier and faith is needed in all things. I wanted to be married sooooo bad when I was single and I was soooo desperate that I was willing to marry the people that I knew weren't right for me. As it turns out everything happens when it happens for a reason and my husband and I are perfect for eachother and had I not met him, who knows who my partner in this thing called life would be

. When we met, he was a bachelor who wasn't talking to his mom and hadn't gotten to see his son for fore than a month in the last few years. Since we have been together, he has been able to have his son (from previous marriage) for 7 months straight. His mom and him are on good terms and so much more and this is NOT because of me. But because of GOD.
He is everything and I mean everything that I am not. He's outspoken, very sociable, has an extreme sense of humor, assertive, he's just sooo many things. I know people say, don't say that you want to meet your other half because you are a whole person. That is true BUT what they mean is that your mate should bring the balance. We balance eachother out. When we are having a problem in an area, normally the other can offer sound advice because that is OUR area. I just know that GOD has a reason for everything and we as believers need to be content patiently awaiting. THAT IS SOOOO hard but I think that with prayer we can do it. Anyone else understand what I'm saying???
P.S. This post is mainly for my growth because my faith and patience was tested today. This was not directed at anyone but if it helped anyone than that is great!!!!