Casey - daylight savings will probably not be a hassle for us.. SIL screwed up Daniel's schedule on Thursday and didn't get his last nap until way too late, so we just kept that screwed up schedule that night and the next one to keep him up later, tonight shouldn't be too much of an adjustment.
So I was eating a piece of toast today with Daniel in my lap.. he kept reaching for it, so I bit off a piece for him, he grabbed it, sucked it, squished it in his hand, and actually ate it! It was probably 1cm wide by 4cm long, lol.. I know the butter was salted but figured that tiny bit could be his limit for today.
He was awful for both his naps though, only went down when I rocked him to sleep in my arms
My husband felt we needed to know the sex, lol.. I kind of wanted to be surprised but was glad I found out since it made it a lot easier to buy ahead, we still did some gender neutral stuff, but its kind of hard to find neutral stuff now that most people find out the sex.
I want to add pics of my pets too!
A few of Daniel with our dog Buster (Bichon) - dont' be fooled, they're not best friends yet... Daniel loves Buster but he grabs fur so Buster usually tries to stay away a bit.
Our cat Biff... she is not a lap cat, she's a chest cat
Our cat Clio (she's a ragdoll) - and yes that is a wok she's curled up in
Our other cat Figaro... not too many pics of him.. he was a rescue and is very shy