kaiecee- My first month with Clomid I had no side effects. This cycle I had hot flashes at night and bad nausea for two days after my last pill. The nausea was only during the day.
todmommy4568- Sorry you are having so many terrible side effects. I take my Clomid at bedtime with two tylonol PM so I know I will sleep through the night and it will help with headaches. For some reason I didn't experience any side effects until I was done with my last pill. Right now I am doing Clomid with TI and working with my OB. I am on my second cycle and am 9dpo. We had really good timing this cycle so I think we have a good shot. We are going to try Clomid for a few cycles before going to an RE. Since Clomid thins your uterine lining after taking it for several months I will probably take a cycle off if we don't get a BFP by cycle #3. Good luck and keep us posted.
todmommy4568- Sorry you are having so many terrible side effects. I take my Clomid at bedtime with two tylonol PM so I know I will sleep through the night and it will help with headaches. For some reason I didn't experience any side effects until I was done with my last pill. Right now I am doing Clomid with TI and working with my OB. I am on my second cycle and am 9dpo. We had really good timing this cycle so I think we have a good shot. We are going to try Clomid for a few cycles before going to an RE. Since Clomid thins your uterine lining after taking it for several months I will probably take a cycle off if we don't get a BFP by cycle #3. Good luck and keep us posted.