we went to see the fertility doctor and let me tell you it was hell getting there... after 15 months of hard trying and crying every month , canceling 2 times b/c Steve didn't want to go( i think scared ) it all worked out for the BEST! I am beside myself and over the moon I have not been this happy In 15 months. I am so much more in love with my husband for standing by my side through this all. I had to give him props. There were few people that said if he really wanted another he would do anything, but that's just BULL, no one knows my husband like I do and now MORE THEN EVER HE WANTS one like tomorrow it's rather funny now.
so now I can tell you all what happened.
for 1 day Steve has wanted to cancel again, he keeps saying its money but it can be as well as being scared. I stuck to it and we went. we get there and I have gotten all my test results from everything, HSG , BLOOD work on certain days, sonograms, and so on u name it I had it done. everything went well for me. Steve has to get his S/A done next week. I am on CD12 and he told us to have sex ONLY ON THE 2 PEAK DAYS, since I have no issues he said He will get me PG that's his goal. as for someone who was never PG he would go further into it, as of now I have to start tempting tomorrow again (b/c I stopped and gave up) So he wants me to do that and also I have to get my blood taking on CD 20/21. the only thing he was alittle concerned about was my LP phase which he can fix. he said a few of my charts from last year were short, meaning my eggs do drop I do ovulate BUT it doesn't seem to mature enough to attach to my uterus wall, because a week later I am getting my period again. I do Ovulate every single month which he is happy about. He said if everything works out with steve's sperm count we can just do IUI or keep trying when he tells us too by monitoring it , sono, blood work.
and there you all have it. My long awaited FS has come and I am very very happy about it. I have hope again and look forward to getting PG by Nov....