Clomid 2013/2014 Buddies

i´m still here...waiting for a bfp or on cycle day 31 / 13dpo so by monday i should know what´s what...

Im new to the forum . im 35 and have endometrisis i have had 2 laps to try remove it.
Ive been trying for 2 years with no luck ,
I had a HSG end july which showed my left tube is bloked with scare tissue and is no good my right tube is still working
I have just done my first month on Clomid cycle 2-6 100 mg which im taking for 3 months
Im curreinly on cycle day 13
Did any have really bad bloating i look like im preganant !! also had very bad pains in my back and right ovarie is this normal ?

Any one in the same boat ?

/lurk off

Hi Mills, welcome!

I did have bloating and ovary pain while on Clomid. I think for some of us, those icky side effects come with the territory. I'm sorry about your tube! But know there are quite a few ladies who have conceived with a similar the saying goes, it only takes one egg from one side! Are you being monitored with U/S to track which side you're producing follicles on? has been soooo long!! How are you holding up, hun? Where are you at in ttc? DH and I just finished our first round of IUI and I'm holed up in the tww. I feel a POAS addiction coming on...

Stormy, are you still in your break? I've missed hearing from everyone as well!

Milty, how is the recovery going?

Rulitos, have you gotten an answer with regard to your cycle yet?

:dust: to all,

I'm feeling so much better now and almost back to normal!!. I've actually TTC this month and I'm also in the 2 WW.

I havnt had my Lupron shot yet so I thought I would give it a go this month :thumbup:

Mills I have stage 4 endo. I did not know I had it until my 2nd lap this July. I am a symptomatic so I pretty much had no idea.
I start my Clomid 100mg today Day 2-6
Scan on day 10
Ovitrelle Injection when follicles are ready
Milty - So good to hear you're feeling better! Good luck with this cycle...I've heard that some woman have a much better go at ttc after surgery for endo. You're in my thoughts!

Welcome, Racy :hugs: Is this your first cycle on Clomid? The ovidrel shot freaked me out a little to begin with, but it's really not bad at all. The needle is tiny, and I barely felt a thing. Just make sure to warm it to room temp (doesn't take long) before giving it!
Well i only managed to take four days of clomid 100mg, severe headaches and distorted vision, my specialist told me to stop taking it immediatey. I have a scan on fiday to see if it managed to do enough to get my follicles up to the right size.
Need all the baby dust you can throw at me right now...
Sending some :dust: your way, Racy.

Those side effects sound pretty nasty. Have you talked about Femara with your doc? I made the switch and have had zero side effects. Produced some nice sized follicles, as well.

Good luck with your scan! FX'd you get some good follies; keep us updated. ;)
Havent really discussed anything with anyone, apart from the Doc telling me to stop immediately. Yes this is my first cycle, I managed 4 days out of 5 on 100mg, and ive had some mild pain in both ovaries, so im hoping that it may have done enough to give me a good follicle count on friday, I only have one tube remaining so if that side has a good amount then hopefully i will get the trigger shot and go for it.
Failing that I have to go back to the Docs and see what my next options are, they want us to go full IVF but I really dont think we can afford that, we have saved the money to give me time off work if we have a baby.
I really dont know what to think at the moment...
I finally got a smiley face on my ovulation stick after receiving my ovitrelle trigger shot.
I had a 21.5mm follicle on my ovary...
Fingers Crossed :)
Hello - I'm new to this site and am wondering if I could join you all.

I am 36 and my DH is 46. We have a 2yr old son and have been TTC for #2 since June 2012. I have PCOS which royally messes with my cycles. I have diabetes and a thyroid issue, both have been well controlled for a while now.

I had an ectopic pregnancy during my first marriage. Luckily no damage to my tube. I'm on my second marriage and we have a DS. Last year I had a mc at 8 wks. I am currently on my second cycle of 50mg of Clomid. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check my follicles. Hoping for good news. Last cycle I did not have the ultrasound but did have the CD21 progesterone test that confirmed ovulation. We just weren't able to catch the elusive egg.

I hope I didn't ramble to much and thank you all for reading.
Hello - I'm new to this site and am wondering if I could join you all.

I am 36 and my DH is 46. We have a 2yr old son and have been TTC for #2 since June 2012. I have PCOS which royally messes with my cycles. I have diabetes and a thyroid issue, both have been well controlled for a while now.

I had an ectopic pregnancy during my first marriage. Luckily no damage to my tube. I'm on my second marriage and we have a DS. Last year I had a mc at 8 wks. I am currently on my second cycle of 50mg of Clomid. I have an ultrasound tomorrow to check my follicles. Hoping for good news. Last cycle I did not have the ultrasound but did have the CD21 progesterone test that confirmed ovulation. We just weren't able to catch the elusive egg.

I hope I didn't ramble to much and thank you all for reading.

Hello there, Let us know how the ultrasound goes and it there are any good follicles...
Hello there, Let us know how the ultrasound goes and it there are any good follicles...

Hi - How are you doing? I had my u/s today and have 2 follicles that are about half way there. My doc has ordered another round of 50mg Clomid to be started tonight and then I have another u/s on Tuesday to see if the extra Clomid helped things progress. She said that if it didn't or if I don't get pregnant this cycle then she will be switching me to Femara. So I guess more crazy meds and wait until Tuesday to see what happening.
I had my u/s today and my uterine lining is good, but no dominant follicles. There are a few that could still mature and cause ovulation. I was told to not take my last clomid pill as I'm really close to having Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). I go for my progesterone test either Monday or Tuesday. If I don't get pregnant this cycle then it is on to Femara for me as Clomid is to dangerous for me. I guess now it is just wait and see. So not bad news, but not good news either.
Well on day 23 now, had a lovely temperature rise on day 14, after the trigger shot, had a temperature dip on day 5+6dpo and its creeping back up now...
I dont feel any different though, but the funny things is, usually the second half of my cycle i have really sore boobs, but this is the first month they havent hurt and i actually ovulated !
RacyRaspberry - that sounds promising. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

I was feeling super unsure of this cycle and emailed my doctor yesterday. I asked her how big was my largest follicle. She replied 16mm, so I'm not sure why the other doctor seemed like there was little hope. My doctor said that ovulation could be pushed back for me due to the extra clomid. She also pushed my progesterone test back to next Friday. Guess I will just wait and see.

Keep me posted on how you are doing and hey any month that the boobs don't hurt is a good month, lol.
I started seeing fertility specialist about four months ago after TTC for two years with my new husband. He has three beautiful children from a previous marriage and I have one fur baby. I am older, 43 (so it's probably impossible to get preggo), and have had three miscarriage prior to setting up an appt with a specialist. My specialist decided to try me on the highest Clomid (150 mg because of my age) just to see what happened. On day 12 of my cycle my nurse saw three good follicles, two small in my left and one in my right, so we decided to do the Ovidrel shot and iui the following Monday and Tuesday. 9/10/2013

Married May 2010

Me- three miscarriages and uterine polyps - One fur baby (Tucker)

DH -- healthy as an ox (he has three children from a previous marriage)
Still trying for #1!
9/10/2013 - IUI #1 - Clomid 150/Ovidrel Shot -- BFN:dohh:
10/7 -- Scheduled U/S prior to IUI (projected to take Femara/Ovidrel Shot this time around.[-o<

Anyone had any success with Femara?
I started seeing fertility specialist about four months ago after TTC for two years with my new husband. He has three beautiful children from a previous marriage and I have one fur baby. I am older, 43 (so it's probably impossible to get preggo), and have had three miscarriage prior to setting up an appt with a specialist. My specialist decided to try me on the highest Clomid (150 mg because of my age) just to see what happened. On day 12 of my cycle my nurse saw three good follicles, two small in my left and one in my right, so we decided to do the Ovidrel shot and iui the following Monday and Tuesday. 9/10/2013

Married May 2010

Me- three miscarriages and uterine polyps - One fur baby (Tucker)

DH -- healthy as an ox (he has three children from a previous marriage)
Still trying for #1!
9/10/2013 - IUI #1 - Clomid 150/Ovidrel Shot -- BFN:dohh:
10/7 -- Scheduled U/S prior to IUI (projected to take Femara/Ovidrel Shot this time around.[-o<

Anyone had any success with Femara?

Hi - I've been on Clomid and if this cycle doesn't work then I go on Femara next cycle. I'm on CD17, but this isn't quite correct as my doctor put me on 2 rounds of clomid this cycle possibly extending my cycle by about a week.

I have PCOS and am 36, my DH is 46 and we have one DS that is 2. I've had an ectopic pregnancy (during my first marriage) and last year I had an incomplete miscarriage.
Let us know how your u/s goes and keep us posted on you.
Hi All - I finally got my positive OPK this morning, Hooray!

How is everyone doing?
I did a PG test this morning (DAY 27) and got a BFN :(
Temp is back up nicely and got nasty metallic taste in mouth I cannot shift for three days now...
Still a BFN though :(

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