Norelisa, that's how I feel too. If AF is coming, hurry up and come. Will you still be able to fit the HSG in? Did you find out when the best time in your cycle to do it is? Have a nice time away. Im not so much feeling sad but I guess more frustrated. I knew there wasn't the highest chance of a BFP the first cycle but my chart was promising, we BD heaps at the right time and my TWW symptoms were pretty promising too. It's also hard when you know you're probably running out of chances for it to happen this year and before the middle of next year now with my DH probably going away. Yeah my temp has dropped right down now, I'm fine about it. I knew it was going to happen and just want my next cycle to start now. I hope you're feeling better from your bug and you can BD. There were lots of tummy bugs going around work during my fertile window and I said to DH that if I caught it, I'd send him to the pharmacy to get some needle-less syringes and some sterilized jars!
Nita, that's so frustrating that you'd have to pay for it all. Is it because you've already started treatment elsewhere? We'd be paying between $2000-$2500 (NZD) for an IUI cycle. IVF would be between $10,000-$12,000. We'd have to pay for it all. We are aware of this. DH and I have a good rainy day fund which he thinks we one day might be able to use to travel the world. I think we will be keeping it up our sleeves for IVF. Also we have a few properties so could remortgage plus our families would help. Of course the money side of thing sucks, we shouldn't have to pay to do something other couples can just do for nothing, accidentally. Also it's a medical condition and we live in a country with a really good public health system...yet this isn't covered

anyway, we'd do whatever it takes.
Belle, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Are you having any suggestive symptoms? Stay away spotting and keep us updated