hey guys I am not saying a thing about sleeping but I can admit that the full moon hokiness jess is mentioning might actually be a real deal even though I don't believe it is. Because Jimmy is more wakey uppy than usual the past 3 days and it feels odd.
Chell sorry you didn't get to run but taking a day off can be good for you, tomorrow you might feel extra pep and stronger than ever cuz your muscles took a breather. sometimes skipping a day really bothers me but then its like I am renewed for the jog on the next day. I need to ride the bike more often as this definitely helps the thighs and calves be stronger for an easier run. I always feel like my best exercise is the jog though, I get that high.
Ellen is mia. Is she going to move or what?
That wonder weeks book bugs me because it just sits there and I never have time to read it. And when I do open it I am like WTF I don't know how many weeks jimmy is and I don't feel like reading this stuff anyhow. But it is nice to have the summary lou posted! haha. lou that is your new job. jk.