Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Question. I have a ton of really thick CM right now. It's not bloody. AND, it's completely out of the ordinary for me. Could this be a sign of implantation or is it common post O to have super thick CM on clomid?
TTC74 - Thick CM can be an indicator of an adequate progesterone level. x

AFM - well.... no spotting so far today (not that it was really spotting yesterday, just blood-tinged CM when I checked but I still always count that as spotting). And temps are still up. I wish I could get more excited but I've become way too cynical (scared?) to get my hopes up. I guess only time will tell. It could after all just be hormonal fluctuations or endometriosis pain. At least I'm not cramping/backache as much as yesterday. Thoughts ladies? Those of you with experience?

I literally can't wait for the next 4 days to be over. This month was so much more stressful than last month (when we were on a break and I just took my temps for interest sake). I think the next few months I should maybe again take a step back from trying so hard. Until I see the new Dr. The stress and emotional toll is just so severe! Not that my husband really seems to care or be interested any more. This whole year he's just been "whatever"/gets angry when I try to talk about it. Bleh. Men. :shrug:
the stress and emotional toll is pretty shitty hun :-( I think your temps look great and the fact that they are high despite the bleeding is a positive thing.
My temp rose again today. 3dpo. Headache from hell today
Thanks Laura. Your chart looks great! Good rising temps. Hope your headache subsides soon hun :(. Unfortunately clomid effects remain for weeks on end; hoping the headache DOESN'T. xxxx Hugs

Yep you ladies understand. You are literally the only ones that I can talk to who truly understand what I'm going through. I really hope we get some more BFPs on here very soon; we all deserve it for battling so hard!!!!

I hear you about the headaches. Fortunately, mine have been mild. You know what hasn't been mild, though? Hot flashes. They're killing me!
Fern - :hugs: the ttc rollercoaster really sucks & takes it's toll. You were so positive & reassuring during my dark days. I know the waiting & not knowing is the real killer. And sometimes the hope too :hugs: With both my bfp's I had cramps feeling like AF was arriving - dd1 those happened on cd12 and this time cd8. So, cramps aren't necessarily a bad thing. Your chart looks fab with a possible implantation dip, followed by a possible implantation bleed. I'm the last person that wants to dish out false hope, but I think you're in with a chance hun. I'm loudly cheering you on!!!

Ttc - I often had thick cm after ov. Like fern says, it's a sign your progesterone is good. :thumbup:

Good luck ladies :flower:
Fern I'm so sorry you are feeling down but you do have a lot of positive signs. I had af cramping starting around 9 dpo. You do have wha looks like a good implantation dip with spotting. I am keeping my fx very tightly for you and praying that this is your month and you get your miracle!

Laurac I hope that you get to feeling better soon!
This may sound a bit silly, but is there any indication of Clomid working?
I didn't/don't have any side effects, hot flushes ect but was told to expect them. Does that maybe mean it's not working it's magic? Is there anything to look out for?
I have constant pelvic/ovary pain throughout my whole cycle, so doubt I'll feel anything if there was something different happening.
Kitty - Has your doctor ordered a 21-23 day progesterone check? I think that tells them how well the clomid is working for you. I have to go in for mine Saturday morning on CD23.
Kitty - Has your doctor ordered a 21-23 day progesterone check? I think that tells them how well the clomid is working for you. I have to go in for mine Saturday morning on CD23.

I'm having an internal scan on Tuesday (CD13), nothing else has been booked (I wonder whether I should book 21 day bloods myself?).
Thanks ladies

I know I have to be more hopeful and open to the possibility that I could get pregnant. I'm just so scared to hope and be disappointed! Well I know at least I usually feel great again after AF has left.... I think I'm going to test on Sunday 13dpo if no AF by then. I hate testing BUT it's my mom's big birthday bash and a bfp would be an awesome birthday gift. EEEEEKKKKKK. Don't know! Maybe by then my temps will be all the way down and testing won't be necessary lol.

Kitty - Side effects don't necessarily mean that clomid is working. The only thing you want it to do for you is make you ovulate. That can be determined by firstly checking your fertile signs (including increased fertile CM BUT clomid can also dry up CM as a side effect) and doing OPKs to predict O. Then you can determine if O actually did take place by temping and doing 7dpo progesterone blood tests.

Clomid side effects are yucky :(. Especially if you feel them in the tww and they mimic pregnancy symptoms exactly :(. Hope you STAY symptom free!!!
Kitty - Has your doctor ordered a 21-23 day progesterone check? I think that tells them how well the clomid is working for you. I have to go in for mine Saturday morning on CD23.

I'm having an internal scan on Tuesday (CD13), nothing else has been booked (I wonder whether I should book 21 day bloods myself?).

I've booked a 7dpo blood test for myself before. Just remember that the "day21" test is based on the premise that "normally" O takes place on cd14 and thus day21 test will be 7dpo. If for example you O only on day 22 then the test will be negative. x
Kitty - just wanted to chime in. I had internal scans from cd11. They measured & tracked follicles - this should let the drs (& you) know if the clomid is working or not. I had my clomid dose changed for "next month" based on my scans even before ov.

Fern - thinking of you for Sunday. Hoping the :witch: stays away!
They didn't do the pre-O ultrasound checks of my follicles. They just did a CD1 check and counted the follicles, counted 8 and said I should be good to go. I usually ovulate, though. My problem is bad eggs (low AMH). I'm sure what the REs do is dependent upon the diagnosis.

At any rate, GL!
Hi ladies,

I have been keeping up to date with everyone's progress but haven't had anything to contribute in a while.

Good luck to those waiting to O, and fx for everyone in the TWW!

I O'd late this round, I'm on CD33, 13Dpo. I'm completely losing faith in clomid. I just feel like it's not the answer for us and I'm frustrated that I have to do another two rounds before I can even be considered for anything else. I just want to move on from clomid, I'm fed up of the side effects and lack of results!

I've read that your chances of clomid workng do not increase the longer you take it and that if it's not worked in the first 3rounds it's very unlikely to with continued use.

So here's my question to all the lucky clomid ladies that got their BFP, what round of clomid did you concieve on? I feel I'm just trading water with very limited chances of success. If you got a BFP after the first 3 rounds of clomid, I'd love to hear - it might just give me the boost I need to get through the next 2 rounds!
I've read that your chances of clomid workng do not increase the longer you take it and that if it's not worked in the first 3rounds it's very unlikely to with continued use.

So here's my question to all the lucky clomid ladies that got their BFP, what round of clomid did you concieve on? I feel I'm just trading water with very limited chances of success. If you got a BFP after the first 3 rounds of clomid, I'd love to hear - it might just give me the boost I need to get through the next 2 rounds!

Me too! I want to know the answer to this question now that I feel like I'm on a stopwatch!
Round 6 for me ladies!! Keep the faith :hugs: I know how hard & disillusioning it is, but keep going. It could still work! And if not, you need to know you gave it your all before you move on. :hugs: & :dust:
Arohanui- I really hope you have some success very soon hun, whether it be on clomid, after clomid or on some other treatment. Obviously I hope it happens sooner rather than later; I totally understand the frustration bfn after bfn causes. Xxx hugs!

So my temps are a bit higher.... this temp is not unusual though for this late in my LP; the next few days will be more telling. Many of my charts have lots of gaps when I didn't feel like taking temps though! So I don't have much to compare it to. My temps always start dropping at least the day before af though.

Dh and I agree that until I see the specialist, we are going to go back to ntnp like last month. I coped wayyyyy better. If I want to temp, I will. If I don't, I won't. Just going to take it easy &day by day.

Have a good day all, thinking about you! !

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