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Clomid Buddies (moved to LTTTC board)

Norelisa- I also had positive opk's from the clomid but they went pack to negative a few days after I started taking them. I also had positive opk's from the trigger shot and didn't realize that it makes me positive also.

Babydust, the trigger shot is a shot of hcg hormone that is given In the abdomen and it forces or "triggers" ovulation a day or two later. Since its hcg it will give false positive pregnancy tests which is what I've been going on about.

So.. My OBGYN told me that I could start testing 10 days after the shot and that's today. (I had the lowest dose) I've had positives up until today and I was really scared to test this morning. There's a very very very faint line. It's even more faint than it was yesterday but it's there. Now I'm stuck in limbo... Am I just metabolizing the shot slower than normal and this is still left over hcg in my system or is this from a little bean? I'm too cautious to let myself get excited.. I just have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens.

Fingers crossed!! :)))
Weebles - you must be so anxious! Really hoping this is it for you!!!

Norelisa - my positives usually end up with the test line being significantly darker than the control line.
Fingers crossed for you weebles! :dust:

Norelisa yes it's all covered on the NHS, I'm so glad because it's so expensive. Who told you you'll still get the same cover as UK over there?

Let's see how my temps level out them, I'm going to just bd EOD at least to be on the safe side and see what happens.

I have no clue if the clomid are making me down but I've been so tearful and feel angry lately. Also keep getting headaches which I just never usually get so it's got to be the clomid. X
I bet it's the clomid Babydust. Doesn't make it feel any better but at least some it's only for a few days.
Hi girls!

Can i jump on? Concieved my first on clomid 3 years ago, now trying for number 2! First round of Clomid started, having CRAZY ovulation pain last few days and positive opk today! Anyone else had really painful ovulation!? dont remember it first time around but then i had terrrible hot flushes first time around and nothing this time ��
I read that what my temps are it could mean a problem with my thyroid. The average range of BBTs is between 97.0-97.7 Fahrenheit (36.11-36.5 Celsius) before ovulation and 97.7-99.0 Fahrenheit (36.5-37.22 Celsius) after ovulation.

Q: My BBTs are lower/higher than average, what does this mean?

A: Either case warrants checking your thyroid. Low BBTs are often a sign of hypothyroid which can cause some fertility and pregnancy problems. Excessively high temperatures may indicate hyperthyroid

... now I'm worried allover again. Has anyone else read this or know anything? X
Has your dr run any bloodwork on you? I was screened for this when I had mine done, I think it's pretty standard as part of the fertility workup. It's easily correctable too so if it's causing you worry have your thyroid tested if it hadn't been already. That being said, try not to worry about it in the meantime. Just think of it as something you'd like to rule out.
Fingers crossed for you weebles! :dust:

Norelisa yes it's all covered on the NHS, I'm so glad because it's so expensive. Who told you you'll still get the same cover as UK over there?

Let's see how my temps level out them, I'm going to just bd EOD at least to be on the safe side and see what happens.

I have no clue if the clomid are making me down but I've been so tearful and feel angry lately. Also keep getting headaches which I just never usually get so it's got to be the clomid. X

My husbands company told us that :( Though it turned out not to be true ... sigh.. its very expensive here too, so I am trying to avoid seeing the dr more than necessary. IF I ever get pregnant I will most likely go back to Europe to get the baby, as its too much of a financial risk here, should anything go wrong it can be super expensive :( But one step at a time, right? ;) First we have to manufacture this baby, right?!

For the temp question / hyperthyrodism:

1. Do you experience a rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and hand tremors? A low tolerance for heat? More frequent bowel movements, weight loss and irregular menstrual cycles? These are some of the symptoms of hyperthyrodism.. If you don't have any of these (except irregular menstrual cycles) I wouldn't worry too much:hugs:

2. I think if you DO find out you have hyper thyroidism its a good thing! That means it might be THAT who has blocked your chances of a baby, and with the right treatment should no longer be a problem:D

So I wouldn't worry too much about that just yet!! :)

ALSO, when it comes to temping: as I mentioned in an earlier comment: I get a bit frustrated with my temps as I am not able to take them at the same time each morning. I often wake up during the night to go to the loo, so I also have difficulties with the "three hours consecutive sleep" that we are supposed to have before taking the temp..
And my temp changes a lot! Example: Tuesday Oct 13: Woke up at 05:35 (thanks kitty!!) and temped 36,4. Then went back to sleep and up again at around 8 and temped again at 36,8. The "thermal shift" is supposed to be between 0,2 to 0,5 degrees celsius higher than before, right? So if I was to read the second temp, the one more consistent with "same time every day-temping", then I probably would have had o-ed-- ? Confusing.com :wacko:

Oh, anyone knows how I can check how sensitive my opks are? I just realised they have several different types, and the one I have I'm not sure if it is sensitive or not.. there are only 2 available here in thailand, both strips, and one extremely more expensive than the other (190thb vs 900thb for 5 strips. As I'm using 2 a day I'm going for the cheaper version, haha):)
Hi girls!

Can i jump on? Concieved my first on clomid 3 years ago, now trying for number 2! First round of Clomid started, having CRAZY ovulation pain last few days and positive opk today! Anyone else had really painful ovulation!? dont remember it first time around but then i had terrrible hot flushes first time around and nothing this time ��

Hello :wave:

Did you get your first baby using clomid too?

I am not sure yet if I have any ovulation pains, it has been "murring" feeling the past couple of days, but other than that, nada.. Kinda wish I will get / could get ovulation pains, at least I would know that it actually happens! :)

Was it Clomid who helped you first time around? Did you try anything else?
Hi Bonnie! Don't know how I missed your post earlier. I didn't feel ovulation this month at all, before, during, or after ovulation, and I thought I would after reading a bunch of accounts like yours.
Morning Ladies,

I am new to this, so please bare with me. I went off Birth control in March this year, since then been TTC for #1 - Been having irregular cycles since then (Cycles were very regular before the pil) - according to her I do O just very late.

I started taking Fertomid (generic for Clomid) on 2/10/2016 and been using OPK since day 12 as suggested and I am currently on CD20 and no positive results as far :sad2::sad2:

I am supposed to go for the Day 21 test, but due to work I can only go on CD 24

I was so hoping that this cycle would be it - and honestly just been feeling negative :(
Hi girls!

Can i jump on? Concieved my first on clomid 3 years ago, now trying for number 2! First round of Clomid started, having CRAZY ovulation pain last few days and positive opk today! Anyone else had really painful ovulation!? dont remember it first time around but then i had terrrible hot flushes first time around and nothing this time ��

Hello :wave:

Did you get your first baby using clomid too?

I am not sure yet if I have any ovulation pains, it has been "murring" feeling the past couple of days, but other than that, nada.. Kinda wish I will get / could get ovulation pains, at least I would know that it actually happens! :)

Was it Clomid who helped you first time around? Did you try anything else?

Yes my first was a Clomid baby, round 3. Realised I wasnt ovulating till way later than the doctor thought, somewhere around day 20/25 I cant remember now! Used pre seed also.

On our first round this time around, had a postive opk lunchtime yesterday but I just tested again this morning and its still positive... shall keep testing! ovulation pain been crazy for 4/5 days now but test only went positive yesterday. Been bd every other day to try and catch it!

Weebles sound like an exciting time for you, fingers crossed for that little line today!
Morning Ladies,

I am new to this, so please bare with me. I went off Birth control in March this year, since then been TTC for #1 - Been having irregular cycles since then (Cycles were very regular before the pil) - according to her I do O just very late.

I started taking Fertomid (generic for Clomid) on 2/10/2016 and been using OPK since day 12 as suggested and I am currently on CD20 and no positive results as far :sad2::sad2:

I am supposed to go for the Day 21 test, but due to work I can only go on CD 24

I was so hoping that this cycle would be it - and honestly just been feeling negative :(

Nita dont lose hope, my bloods showed no O for my first few rounds of Clomid but I was just ovulating much later than the docs thought, somewhere like 20/25 and have known people later than that too. I would keep testing, wishing you luck xx
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)

I just retested today, and it might be negative again.. I just managed to get a reply from the manufacturer of my opk test strip, its sensitive to 25 miu, whatever that means.. haha:) I also sent them the picture of my test just in case, and they just replied that "The darkness of the test band is also depended on the concentration of your LH in Urine. Different people have different level of LH concentration. So I suggest to test everyday until you get the darkest test band. The day that is the darkest test band is LH Surge day." - I think I'll start taking pictures every day to find the "darkest" one.. She (or he? I just assume she) told me that my test looked positive, so I guess I'll have to trick my dh to bd tonight too, hahahah:blush: But today and yesterday (test 2) was both quite faint, so I assume O-ing today, maybe? I'm on cd20 ..
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)

I know, its so horrible watching everyone fall pg, we were ttc for 3 years before my first. It can take a long time for birth control to get out of your system and your hormones to calm, so dont lose hope. You could try taking Vitex, I havent tried it myself but have heard good things about it regulating your cycles .

good luck and babydust x
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)

I just retested today, and it might be negative again.. I just managed to get a reply from the manufacturer of my opk test strip, its sensitive to 25 miu, whatever that means.. haha:) I also sent them the picture of my test just in case, and they just replied that "The darkness of the test band is also depended on the concentration of your LH in Urine. Different people have different level of LH concentration. So I suggest to test everyday until you get the darkest test band. The day that is the darkest test band is LH Surge day." - I think I'll start taking pictures every day to find the "darkest" one.. She (or he? I just assume she) told me that my test looked positive, so I guess I'll have to trick my dh to bd tonight too, hahahah:blush: But today and yesterday (test 2) was both quite faint, so I assume O-ing today, maybe? I'm on cd20 ..

Norelisa Im on cd22 and ovulated yesterday ( i think). if your line is darker or as dark as the control its positive, not always easy to judge I know! I will try and post a pic of mine if I can work out how to x
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)

I just retested today, and it might be negative again.. I just managed to get a reply from the manufacturer of my opk test strip, its sensitive to 25 miu, whatever that means.. haha:) I also sent them the picture of my test just in case, and they just replied that "The darkness of the test band is also depended on the concentration of your LH in Urine. Different people have different level of LH concentration. So I suggest to test everyday until you get the darkest test band. The day that is the darkest test band is LH Surge day." - I think I'll start taking pictures every day to find the "darkest" one.. She (or he? I just assume she) told me that my test looked positive, so I guess I'll have to trick my dh to bd tonight too, hahahah:blush: But today and yesterday (test 2) was both quite faint, so I assume O-ing today, maybe? I'm on cd20 ..

Oh my, what I meant to quote you for was to say: I hope you get a big positive opk:D I have heard that for some ladies, the clomid makes them ovulate later than they normally would too.. just a longer wait, which can really test ones patience... Good luck!!:hugs:
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)

I just retested today, and it might be negative again.. I just managed to get a reply from the manufacturer of my opk test strip, its sensitive to 25 miu, whatever that means.. haha:) I also sent them the picture of my test just in case, and they just replied that "The darkness of the test band is also depended on the concentration of your LH in Urine. Different people have different level of LH concentration. So I suggest to test everyday until you get the darkest test band. The day that is the darkest test band is LH Surge day." - I think I'll start taking pictures every day to find the "darkest" one.. She (or he? I just assume she) told me that my test looked positive, so I guess I'll have to trick my dh to bd tonight too, hahahah:blush: But today and yesterday (test 2) was both quite faint, so I assume O-ing today, maybe? I'm on cd20 ..

Hi there, wow i am glad to hear i am not the only person analyzing the darkness of the test, yesterday i got a faint line as well but assumed it to be negative. I will keep on testing and keep on hoping. Hubby and I bd every 1 - 2 days just incase we miss that window. :winkwink: goodluck, i hope you are Oíng - it is so stressful but it helps knowing othere women are also going through the same.
Hi Bonnie, thank you for your reply. I am trying to stay positive but some days it just really getting me down. Myself and DH want a baby so much and with a few of our friends falling pregnant win the first month TTC it is really getting us down.

Will be doing another OPK in about 6 hours - so please hold thumbs for me :)

I know, its so horrible watching everyone fall pg, we were ttc for 3 years before my first. It can take a long time for birth control to get out of your system and your hormones to calm, so dont lose hope. You could try taking Vitex, I havent tried it myself but have heard good things about it regulating your cycles .

good luck and babydust x

I will have a look at Vitex, thank you for the recommendation. At the moment I am taking folic acid and DH is on Staminogro. My Gynae could not find anything wrong with me and I mean I am still 24 so there is still time. I feel much more positive than this morning. Thank you very much will post some updates of our journey.

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