Aw, sorry if Casey and my discussion earlier sparked any ill feelings, I'm glad its solved itself.
I think in my case, its more like what Casey said... where I believe in my parenting choices, but I do occasionally question myself on some things. I don't think anyone should censor themselves here (except when it comes to good sleeping babies since its just cruel to taunt Lou with that
). I consider my issues to be totally in my head and not anyone else's fault. I don't feel judged, I judge myself too much if that makes sense.
Anyway, busy day today, inlaws drove me crazy again. According to my MIL, her other son was able to speak very well before he was even 1 years old. He took a swim class where they made him go under water, and he loudly claimed and pointed at the teacher and told his mom 'thats the lady who tried to drown me' .. all before the age of one
I told her thats not possible and she insisted... argh, drives me nuts!!! She even said something about how she wasn't on her pills for 2 years and I told her thats not true because she was still on them when I was pregnant! Just wish she could keep reality/truth straight.
We did BLW last night and tonight.. avocado both nights. First night, he couldn't grab much since its so slippery but he enjoyed squishing it. I totally 'broke' the BLW rules though and put a bit of avocado on my finger and popped it into his mouth.. he just spit it back out, didn't seem to hate it as much as carrots though. Tonight, he had trouble grabbing it, so I put some on my finger and held my finger out.. to my shock, he grabbed my finger, pulled it right into his mouth, proceded to do that several times! Actually swallowed some, lots of coughing/gagging noises (thats normal, right?). He seemed to actually enjoy it but seemed kind of weirded out too. In the end, he actually puked it back up. Not sure if thats normal?