Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

Aww, Lisa. It's so hard, I know. I'm sorry.

My mom is taking maddie to lagoon (an amusement park) tomorrow. :cry: I am scared out of my mind. I know I have to let my little girl leave the nest, but I can't stop thinking about all that can go wrong... They could get in an accident (it's 1 hr drive) my mom could lose sight of her, she could be kidnapped, she could be hurt, what if my mom let's her go to the bathroom alone and she's hurt, she could lose a shoe and have to walk barefoot (she only has flip-flops that fit right now) and she's going to a huge rollercoaster type park, what if she doesn't get enough water or sunscreen... Ahhhh. The list keeps multiplying in my head! I have had this terrible recurring nightmare all through my teen and 20s that I am a single mom of three boys. It has haunted me since I had my baby girl bc I am terrified I will lose her (and my husband)... Makes me never want to let her out of my sight. But I have to let her grow up... :cry: sob.
Aww Chell :hugs: wish I could say something to make you feel better. That dream is haunting but those things rarely happen. Stranger abductions are sooooo rare. Sunburn is a possibility but we all got burned once or twice as kids and at least in my case it was almost always my own fault, lol.
Focus on how much fun she is going to have and the memories she is going to make. Hang in there! You are doing the right thing by letting her have some freedom!
Lisa, sorry you missed the roll and everything was so irritating for you. In a way I think that's why letting a "stranger" rath than a family member look after him will be better. One always feels less inclined to correct or tell off a family member. I'm sure things will feel better when you settle in to the routine. :hug:

Chell, I know hoe you feel hon. Every time I leave Lili or let someone take her off for a walk without me I go through all the worst case scenarios! To be honest I do it with all my family members to a certain extent. But sometime I get myself tied up into knots going through scenarios. As Casey said though try to focus on all the fun she'll have and keep yourself busy whilst they're out! :hugs:

Ok, so I have long straight hair and really want a change... I'm too whimpy to cut it short, but was thinking about a body wave perm... Like Kelly Brook (Ukers)... What do you guys think?
Jess I'd love to have my hair wavy too (not sure what Kelly brooks is like) but is your hair as long as mine? Mines probably halfway between bra strap and top of bum! Anyway, I vaguely mentioned it to a couple of hairdressers, and they told me it wouldn't stay in because my hair is too long/heavy... Now I'm not sure that's really true! So would be v interested to know if you are told different...

Lisa sorry they irritated you. What specifically is depressing you about it? Or just the whole situation? I think you've been thrown into this new arrangement but once it's up and running it will be fine :hugs:

Chell she will be fine. I totally get how you're worried :hugs: but she'll have loads of fun!

X x x
I think that would look lovely Jess! I'd love my hair like that but mines too straggly when it gets long- hence me having it all cut off yesterday!! If your hair is thick enough to look "bouncy" when it's done then go for it!! X
The hairdresser might be right Suz. My mum could never keep a perm in when her hair was long- although it was past her bum!
My hair is touching my bra strap... And there is lots of it!!! I'll see what they say, but I mentioned the length on the phone and didn't say anything when I called earlier... I just want a change ya know?! I want to be looking fabulous when I go back to work... Well at least half way to yummy mummy! :rofl:
Suz, I guess I just expected to miss him more, for him to have missed me. I didn't expect him to be so fussy and just a pain when I got home (unusual for him). Just felt sucky
:hi: girls not stopped to day walked in to town to get ds uniform then walked back just got in now hate not have in a car i have got thrush again in 2ww had it last month in 2ww to sick of it now x x x
Aww good luck Caz! Sorry about the thrush :hugs:

Lisa- maybe he was fussy because of the big change to his routine? It must be a big thing for a baby used to being with his mummy all day xx

I've just been out to lunch with another teacher from school- was nice. Ben demolished some food and chucked some around! :rofl:
Suz, I guess I just expected to miss him more, for him to have missed me. I didn't expect him to be so fussy and just a pain when I got home (unusual for him). Just felt sucky

Lisa it was only the first day... I think it's normal not to have missed him loads since it was really a break!! I think you'll miss him more as time goes on...
And yeh he's totally going to be a bit fussy with the changes, he'll soon get used to it. And once he's a bit bigger and squealing when he sees you after you've been at work it'll be lovely!!

I am all orange!!! Not really, I look really brown! We are off out tonight and the ILs are coming to look after S (he'll just be asleep) we are just going to dinner at friends in the village...

UKers there's a sale on at little legs

x x x
Well, she's leaving in half an hour. I put all the necessities in her backpack! Oh jeez, I'll be a wreck when she starts kindergarten in a few weeks!

Had a horrible dream last night. My ex had some people loot my house and steal my car so he could distract me, dumped my contacts and upped my prescription glasses, so when I put them on I couldn't see...he switched my phone with one that didn't I tried to call 911 but couldn't. Then had cases of water dropped off at the end of the street so no one could access my house. He told me to kiss my babies goodbye and come with him or he would kill them. Sob. He said he had been watching me for years and knew everything about my schedule, etc. It was horrible....and all too vivid. I woke up in a panic.

Doesn't help I was terrified about Maddie leaving, now in knots over that and my dream. :cry:
That's a horrible dream chell :cry:

Yeh it will come off on my clothes today but be ok after I've showered in the morning... You can't get it wet/sweat for 8 hours!!!

X x x
I know, worst dream ever. I could even hear his voice just how i remember it. he would totally do it too...he was scary.

lol. try not to sweat, k? can u turn that off like a switch? haha.
Suz I bet u look fab! Love a good tan. Looks good on everyone.

Chell you have an ex? Do tell? Sorry about yr dream that is pretty bad. You must be just worried about the kids, espec your dd who is going to be just fine today! She will have a blast! Try not to think about it if it is bothering u.

Jess get a few hilights! That might look cool.

Lisa like I said things will get hammered out better over time with work and I agree w suz about it being normal to not miss him and him just being fussy. It's just the first day! Be happy it went as well as it did! What if u were all sad and crying all day over Daniel? Not good!
I get spray tans like 6 times a year for special occasions or vacations. it always lasts for awhile even though I work out as long as I don't totally scrub myself after showering or shave my legs every single day (which I don't need to do everyday anyway). I have a package of 10 right now that hasn't been used since the baby because who needs to be awesomely tan when they are at home with a baby all day!
Hi- quick ? - when Jimmy is one and I give him cow milk, dies it have to be whole or can it be 1 percent?
KC-I do have a few exes...An a former fiance too. My ex from high school and I were together for 6 years. He was manipulative and emotionally abusive. I don't want to get too much in to it, bc it will make the nightmares worse, but he always threatened that if I left him he'd kill my first born...etc...and in college he held me against my will for a few days, and drugged me. :( I was a missing person and everything. It was so horrible. I found out in High School he was sleeping with a few girls behind my back, although they didn't tell me until it had been over 2 years of continual "relations" with them. I stayed with him bc he threatened me all the time. Omgosh, we all have skeletons in our closets, right? I had to move to get away from him; packed up and left college mid-degree. Oh, and he was a drug dealer. Serious. I was in such denial about that, as he swore he wasn't....but years later it all made sense....the pager(s), the late and early night drives where he had to visit "friends", the nights I would drink something and not remember anything that happened.... I was so niave. :( wow. I am so blessed to have a good life now.

My other 2 exes were saints compared to him. The one after 'DEALER' was verbally abusive and controlling, but a step up from DEALER. We prob would be together still but he had a porn problem that made me snap (um he liked old ladies), and the next one was a dorky mormon boy. I was engaged to him. Pretty much bc I was sick of getting my heart broken and he would NEVER hurt me. We broke off the engagement bc I wasn't attracted to him at all. THAT was really hard to say to him.

Then, I met and fell in love with the nicest man I've ever known. My hubby. He is amazing. Will never hurt me, and is pretty sexy, if I do say so myself! Totally unexpected. I went through counseling for years...even marriage counseling before we were married and sex counseling bc of all the trauma I had had. Betcha guys would never think all that about me, huh?


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