Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

I think whole milk casey. Not sure what 1% is? Low fat? From
What I've read they should never have reduced fat versions or semi skimmed milk etc. Well not while they're still little anyway...

X x x
Thanks guys. Yah 1% is low fat. I wanted to compromise and have us all be able to drink 2 percent since whole is a bit thick for my taste.
Omg chell! I can't believe that! Was your evil ex a Mormon? Were u always Mormon? Omg what a nightmare I am sorry u had to go thru that, kidnapped??? Wow. Made u a lot stronger I bet but geez louise who wants to go thru that? I am happy u found Lars!
I can see why you still dream about this guy chell. Xxoo
Bloody hell Chell!!!! I can't believe that... So glad you got away and found yourself a lovely man... But jeez no wonder you still dream about him... After those threats I'm not surprised. Yay for lovely Lars!

I think we all come to our senses in the end. Well most of us. My 2 main BFs before Danny were both compulsive liars. I am not and never have been a pushover in any area of my life, but for some reason I did just put up with it from them. The first one also was pretty emotionally abusive and occasionally violent. Not too bad but still... we got together when I was 18 and he was 26 (what does that say about him for a start?!) and he just wrecked my confidence, but I stuck with him 'cos I loved him' - how pathetic!! He also liked porn but not old ladies :rofl:
He once showed me a pic in a lads mag of this woman (obv very attractive) and told me she was his ex, Later found out his ex was actually a total minger and he'd just picked out this random woman with the sole purpose of making me feel shit about myself :(

Then after him my BF was a total compulsive liar. It was so ridiculous, one of the many lies he told was that his dad bought him a guitar for his 21st and got it engraved. Then when I asked to see it he said his uncle had it for re-stringing - er yeh, his uncle must have had it the whole 2 years we were together! I felt sad for him about that lie cos it was obviously just about a fantasy great relationship with his dad...
After we split he told me he was going to Africa to 'help sick children'. He phoned me one night saying they'd been fired at and had to leave their camp, and all about the sick kids with HIV. Erm yeh, turned out he'd been in Barcelona!!!!!
Final one: He told me (also after split) they'd bought his mum a puppy for her bday. I saw his mum and said 'how's the puppy'? "er what puppy?' she said. I panicked and thought I'd ruined her surprise, so fumbled an answer... Anyway, of course it was a lie. He even showed my sister a picture of the local pub dog (about 8 years old) to PROVE this puppy wasn't a lie :rofl: what a TOOL!!!!!

I guess it's ex stories night tonight!

Where's Ellen and Laura lately?

x x x
Thanks guys. Yah 1% is low fat. I wanted to compromise and have us all be able to drink 2 percent since whole is a bit thick for my taste.

Yeh I could never drink whole milk!

x x x
Holy crap suz! That's crazy - I hate liars and I don't understand compulsive liars. What is their motivation? I am glad u r done with those fools! Danny is great.

I have no exes. :) waited till I was 28 to get with bob and that's that.
My ex was an absolute wanker too! :-( 6 years of my life I wasted on the evil waste of space! :shock: (he's also the reason Stes got a wonky nose- he beat Ste up twice over the years and broke his nose!) He also broke two of my ribs the day we finally split up!
Frick ! Omg thank goodness you all have yr lovely men now!
Oh my god Lou - what a prick :(

Casey I don't know what the motivation to lie is... I don't get it. I am always honest. I was so relieved when Danny told me he was in a band, and it was actually true! I thought he might be lying :haha:

Ok I'm off for Dinner, ILs sitting with Sammuel...

x x x
Jeez, some of these men are such bums!! My exes were just lazy bums with no motivation at first didn't have a drivers license even and he was 25 and lived with his grandparents. My second ex was a bit better...he could at least drive but had no motivation really to do anything with his life. I always paid for everything and I knew that wasn't going to last. And then he charged my credit card up and I broke it off with him. Dated around and tried to work it out with him and after a couple of months I thought we'd be better as friends. True stroy, one night soon after that I prayed for God to send me a man with a job a car and a sense of humor. About a week later I found OH on and we have been inseparable ever since!

Not bad compared to Chell and Lou's exes!! So glad we finally met our knights in shining armor!!
Wow talk of the exes scared everyone away! Jimmy was a butt today and makes this loud yelling noise when he is fussy so all day long my ears are ringing with this yelp he does when he is bored or whatever reason. Makes ne crazy! My belly hurts so a fussy Jimmy is much harder to deal with. I didn't work out today and yesterday and that is making me pent up too. We are both fussy!

Chell hope dd had fun today!. Lisa hope day 2 was better! Suz hope u had fun out tonight! Marg glad u r playing me some close ones in words! Also glad u decided to try! Lou waiting on a pix of your coif.
Wow, scary exs!! I never had an abusive ex, but I dated a compulsive liar. That puppy story is exactly the kind of crap he would pull. I had just had my car totaled and he told me his uncle had a car dealership and was going to get me a new car. I doubted him but he kept insisting and kept coming up with excuses and delays.

Today was worse with SIL and mil :(. Well, mostly mil. Daniel was totally gassy all day. SIL went to get food and he fussed so mil gave him a was freaking nap time! We keep telling her and telling her his rhythm and she just keeps not following it (not deliberately defyingbus, just completely forgetting). She also didn't put him down for his afternoon nap because she said he wanted to play. Well, when I came home he was exhausted, fussed all evening. Didnt look me in the eye or smile at me once.
I'm ok with being away from him, but I hate coming home to see him so not himself. It really felt like I was holding someone else's baby :(
I really feel that it's because they aren't following his routine. So effing frustrated
Yeah total losers! So glad we are all out of those crappy relationships!

Kc to answer u I was not a very good girl from 14-22. My grandma died and I totally rebelled. To give you some insight to who I was, my high school best friend is now a bartender and a suicide girl. Rofl. She's covered in tattoos. :) I wasn't really a practicing mormon until I was 22. My ex was def not Mormon. And the porn one was Greek orthodox. Part of the reason we broke up was bc he said if I ever went back to "the Mormon church" he would dump me in a heartbeat. I always knew I wanted to straighten my life out, so I knew it was inevitable we'd break up. Oh yeah, and I never felt quite old enough for him. :rofl:

Lou-Suz- :hugs: breaks my heart your ex was abusive.

My sweet baby came home safe! :happydance: and had a great time! We took the boys to the fair and had a blast there
That is frustrating Lisa sorry. Well if they can't follow instructions and they end up ruining Daniels schedule then just take full time to the drug lady.

Chell it makes sense you had a somewhat wild past - you seem so much more wise to the ways of the world than you would have if you grew up strict to the religion. Not stereotyping Mormons, I mean in general a strict religious upbringing of any sort tends to shelter one. Anyway I like that you constantly surprise me!
It's just so depressing to only have negative interactions with Daniel 2 days in a row :(. He's asleep when I leave and then come home to him all messed up. SIGH

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