Does anyone know about abnormally low sodium blood levels in younger adults? Specifically in overproducing breast feeders and whether its really that big of a deal?
I keep having to get my blood tested because my sodium was low and I tried to tell the doc I pump 60 oz milk per day, plus I workout everyday, so I need to drink at least what I am outputting plus what a normal person needs right? She seems all brainwashed or something saying I must only drink 64 oz water per day, and it is not normal to drink more than that. That doesn't make sense because that is what a non breastfeeding girl drinks. IT only makes sense that you have to replace the fluids you lost to breastfeeding plus sweating plus then a normal person needs 64 oz per day.
I tried to only drink 64 oz a day after her first advice to me a month ago and it messed me up, I was really dehydrated and dry mouthed and constipated. I seriously do express 60 ounces of milk a day, its not a lie. So what can I do? She wants me to come in tomorrow and talk about it more since my levels were low again today.
Anyway, if you know anything about this and whether she is being stupid or I am please let me know. I feel really good all the time and healthy so I Don't feel like I need to change. I do drink a TON of milk water and juice. Anyway sorry for the long post but it bothers me I have to go back in to discuss this more with her, like its worrying me and I wish they would leave me alone.